Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1436: ????? One more mind

Shen Dapeng was taken aback, looking at Wang Yuying's puffed look, he couldn't help laughing.

"Am I wrong? Dapeng, is it possible that in your heart, I am such a stubborn person?"

Surprisingly, Wang Yuying didn't get angry, but stared at Shen Dapeng calmly, "Although I sometimes don't forgive me, but I can still tell the big things."

"Every company moved south from Qingshu County to the capital, and the efficiency of each company has improved. I see this in my eyes. This time you decide to go to the deep city for development. I naturally don't have any opinions. This is for the company’s consideration. No one will dislike it if you earn more money. On the contrary, I am very happy. In this way, each of us can have more shares, right?"

Shen Dapeng nodded, Wang Yuying interrupted him as he was about to say something.

"So, in this matter, as long as you have a word, Pengying Holdings will do its best. We are all people on the same boat. We are all prosperous. Of course, I will not hold you back!"

When Wang Yuying said this, she couldn't help but glanced at Shen Dapeng coldly, "Furthermore, what can I do if I don't agree? Others don't know, but my aunt and I don't know yet? You are now the largest shareholder with one vote. ."

Wang Yuying's words couldn't be clearer. Shen Dapeng decided what to do, even if others had any opinions, nothing could be changed.

"Listening to your tone, it seems that there are still some unsatisfactory opinions?" Wang Yuying's mouth kung fu, he has seen it.

"No, I fully support the decision to let go of the shopkeeper!"

Although Wang Yuying spoke lightly, the expression on her face made people feel as if she was holding a breath.

"That's it, you two, never forget to pinch each other!"

At this moment, Liu Fengxia, who was sitting on the side, smiled and waved her hand gently to signal the two to stop talking. In her impression, Shen Dapeng and Wang Yuying were accustomed to speaking like this.

"If the logistics company's business in the south is developing well, together with Xiaoyu's franchise stores, if you open the southern market, you will be busy with Yuying at that time, and the money in hand may not be counted."

Liu Fengxia patted Wang Yuying on the shoulder, motioned her to sit down, and immediately fell on Shen Dapeng's face, "Since everyone agrees, Dapeng, you can figure it out. Auntie, I believe in your abilities, and I believe in you even more. vision."

Liu Fengxia said this from the bottom of her heart. From a laid-off woman worker to a well-known female entrepreneur, she has walked step by step. Others don’t know it, and she can’t know it better in her heart. If she didn’t have her nephew secretly step by step. If you make suggestions, can you have today's results?

Shen Dapeng knew that Wang Yuying was talking like this, but there was nothing in her heart, so she nodded and said, "That's OK, I'll talk to Mr. Wang afterwards. It's getting late, and two busy people will have enough time. Tired, I invite everyone to dinner today!"

"Eating?" Wang Yuying raised her brows, as if she was interested.

"Yes, how about going to Xiaohetang?" Shen Dapeng consulted Liu Fengxia and Wang Yuying, "Huang Bin also opened a small alley hot pot, clearly stealing business from our Xiaohetang, but the big head is after all. There are so many ways, and the business of Xiaohetang has not been greatly affected.

Shen Dapeng hadn't seen Li Zeyu for a long time. I went this time and wanted to see the situation in Xiaohetang by the way.

"Okay, it seems that you haven't forgotten me and my aunt." Wang Yuying's mouth work started again, "During this period of time, the two of us have worked hard to make money for you. We are so tired. I’m tired of eating, it’s time to change my taste."

Liu Fengxia smiled and stood up, "Okay, let's go. Relax."

Several people talked and laughed and walked outside the meeting room.

In the capital of late autumn, there was already a hint of cold in the air.

The trees on both sides of the street also lost their tall and luxuriant scenes in the past, and the leaves fell one after another, giving people a skinny feeling.

A villa on the outskirts, like the surrounding atmosphere, also feels bleak.

However, unlike the outside scene, the villa looks very warm.

Although Huang Runrong, the old man of the Huang family, looked very old, he looked good. After taking a sip of tea from the teacup in front of him, he looked at Huang Zhiwen and his son sitting opposite with a faint smile.

"Oh? Bin'er's Huanglong Mall is doing well now, and it has opened a branch?"

Huang Bin heard that when he was about to speak with a smile on his face, he was interrupted by Huang Zhiwen.

"Yeah, Dad, Bin'er now not only opened two shopping malls, but also entered the catering industry. He opened a small alley hot pot. The business is very good. In addition, he also opened a Scud delivery company, specializing in running delivery. Meal business."

Huang Zhiwen spoke in a calm and unhurried manner, while observing the old man's expression.

The son found himself and mentioned the need to develop real estate in the capital, but because the funds in his hand were not in place, he wanted to raise a certain amount of money.

This kind of thing, it stands to reason that Huang Zhiwen, the head of the Huang family, has run it, and it is not difficult to raise a sum of money for his son.

However, Huang Zhiwen has an extra heart. His son is so good now that he didn't even think of it. Moreover, he should support what he wants to do in real estate now.

If his son really breaks into a world, then in the mind of the old man, he will add some bargaining chips to the future successor of the group

Huang Zhiwen knows why Huang Zhiwei’s son Huang Heng wants to study abroad, and why he has to learn about management experience.

After all, does Huang Zhiwei still want his son to be the successor of the Huang family in the future?

The old man worked hard for decades to found the Huang Group, and it has grown to the scale it is today. It can be said to be one of the best in the capital. The degree of wealth accumulation is the envy of many people.

In the face of huge wealth, let alone brothers, it is possible to turn their faces. Therefore, although Huang Zhiwei and Huang Zhiwen are peaceful on the face, they don't know how many secret fights they have fought secretly.

After Huang Heng returned from abroad, Huang Zhiwen felt threatened, so after some operations, he was placed in the storage department of the group as a manager on the grounds that Huang Heng was still young and needed to exercise.

Although he took a lot of money, such a position that didn't threaten one's own interests without pain or itch would not be able to turn a big wave at all.

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