Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1454: ???? The fairest way

Shen Dapeng is not afraid of the continuous expansion of the company, and no one will have trouble with money.

The problem is that the availability of talents, especially management talents in important positions, has always been a headache for him.

The chairman of Wanhai Plaza was recommended to him by Wang Huailong at the time. Wang Zhongmao’s personal abilities are no more outstanding. After all, he is not three-headed and six-armed. It is impossible for Wang Zhongmao to manage it alone.

Therefore, for Wang Zhongmao’s kindness, Shen Dapeng can only take heartily. Recalling that after the food factory moved south to the capital, a lot of management talents were needed. In the end, Liu Fengxia had no choice. Attract talents through recruitment.

It seems that talents can only be recruited through open recruitment.

"Dapeng, since this is the case, I will tell Wang Zhongmao to let him increase management talents through this recruitment method?" On the other end of the phone, Liu Fengxia heard Shen Dapeng's meaning and couldn't help asking.

"Okay, just use this fairest way!" Shen Dapeng expressed his attitude.

It may be the fairest way to limit certain conditions, have certain management experience and past practice, as well as personal ability, etc., through recruitment and competition.

After receiving Liu Fengxia's advice, Wang Zhongmao set out to prepare for recruitment, and soon recruited a group of people, and the staff of various departments was quickly enriched.

Several people applied for the post of general manager. Liu Fengxia signaled that Wang Zhongmao could decide on these matters alone, so after careful consideration, Wang Zhongmao finally chose a middle-aged man named Zhu Yuanfeng.

This person has previously worked as a general assistant in some shopping malls in Shenzhen City. He is basically familiar with the operation of the shopping malls, and he seems to be kind, mature in all aspects of speaking and doing things, and handling all aspects of relations quite well.

With the participation of Zhu Yuanfeng and other heads of various departments, Wang Zhongmao’s burden was also relieved, and Zhu Yuanfeng and others did not live up to Wang Zhongmao’s expectations. After the decoration of the square was completed, they were intensively engaged. Start the investment promotion work.

Soon, some companies and individuals who sensed business opportunities in advance found Wanhai Plaza. The two sides talked about cooperation, and the China Merchants Department was very busy every day.

As more and more merchants move in, daily operations have become more important. How to manage in a unified manner and let each merchant follow the rules of the square requires communication. Wang Zhongmao feels that a person who specializes in dealing with merchants is needed to manage it. This piece, just like the lobby manager of some hotels, is responsible for customer service in general.

At a time when the occupancy rate of the malls in the square is increasing, and once the commercial street is completed, it also needs to be managed in a unified manner, and people need to directly connect with each other, so this problem becomes more and more prominent.

In any case, under the management of Wang Zhongmao, Shencheng basically implemented it step by step according to the original plan without major mistakes. Shen Dapeng paid attention to the daily operations of several companies under his own name from time to time in Beijing, and everything was fine. Quite calm.

Because everyone has some shares, Sun Dapao and Tang Wei are more attentive to the fast delivery company. They have done a lot of business, and they hardly give Huang Bin’s Scud company any chance, while the waste recycling company has lunch. Qi Han was on his own and did very well, which gave Shen Dapeng a lot of peace of mind.

The only concern is the smart phone system. Nuojiya now seems to occupy half of the mobile phone market. In Beijing alone, sales are already very hot. Almost everyone’s mobile phone is of Nuojiya brand. Shen Dapeng is watching. Anxious in my heart, but there is no way.

It is not impossible for Shen Dapeng to simply sell mobile phones, order some mobile phone accessories from the south, and then find a factory to assemble them to form their own brand for sale, but what is the competitiveness of that?

The system is still the original Symbian system, without any competitive advantage with Nuojic, that is, it can achieve some sales results, and it cannot be compared with the huge sales volume of Nuojic.

Therefore, Shen Dapeng can only wait now. He has no other choice but to wait for the successful development of the intelligent system.

Shen Dapeng, who had been busy for a day, hurried back from the residential area where Shen Dapeng and Tang Wei lived. After pushing the door open, he saw Tang Wei sitting in front of the computer at first glance.

"Brother Peng is back, come and taste the barbecue I made..."

As soon as the door closed, Sun Dapao's loud voice rang.

Shen Dapeng quickly smelled the smell of barbecue, and couldn't help but smile, "Da Paozi, now the one brought by Tang Wei can barbecue?"

"That's not it?" Sun Dapao took a skewer of grilled meat and handed it to Shen Dapeng, "How about a taste?"

Shen Dapeng took it and took a sip, and couldn't help but praised it.

"I studied with Tang Wei for a year anyway, isn't this craft pretty good?"

Seeing Shen Dapeng's satisfied look, Sun Dapao couldn't help but feel proud.

"Make some progress, keep working hard!" Shen Dapeng patted Sun Dapao on the shoulder for some encouragement and walked in front of Tang Wei.

"A squad has attacked the city again?"

Hearing what Shen Dapeng said, Tang Wei raised his head and stared at Shen Dapeng with an aggrieved look, "Brother Peng, which eye did you see me playing games?"

Tang Wei nearly turned the screen to Shen Dapeng. "Recently, I have acted as an agent for a small game, and the profit is pretty good. No, just selling the plug-in makes a lot of money."

Since the establishment of the game company, Tang Wei has acted as an agent for several games during this period. Although it is not the kind of end game that is popular on the market, it still attracts a group of players.

Tang Wei is smart, and he has made some money by developing plug-in sales with a few buddies.

Shen Dapeng frowned when he heard this.

It's not a long-term solution to make a small fight like this Since you have established a game company, you have to do a big job. Why should you find a popular game to represent it?

After Shen Dapeng told Tang Wei of his ideas, Tang Wei also felt reasonable, but more helpless.

"Brother Peng, you also know that our company has just been established and has no reputation. Those popular games are all well-known domestic game companies. Who wants to cooperate with us?"

Tang Wei did find some well-known game development companies during this period, but when he talked about the agency, people either hung up the phone or ignored them, and Tang Wei had nothing to do.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you have a will, you can achieve it. I don't believe that we will not be able to represent a popular game in the end?"

Shen Dapeng patted Tang Wei on the shoulder and signaled Tang Wei not to be discouraged.

After all, everything has just begun, and there is still hope.

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