Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1457: ???? Come forward to rescue

The young man couldn't help bending over to pull people, but he was pulled by Guo Zhishen. He looked upset and gave Shen Dapeng a few threats, even if others ignored him.

The stewardess had already pointed out what she said, and everyone around them felt that they had figured out the situation and kept pointing to He Yang.

With a few words of effort, he became an ignorant and unqualified person among the population. He Yang is too straightforward, how can he stand this kind of anger?

"It was they who forced to change positions. The flight attendants did not distinguish between right and wrong, reversed black and white, and did not have any basic professionalism. Stay away from me." He Yang explained loudly.

These words caused a lot of onlookers to shake their minds, but no one stood up for fear of trouble.

The middle-aged man across the aisle said, "What if you two give him a place? If you are not false, you can apply for a complaint after the plane has landed safely. Now everyone needs to rest. Go and sit in the back. people."

The words were pertinent, Guo Zhishen sneered, he was sure everyone would help him, and nodded to the stewardess beside him, as if he was complimenting, the ambiguity in the depths of his eyes was fleeting.

The flight attendant was signaled and showed a professional smile again. It felt very good to be in control of the whole situation, especially when a group of people made their heads for themselves.

As everyone knows, seeing all this happen, Shen Dapeng, who is sitting by the window, has already seen through the whole thing, but he does not intend to intervene.

Similar things, different versions are staged in various places every day.

Everyone may have experienced it. He Yang obviously experienced it for the first time. If he is not handled properly, he will not only lose face, but will also be pointed and blinded.

"Why don't you go? The most annoying hypocritical people in your life, especially you, a greasy man who arbitrarily manipulates others, but indiscriminately, makes people sick." He Yang said coldly.

His character is like this, he is reasonable and unforgiving, as to bow his head? What kind of arrogance is in the heart of a high-achieving student who can muster the courage and fearlessly spread college dropouts?

But in the eyes of people around, the ignorant hat is completely deducted and cannot be taken off.

"Haha, am I disgusting? What about giving you a position? Xiaoqian, is it wrong to ask you to transfer to another school and break up? College students can't even do the basics of life, so what can they take to take care of you? Change positions with me. "

The middle-aged man cleaned up slightly, got up and took his daughter to the back of the cabin.

It turns out that from the beginning, He Yang has been regarded as a negative teaching material. In order to educate his daughter, the middle-aged man only spoke a few words, which played an instructive role.

Looking at his daughter again, the loss in his eyes is undoubtedly effective.

The flight attendant also got the perfect opportunity. After Guo Zhishen sat down satisfactorily, she was busy working back and forth, measuring blood pressure, and measuring heart rate, which made her a model of the industry.

Fu Xiaomei sat near the window as she wished. After a while of silence, He Yang's jokes became excited again, as if everyone was referring to them not the two.

But it's not finished here. The flight attendant seemed to get the prey and floated away. She kept walking around Guo Zhishen in high heels. This made Shen Dapeng who was in the aisle noisy enough.

"In order to pay Xiaomei, I must succeed in starting a business! Marry her home!" He Yang said firmly.

Perhaps after being depressed for too long, He Yang turned his head and talked a lot about Shen Dapeng, including the reasons for dropping out and his ambition to go south.

To put it bluntly, He Yang is a technical expert. Before dropping out of school, he had published many papers and participated in some research projects in his sophomore year, and he had made achievements.

However, in the end, all the fruits of his labor were deprived by tricks, and because of the tremendous pressure from his family, he gave up Fu Xiaomei to finish his studies. In a rage, he booked a ticket to go south to Shenzhen.

"Student Fu Xiaomei should be very happy? You are not afraid of business failure and losing everything?" Shen Dapeng asked curiously. He felt that He Yang was a person with ideas. Where did He Yang's self-confidence come from his curiosity?

"What do I have to lose now? Moreover, with my personal technology, I can definitely make a mobile phone camera that is the world's leading mobile phone camera industry, so I haven't considered failure, let alone failure."

He Yang is very confident.

Shen Dapeng has seen too many people of all kinds, and has not been affected by emotions. With this confidence, it is difficult to say whether he can survive the test of squalls and rains.

Society is not a school. Here, all unrealistic ideas are called dreams. Some people will ridicule and describe them as dreams.

People who fail have no dignity, let alone sympathy.

"I'm so ridiculous! If I don't weigh myself a few catties, I, as a senior manager of the technical department of Nuojima, dare not pack a ticket. You use your own glasses to make a camera?" Guo Zhishen said contemptuously.

Shen Dapeng didn't want to discourage others' self-confidence, and said pertinently: "Not necessarily. Others rely on their ability, and you don't have to look down on them. Who knows what's going on in the future?"

"Counsel, it's your turn to speak? How can you look down on the three of you? You don't even change a broken position. Haven't you ever been on a plane in your life? Carefully expecting something big?" The young man beside Guo Zhishen lowered his voice. The words are full of provocation.

"Keep talking about the executives of a certain department of the company, the disgusting person is not small, the head of the company is unlucky enough, and sooner or later it will happen to choose such a person." The average person can't stand this stimulus for a long time, maybe it is very possible to hit someone Great, but Shen Dapeng only raised his eyebrows, unmoved.

"Don't pay attention to them, just feel that you smell bad farts. It doesn't matter if you are disgusted. It doesn't matter if we don't delay our journey." Seeing that Shen Dapeng was not angry, Fu Xiaomei secretly relieved and said that she was afraid that things would go wrong.

To appease He Yang is the key.

Uprightness is his temperament, but being impulsive is the most stupid weakness. Don't look at him as weak, bookish and angry, wearing thick glasses, it is really possible to fight when he is angry.

Fighting on an airplane would have disastrous consequences.

Until this time, Shen Dapeng secretly nodded, and slightly changed his perception of this fat girl ~ ~ can always remain calm and rational, which most students can't do.

"Who are you ridiculing? Who are you talking about?"

I don't know that Guo Zhishen's thread was wrong. It was because Shen Dapeng and the others were not pleasing to their eyes, and they spoke with a few verbal stimulations and half threatened.

Originally, when he met He Yang, Shen Dapeng was in a good mood. He was entangled many times, and he lost the interest in continuing to communicate. He closed his eyes and rested his mind, letting gossip, and ignored him.

It seems that this incident is not over yet.

Seeing that the other party ignored him, Guo Zhishen couldn't help being angry. Soon, the stewardess rushed over at his greeting, and then whispered a few words in her ear.

The stewardess looked dodgy and deliberately stared at the three of Shen Dapeng, and ran back in a panic, followed by standing in the distance and pointing to the three of Shen Dapeng, constantly muttering something to the guards around him.

The security guard stepped forward and took a seat behind Shen Dapeng. There was a strange atmosphere of undercurrents.

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