Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1488: Tit for tat

Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng couldn't help but already had his own thoughts in his heart.

"In this way, the subway entrance will be completed in the near future. Although their sales are good, they are not sustainable. The price of the lot here will become more and more expensive. However, we will reduce the cost and change the marketing strategy on the first floor of Wanhai Plaza. Injecting international brands, the second floor is transformed into a diversified interactive area, the entertainment area is introduced, all the offices on the third floor are evacuated, a theater, a food court are built..." Shen Dapeng said briefly.

I bought the mall in the first place in order to have enough voice. Now the business model needs to be changed. This is the only way to do it when the funds are not enough.

Demolished and rebuilt, the cycle is too long, and the construction of seven or eight-storey shopping malls is not allowed in the current era, so only a small amount of money can be invested in order to achieve optimal operation of benefits.

In this way, it has not only retained the merchants, but also provided them with more customers. One-stop service. The shops on the first floor can also achieve a fast return on capital, not to mention occupying the geographic location of the subway entrance and wanting to sell them at high prices. It's hard.

"I'm asking you to talk about operations! I'm not asking you to make strategies! Even the president has to consult the board of directors to implement this strategy. Do you think they will change?" Zhu Yuanfeng frowned, immediately very upset.

Now there are various businesses in Wanhai Plaza, even if they are undergoing construction and renovation, they will encounter many difficulties. This is not something that can be changed in a word.

"I'm talking about operation? I didn't say that the square was demolished and rebuilt. I just changed the strategy and sold all the shops on the first floor. How much money can Wanhai Plaza make by then?" Shen Dapeng was rather helpless. He had already prepared to make small changes earlier.

There is a funding gap of one billion, and there is still as much as 300 million. If we can sell all the first floor of Wanhai Plaza, with the current situation of wildly rising land prices, we can almost get 100 million of funds.

With one change, a 100 million funding gap can be obtained. This business is completed, and Shen Dapeng has already prepared a loan for the remaining 200 million.

Zhu Yuanfeng didn't think so. He felt that he was collecting rents and engaged in real estate, making more and more money every day, and the operation continued to be quite good.

With such a change, there is a chance to win large sums of money for Wanhai Plaza, but how is this different from the operations of Huang Bin and others?

"The entertainment area on the second floor...The office on the third floor was completely demolished to build theaters and food. Isn't this copying Yuehui Plaza's operating model?" Zhu Yuanfeng thought of which one of Hankou had opened nine squares, and finally changed hands. Hui Square, lost in thought at the moment.

"We can only make comments, and we can talk to the president, what if it is done?" Shen Dapeng coaxed and deceived. If it were not for Zhu Yuanfeng to keep it, the real estate will start soon. This person has already been fired.

Now I have to change it to prevent Huang Bin from engaging in follow-ups.

"Forget it, talk to the president. You have a specific copy. No, I will come personally and prove for him that you are working..." Zhu Yuanfeng said in a very helpless tone. Obviously, he didn't realize it. The copy will be adopted.

"It should be successful. After all, the market is fiercely competitive. To make it clear to the president, whether he considers it or not, it is not our business. First, renovate the third floor, then the second floor, and finally change the first floor. When the passenger flow comes up, the subway entrance is completed. , And sell the first floor, so that at least 30% more..." Shen Dapeng said, don't worry about the details.

Since Zhu Yuanfeng was willing to do it, there was no other problem. Originally, he planned not to give Shen Dapeng real power. Zhu Yuanfeng did this, and his selfishness was obvious.

Shen Dapeng is also going to work on mobile phones recently, and he is happy.


Chen Xiaoxuan’s news was quickly replied. Various things about Xiaoyu's mobile phone have been implemented, and most of the approval procedures have been completed, but Chen Xiaoxuan has been stumped by the last question.

Zheng Sanqun urged that the materials have already started to be purchased, and now a lot of them are stored in the warehouse, and there is no way to start work without formalities, which made him mumble.

When Shen Dapeng explained the situation to Zheng Sanqun, and only the last formalities for approval, Zheng Sanqun knew what he had done and didn't ask more questions.

"Brother Peng, I have two things to tell you."

In the office, Shen Dapeng answered the phone, and Chen Xiaoxuan's voice followed.

"The mobile phone projects are done? I want to hear a good news." Shen Dapeng is looking forward to it, he is ready to see the reaction of the mobile phone after it goes on the market.

"Most of the approval procedures have been passed. In addition, the patents, protection regulations, quality inspections, and product-related procedures are all completed, but there is only one review, and now I am stuck." Chen Xiaoxuan said, it seems that there are fewer. Be confident.

When Shen Dapeng heard it, he felt that things had become troublesome, "Prior technology, you are in the capital for approval, shouldn't you have the green light all the way? How can you get stuck?"

"That's the case. In terms of network access permits, it is said that the new company needs expert appraisal and it has been approved by the Telecommunications Administration of the Ministry of Information Industry. However, after I went to the Ministry of Information Industry, they would not accept it at all, saying that it would go through a formal process." Chen Xiaoxuan was not sure, and asked immediately.

Someone made a ghost, Shen Dapeng thought of the Huang family for the first time, but he shouldn't. How did the Huang family know that his mobile phone had been developed? Even if he knew, he had been looking for a relationship so soon, and he was stuck with Shen Dapeng?

"What do you mean?" Shen Dapeng asked puzzledly.

"All the information, because I was presenting on behalf of Xiaoyu Technology Co., Ltd., so I got them all together. If I do it slowly, it will take about a month or two to process them. If you are not in a hurry, just leave it to me. "Chen Xiaozhang pointed out the pros and cons, and waited for Shen Dapeng to make a decision.

One or two It won’t take so long to go through the formal procedures. What's more, I represent Xiaoyu Technology Co., Ltd., and all departments are familiar with it. If it can be done, it will be done long ago.

Chen Xiaoxuan's meaning is clear, and all aspects of the relationship are managed. In addition, he has to find out who is the last checkpoint of the program, and then he can clear it, so it will take a while.

Shen Dapeng couldn't wait that long. Seeing Huang Bin getting bigger and bigger, he couldn't afford to wait, "Isn't that the reason for you to get the network access permit directly to the capital, skip some procedures, and refuse to accept it?"

"It's not like it. They were very cold and refused, and didn't even say the reason." Chen Xiaoxuan was also puzzled, and he was also stumped.

I have to think of other ways, Shen Dapeng said: "In this way, you first prepare all the information, and then wait for my call."

"Okay, another thing. When I went to the Ministry of Information Industry, I saw people from the Huang family. They seemed to be preparing to enter the mobile phone industry. Now the project should be approved. If we don't hurry up, we may be robbed. First opportunity." Chen Xiaoxuan said lightly.

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