Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1494: Mobile phone listed

Not only offline pre-sales, but also online now, 10,000 units, placed in the huge domestic mobile phone market, can hardly make a splash.

Talking about ice cream, Zheng Haixia shook her head secretly, feeling that Shen Dapeng's low EQ is pitiful, "Do you think mobile phones can be produced all at once? If production is increased, the factory will have to suspend some orders and lose a lot of business ability. If you do, your second batch will not reach a certain scale, and it is impossible for Guangyang Electronics Group to raise the priority of Xiaoyu 1’s production."

When it comes to priority, Shen Dapeng doesn't care much. He is not going to be fat with one bite. Everything will take his time. Maybe the sales of mobile phones will be far from what he expected, or the desired results may not be achieved.

Nowadays, all major mobile phone brands are almost all produced in large factories, so as to avoid quality problems such as uneven workmanship, which causes each of the medium and large factories to undertake most of the brand business.

During the pre-sale period of Xiaoyu mobile phones, the market effect can be roughly predicted, and mass production policies can be formulated as a starting point. Then, after signing a follow-up agreement with Guangyang Electronics Group, whether to give priority to production is not a question that Shen Dapeng considers.

The main reason is that he can find other factories, such as Foxconn.

So this question can be left to Zheng Sanqun for consideration. Of course, the second order involves all aspects such as the deposit. This is something to follow.

"I haven't asked you yet, what position do you plan to work for?" Shen Dapeng stopped discussing the issue of mobile phones, and turned the topic to Zheng Haixia.

Zheng Haixia frowned again. She didn't understand why Shen Dapeng could turn the topic so fast, and hardly entangled with one question, "This Xiaoyu Life Science and Technology Museum is just a branch company, it is too small, in fact, I am not suitable for it here."

There are reasons for Zheng Haixia to say so.

Xiaoyu Life Science and Technology Museum, said to be a branch, is simply a small-scale shopping mall with limited financial flow in one month. With her professional knowledge and work experience, it is enough to serve as an executive in a certain bank.

Let Zheng Haixia work in such a place, she thinks she is overkill.

"You can talk to their boss, but I don't think their boss will hire you..." Shen Dapeng smiled slightly and said indifferently.

If you have the ability to enter a new company, as long as you continue to prove yourself and continue to climb up, sooner or later you will be able to find your own shining point.

Zheng Haixia was in a similar state. She was not picked up by Shen Dapeng on her own initiative. She was not enthusiastic, and she was a little cold and sentimental.

Nowadays, it depends on Zheng Haixia's own plans. If she can't let go of her figure and look down on others, there is a great possibility that the temple can't tolerate this great god.

"Huh? Qian Xiaohao?"

When Shen Dapeng took Zheng Haixia into the Science and Technology Museum, he almost recognized Qian Xiaohao who was walking up the stairs and was about to go upstairs. This orange and gold suit was really eye-catching.

Why did Qian Xiaohao and Guo Zhishen get together? The two people talked and laughed, and the behavior they showed from time to time was puzzling.

Obviously knowing that the Xiaoyu Life Science and Technology Museum and Shen Dapeng are inextricably linked, and now they are still on the site of Shen Dapeng, Qian Xiaohao must be uneasy and kind.

"Do you know him? I met him at the company, and brought a group of people to the company to discuss business, but was rejected in the end, as if I was quite upset."

Zheng Haixia’s main focus was on Guo Zhishen, and she saw Qian Xiaohao. She knew that Guo Zhishen had a certain background and had been stalking and chasing her for a long time. There was a party where Guo Zhishen directly asked a beautiful woman with hairy hands and feet, Zheng Haixia who happened to see Guo Zhishen died.

That's why the scene just now happened. Guo Zhishen started with an apology.

"He talks about the mobile phone project?" Shen Dapeng asked puzzledly. If so, it seems that Qian Xiaohao will inevitably take action against himself this time.

Zheng Haixia felt that Shen Dapeng was quite concerned, and deliberately hid it without saying, "Guess for yourself, who is in charge of this branch?"

"Wait for a while, I will come back to you after the arrangements are made, and you can see all kinds of goods. I went to your house and did not see an air purifier. Although the environment in the villa area is good, I suggest you buy more. The air quality will definitely add a few more. Grade is good for health." Shen Dapeng finished speaking and went straight to the stairs.

Promoting products, Zheng Haixia was taken aback, and immediately saw Shen Dapeng leave quickly and leave herself in the mall. Can it work? She walked two steps quickly and followed Shen Dapeng upstairs.

The office is relatively quiet. Considering the area, there are a lot of electrical appliances in the shop, so the office is small and clean.

Three people sit on the sofa.

"The pre-sale model will take a while, Manager Zhang, it's best to get a prototype, the price doesn't matter, as long as you can get it, you will be satisfied." Guo Zhishen drank tea, expressing desire and said.

Going to the Xiaoyu Life Science and Technology Museum, Guo Zhishen is not as simple as buying a mobile phone.

Business competition is everywhere, a new product is released, how can a giant company like Nuojin care? Since they are in the same field, competition issues are involved.

If you get a prototype before the Xiaoyu 1 mobile phone is on the market, and understand the secrets inside, you can discover the advantages and disadvantages of rival products in time, which is a necessary means for corporate competition.

Even if Xiaoyu 1 is not yet on the market, in terms of appearance and various introductions, its technical content has given many companies a sense of crisis.

"To be honest, I really want to make money Mr. Guo. The price you offer is not low, but this machine is not accessible to me at all, let alone get one for you. This is not embarrassing." Manager Zhang speaks, eyes From time to time, he turned to Qian Xiaohao.

Qian Xiaohao felt that Manager Zhang's eyes were a little hostile, but he had never seen Manager Zhang. "Manager Zhang, it is not difficult for you to pre-sell ten units, but there is one condition. You must agree to place the order. "

Zhangkou is ten units. The order is not big, but not many people took out tens of thousands of dollars. Thinking of the need to win over customers, Manager Zhang said, "This gentleman says it’s okay, as long as I can do it. It will definitely satisfy I want the pre-sale data of Shencheng Xiaoyu 1 and some data you know, just tell me these, ten mobile phones, three times the price for you!" Qian Xiaohao took a deep breath, if anything. Said the matter.

This sentence puts some things on the surface, how can ordinary customers who buy mobile phones want those data? And it was bought with money. Apart from competitors, who else would do it?

Manager Zhang was moved. Triple the price was equivalent to giving him 50,000 yuan. He bought first-hand news. Even if Qian Xiaohao didn't buy it, Xiaoyu Company would make the data public.

"I don't know what your surname is Mr. Zhang?" Manager Zhang looked at Qian Xiaohao, quite moved.

"Menggui's name is Qian, and his name is Xiaohao." Qian Xiaohao's lazy hidden identity, his purpose is to give this manager money, tens of thousands of dollars, as long as you start, it will be much easier to deal with Manager Zhang in the future. .

"Huanglong Plaza, Mr. Qian, no wonder he opened his mouth with one hundred thousand, so emboldened, did not recognize you, sorry, sorry, please forgive me." Manager Zhang smiled and said politely.

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