Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1528: ???? Speak with IQ

Shen Dapeng was able to sit still, tepid and shaved himself up. Huang Bin didn’t believe that Shen Dapeng could solve the problem. "Boy, it’s almost time to count. Xiaoyu’s mobile phone was denied by the market. I think the hundreds of thousands of mobile phones you ordered will eventually be In your hand, this loss is not small. If you don't have any money, you can ask me to borrow it. You don't need to hold on. The old classmate will give you as much money as you want as long as you speak."

"As long as you kneel in front of me!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Liangshan and others in the private room knew what was happening. Although Huang Bin was not a bitter voice, the hatred could not be concealed.

They don’t know what it means when the time is almost up, but from this conversation, hundreds of thousands of mobile phone orders and more inside information are involved. Not only did they raise their curiosity about Shen Dapeng's next response to the problem, but they can’t wait. I want to know why Shen Dapeng is not surprised.

"Just you? You deserve to talk to me for money? You can invest in a beggar company and find a group of beggars to kneel down for you every day. This quirk is only possible with you, a mentally distorted stupid bi?" Shen Dapeng said lightly. Scolded, Huang Bin's repeated provocations made him unable to suppress his anger.

Huang Bin was scolded for a moment, and then became angry. He wanted to refute but couldn't speak. He could only curse: "Boy, when you cry! Wait for me!"

"Bunbi, please use your IQ to talk to me. Did you arrange for someone to do the spontaneous combustion of the mobile phone? You can't get away with such a humble method to track it down!" Shen Dapeng's voice appeared cold, and the problem was thrown out.

Knowing that Huang Bin is inseparable from the relationship, even if it is not made by Huang Bin, but the news that is not conducive to Xiaoyu's mobile phone in this short period of time has formed a proliferation storm, which is definitely related to this person.

How can Huang Bin be dazzled by his anger and admit to himself, "I’m so excited, don’t you? Asshole, you can’t fix the product, causing a problem with your phone, but now you want to rely on someone else! Waiting for you to cry and kneel down and beg me, maybe I’m I will find someone to settle the production order for you. If you don't have the strength, don't think about entering other industries!"

Shen Dapeng was speechless. Huang Bin was determined to take himself. His original intention was to remind Zhang Liangshan and the others. Even if Huang Bin didn’t get in the way, the cruel business competition might cause some problems. If this mentality is not done well. Be prepared, withdraw as soon as possible and leave.

"Let me see, it's because your phone can't be sold, and you are trying to reverse the market? The N70 is indeed a smashing walnut phone, allowing consumers to spend a thousand or eight hundred yuan to buy a smashing walnut artifact. You are also a talent." Shen Dapeng maintained Calm down, he paused and said, "No brains, don't use your IQ to let others rub the ground."

If we continue to talk about it, it doesn’t make any sense. So Shen Dapeng hung up the phone. The goal has been achieved. He reminded Zhang Liangshan and others about being a shareholder of Xiaoyu Mobile. By the way, he told them what Zhang Liangshan and others think. No accounting.


Hearing the two of them fighting each other and the room was quiet, Zhang Liangshan breathed a long sigh. Shen Dapeng's calm and calmness and the courage to open the speaker to let them hear the content of the phone conversation have already made him feel great.

Imagine encountering a life-and-death crisis, who won’t be utterly devastated?

No matter how ordinary and calm he usually performs, that calmness is not something everyone can have. Zhang Liangshan thought about Shen Dapeng's performance and felt ashamed.

Even Li Xue stared at Shen Dapeng without blinking her eyes. She wanted to know, Shen Dapeng, who has never been impatient or impatient, has any way to deal with this crisis.

Xia Yu couldn't bear the quiet and unspeakable atmosphere in the private room. He watched a few people around, and asked in a deep voice, "Dapeng, you and I are the same age, and there are not many polite words. You just said that the copywriting is already on the way. , What's going on? Did you guess that there would be a problem with Xiaoyu's phone from the beginning?"

Two questions in a row, asking the voices of the people present.

No matter how good your performance is, you can only make others think that you are good, but not everyone can solve problems easily.

Especially with regard to the brand image of mobile phones, even the Xiaoyu mobile phone hasn't been released for a long time. It is a matter of life and death for the company.

Thinking from another point of view, Xia Yulian encountered this situation, and now he has personally ran to the scene to check the situation. If it is deliberately damaged, a public notice and various evidence materials, plus some public relations team operations, can spread the news. Time, strangle it in the cradle as early as possible.

Depending on the situation, Shen Dapeng didn't know this at first, and the executives of Xiaoyu Mobile didn't even tell Shen Dapeng.

If Zhang Liangshan had not brought it up, Shen Dapeng would not know about it yet.

It seems that Xiaoyu's phone is deliberately waiting for the spread of this incident, and they will not come forward to solve it until the matter evolves, which makes them even more confused.

A company’s brand image cannot be established overnight. Even with the slightest flaw, it is difficult to eliminate the negative effects in the context of the rapid spread of various information on the Internet.

Therefore, a good reputation must be the key to corporate competition. What is Shen Dapeng's disapproval of performance?

"The company is in charge of this matter. Just wait and see. I believe that all products under the Xiaoyu brand will have a rigorous handling method." Shen Dapeng smiled, picked up the chopsticks, and ate the dishes. "Eat together, the dishes will not taste good when they are cold."

Seeing Zhang Liangshan and others didn't mean to move their chopsticks at Dapeng smiled helplessly and felt that he had to explain something, otherwise these people would be suspicious and would not be able to eat a meal.

Li Xue has endured to the extreme and is not surprised at everything. At any rate, you have a degree, and it is related to the development plan of these people. How can you be able to eat.

"President Shen, why don't we explain it? So that we don't have any random suspicions, this meal will not taste good." Li Xue felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"Since I'm interested, I'll just talk about it. I don't know how the company handles the specific situation. I can only make a rough idea." Shen Dapeng put down his chopsticks implicitly, and lost the mood to eat vegetables.

"Presumably everyone knows that Xiaoyu mobile phones have two factories in Beijing and Shenzhen. The capital is mainly used for the core. It is the industry of Xiaoyu. The factory that Shenzhen looks for is the largest factory of mobile phone manufacturers today, the Guangyang Electronics Group." Shen Dapeng said. Now, looked around.

They are all young people. If they don’t show some strength, these people will not say anything, but they will cause problems for themselves. Thinking about cooperation in the future, Cao Zhang is not present. He needs to explain to these big agents. Something.

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