Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1537: ????The advantages of the website platform

Wang Zhongmao took a deep breath and looked up and down Shen Dapeng.

"You are not doing a second-hand housing business, but you want to kill all those intermediary companies!"

He really wants to leave the company to develop, but his strength is far from being prepared for entrepreneurship, so Wang Zhongmao found Shen Dapeng and wanted Shen Dapeng to cooperate with him.

"This kind of business model is easy to be copied, so you need to be bigger and stronger first before others have noticed the benefits, and occupy a large enough market, so the initial investment is not as little as you think." Shen Dapeng laughed. I laughed and didn't say much.

Competitors in the market compete with natural selection, not to mention killing a large part of the intermediary company, at least it will have an impact on the traditional intermediary model.

Thinking of the various projects on the Internet, Shen Dapeng's thoughts have to turn to another direction, which is the mobile payment function.

If Xiaoyu cannot push mobile payment into it before the next one comes out, it will have a great impact on its large-scale layout.

Online shopping malls, second-hand housing websites, mobile phone internal software sales, mobile phone shopping, this mobile phone payment, NFC near field communication, although currently implemented, but far from being convenient.

During Lin Mohan's exchange, Shen Dapeng got some detailed information.

For example, data currency involves various aspects of the domestic economy. If there are not a few major banks, mobile payment will become a barrier for Shendapeng’s business layout and development.

Thinking of NFC payment, Shen Dapeng's eyes brightened, and immediately became brighter and brighter. The difficulty of mobile phone payment can be fully implemented now that NFC near field communication is implemented.

The technical problem is left to Jason and others to solve. You need to find a few domestic banks and communication giants to finalize the project and complete it.

As for the third-party payment license, no one has heard of this term yet. The use of NFC payment on mobile phones can completely solve various problems that arise at the moment.

The more Shen Dapeng thought about it, the more he felt that the method was feasible. He wanted a third-party payment license. The idea was okay. It was a bit hasty. With the current domestic situation, it is impossible to issue a third-party payment license.

In terms of mobile phone technology, the next generation of Xiaoyu mobile phones can be fully integrated into NFC technology to achieve convenient payment functions. Although it does not reach a certain degree of convenience, it is enough for Xiaoyu mobile phones to stand in the market.

"Haha, it seems that I was whimsical and wanting to start a business is more complicated than I thought."

Seeing Shen Dapeng's thoughts, Wang Zhongmao showed a sense of loss on his face. His entrepreneurship is still limited to step-by-step development. What Shen Dapeng said is definitely a big deal.

If there is no upfront investment, which means burning money, a large number of people will come in to copy the business model before the company has formed a scale, and the competition will not have the slightest advantage at that time.

Shen Dapeng was pretending to have other things in his heart, but he also saw that Wang Zhongmao wanted to complete a career, and asked faintly: "If you want to do it, you can try it. This business model has many drawbacks. After all, it allows people who want to be charterers. They are not willing to run errands in person. They have to cooperate online and offline, and the service is in place, and the company can naturally do it."

From the beginning, the company wanted to make a steady profit without losing it. There is no such simple thing in the world.

However, Wang Zhongmao has an idea, and Shen Dapeng cannot ignore it, especially when it comes to Wang Huailong. The Internet era has started quickly, and it is normal to want to get a share of it.

Ordinary talents hesitate in the face of opportunities, Wang Zhongmao sits in the position of president, how can he not think about it for a long time?

"Well, I will contact a few friends to discuss various matters, and then draft a document. If you can read it, arrange for the big guys to meet and finalize the company address." Wang Zhongmao thought for a moment, so Said.

Shen Dapeng shook his head when he heard this. Things don’t need to be so troublesome. “I’m responsible for capital investment. You will find someone to operate and implement all matters. Do it for the team you find."

When it comes to investment, Shen Dapeng has experienced a lot, even more bold than some famous entrepreneurs.

This kind of project does not require too much initial capital injection. The key to burning money lies in advertising and promotion, especially when it comes to online. Without the support of physical stores, it is still difficult to accept.


Wang Zhongmao hesitated. He wanted to go out and do something by himself, and firmly grasp the control of the company in his own hands. To put it bluntly, he wanted to start anew.

However, Shen Dapeng's suggestion cannot be rejected no matter what he thinks.

Good thinking, early investment, and various aspects are discussed, it is more like Shen Dapeng is completing the establishment of this second-hand housing website, and there are enough ways to improve this matter.

Thinking of early investment, and thinking of all kinds of funds in the later stage, he had to find a way to borrow money. Wang Zhongmao took a deep breath and dispelled the idea of ​​starting anew.

"What do you mean by online and physical store cooperation? Do we have to open a store at the same time? Promote online at the same time? This is not worth the loss, the investment is greater." Wang Zhongmao thought for a long time, and said.

"Just talk about cooperation with some physical stores and let them publish rental information on the website. Obviously, it saves them a lot of publicity costs. Our company first negotiates the distribution of benefits. It is impossible to build a platform for free." Shen Dapeng After thinking for a moment, I said the general concept.

When discussing cooperation with physical stores, many intermediary companies naturally refused, but the company's development is mainly to expand the platform and attract resources as the core The website created to make it easier for renters to find housing.

Those who are looking for tenants who are running on their feet every day, if they can see the rental information of various locations without leaving the house, do not have to worry about website traffic problems.

As for the intermediary companies that are unwilling to cooperate, although they will not go bankrupt, they will not be able to compete with other companies, especially some landlords are willing to use the website to rent their own properties. The establishment of this platform will have a huge impact on the second-hand housing rental and sales market. .

If the Internet age is not seizing the opportunity now and the market is stable in the future, it will not be a simple matter for the company to want to make money again.

However, these Shen Dapeng can think early that with the development of society, the online platform he created will lose its convenient advantage. Therefore, after the company has formed a certain scale, it can be repaid by selling it, or even make a small profit. This industry, he It is not intended to develop further.

If the website plays a role, the most important thing is to promote the development of the Internet era. Computers must not be used as office or game consoles. They must play a certain role in promoting the sales of online stores and stimulating the development of various Internet-related industries.

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