Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1551: ????Mobile phones change lives?

At the end of the question, Liu Fengxia's hand suddenly stopped. She took a close look at Xiaoyu's phone. This exquisite and compact phone, does Shen Dapeng want it to change people's lives?

The answer is that it is possible. Under the general trend that Xiaoyu mobile phones have achieved data flow and have simple download functions, many software companies now want to use mobile phones to develop application software. This will be the general trend of mobile phone development in the future, and no one can stop intelligence. The advent of mobile phones.

"Auntie, is it possible? We invest so much every day. How can we afford these funds if we don’t engage in some high-tech? Other mobile phone companies don’t pay attention. It doesn’t mean that we have no idea for Xiaoyu mobile phone, and this idea will soon Realized." Shen Dapeng replied with a smile, finally making sense.

In fact, the truth is not difficult to understand. Liu Fengxia also knows Shen Dapeng's ideas, but she is infused with this advanced concept, and it takes some time to adapt.

In fact, it is as Shen Dapeng said.

Follow the trend, buy patents, develop products, as long as the initial investment is in place, not to mention a mobile phone, dozens of mobile phones will also be copied.

But just copying others, you can never make a product that belongs to your own company, let alone make a mobile phone that can make people shine and attract a large number of users.

A large amount of funds was invested in the early stage, so that the Xiaoyu mobile phone can have a better future.

It is a widely circulated saying that companies use the banner to change lives with intelligence.

Now that intelligence has not become popular, according to Shen Dapeng, it has begun to integrate into life. When mobile phones are integrated into people's lives, it will be the moment that changes lives.

"Although Xiaoyu 1 didn't make much money, the money was more than enough for investment. Chen Xiaozhang could find me a specific copy. Then I will talk about the details with Wang Yuying." Liu Fengxia accepted Shen Dapeng's idea and wanted to do it. Change.

Xiaoyu 1 sells well, continues to be updated, continues to add more applications, and develops slowly. For Xiaoyu mobile phones, it is enough to gain a foothold in the market.

But with Shen Dapeng's ideas instilled in, everything will be changed step by step.

The changes of the times are often inadvertently, and many people have not yet reacted. Under the big waves and the sand, the times have quietly changed, and even most people cannot accept it.

Just like when a certain 5V5 competitive game came out, in the inertial thinking that most people think that video games entrap young people, they have turned a game into the vane of the e-sports industry and made it into an industry.

Shen Dapeng raised his eyebrows, but with joy in his heart, my sister-in-law was no longer the one Liu Fengxia who saw some profit, so she was reluctant to accept new things.

"Auntie, are you okay recently? Xiaoyu should have sold 200,000 mobile phones? You don't make much money. It seems that the development is getting better and better recently." Shen Dapeng laughed and joked.

Liu Fengxia’s face was a little unnatural, thinking that Shen Dapeng was still in the deep city, she was ridiculed a lot. “It’s not everyone’s credit. Recently, there is no need to work overtime for equipment production. I plan to give them some bonuses by the way. The people in the factory have a vacation."

This kind of thinking is not good enough, Shen Dapeng heard it, and felt that my sister-in-law was kind, but similar to the business model, the final result was not a good thing.

Thinking of Wang Yuying in the capital, Shen Dapeng didn't think Liu Fengxia's idea of ​​granting bonuses and holidays would go on smoothly. The factory pays standard is higher than that of ordinary mobile phone manufacturers. If the salary is increased, how can we provide benefits to employees in the future?

Shen Dapeng can think of it, and Liu Fengxia can naturally also think of it. However, her sister-in-law is soft-hearted. Shen Dapeng cannot bluntly persuade him. With Wang Yuying helping to take care of the company, there is no need to worry about chaos in the company.

"It just so happens that I also want to discuss this with Wang Yuying, but with this first Xiaoyu mobile phone product, including other household appliances we made, it is impossible to give Xiaoyu mobile a reward. Now don't worry about giving them benefits until the company gets up. , We can invest in the construction of employee dormitory buildings, and even build employee living communities, and don’t create conflicts within the company for a little bit of profit.” Although Shen Dapeng does not want to say more, he still thinks it is necessary to mention it.

With the development of various companies, although they will not be able to get rich and powerful, it is now in the cumulative stage.

To build a community for employees, live in separate houses, and engage in various benefits, these have to be reserved for the old employees who are truly dedicated to the company in order to enjoy similar treatment.

If we engage in the sharing of benefits now and the employee mentality is broken, this will affect internal unity.

Liu Fengxia pondered for a while and felt that she was straight-hearted, and she couldn't help but ridicule, "I have this idea, and I have to discuss it with Wang Yuying. The company doesn't need you to control it. How can I start planning?"

"Ahem, I don't mean it. I have left the mobile phone to my aunt, but there is one more thing I want to trouble my aunt." Shen Dapeng said, but he was embarrassed.

There is a lot of business in the capital, and Liu Fengxia is busy all day long. Although there are many things on her side, she is not too busy to eat well and sleep well.

However, what is to be developed next will be beneficial to the development of Xiaoyu's series of brands, so it is necessary to communicate with Liu Fengxia. As for whether to do it, Shen Dapeng feels that Liu Fengxia should consider it better.

Liu Fengxia sighed, her nephew, she hadn't called many times since she went south to the deep city, but each time she had accumulated a lot of things to communicate with her.

Last time, Shen Dapeng urged thousands of people on the Xiaoyu mobile phone, and finally there will be a mobile phone brand crisis, which was resolved in a short time. If it were not for Shen Dapeng's explanation, the Xiaoyu brand might be ruined by rumors and rumors.

Commercial competition is not as cruel as the fierce battlefield, but it is quite fierce.

If the company fails to effectively guard against opponents ~ ~ bankruptcy at every turn, the possibility of losing money is not many.

In the future, more mobile phones will go bankrupt, and other brands will spring up like mushrooms. From a general perspective, Shen Dapeng is just taking precautions.

In concrete implementation, it is also inseparable from Liu Fengxia and others.

One is willing to speak, one is willing to listen. The company's development cannot be separated from the trust between Shen Dapeng and Liu Fengxia, let alone the unity between them.

"Are you two still need to be polite? Let's talk about my nephew." Liu Fengxia sighed deeply, feeling an absurd feeling in the moment.

In her eyes, Shen Dapeng, who has always been a big boy, not to mention everything, some decisions have also brought broader prospects to the company.

With the prospect of a good development company, various business negotiations are relatively easy to talk about, and there are some more complicated but compelling procedures. Liu Fengxia almost effortlessly negotiates on behalf of the company and can finalize cooperation matters in a few words.

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