Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1572: ???? Zheng Haixia's dilemma

The establishment of a branch of the company will inevitably send a few middle and senior executives to take charge. Zheng Haixia is only proficient in finance and cannot manage the operation of the company.

Shen Dapeng, Wang Yuying and others communicated with each other, and they arranged suitable manpower to come together at that time. Shen Dapeng would handle the renting of the office building separately.

But Shen Dapeng hadn't settled the company's needs, Zheng Haixia killed him directly and caught him off guard. This daughter was very eccentric.

"Don't you still bring a few bodyguards? Anyway, I don't want to stay in the hotel, you come out to pick me up!" Zheng Haixia said undoubtedly, looking around on the street, somewhat vigilant.

Although there are not many people in this deep city in the middle of the night, there are still many people in the commercial street, which is close to the pedestrian street. Some drunk young people make noise from time to time, which makes Zheng Haixia more vigilant.

"Take a taxi and come by yourself. The key is placed under the foot pad. The first room on the left hand side of the house is empty. Let's make do for the night." Shen Dapeng said that he hung up the phone.

After a period of experience, Zheng Haixia still has the temperament of the eldest daughter, but the performance is not too difficult. Shen Dapeng is too lazy to get angry with the eldest lady, thinking that she can't provoke it, and it is normal not to take the initiative to pick it up.

Zheng Haixia was taken aback, seeing that the phone was hung up, she immediately stomped her feet, took a taxi and went straight to Shen Dapeng's residence.

Thinking of running both ways without hesitation, Shen Dapeng slept like an okay person. Zheng Haixia in the taxi was so depressed that she felt that she was the only one who left with her sleeves.

But at this point, Zheng Haixia had a side that Shen Dapeng didn't know.

The domestic preference for sons over daughters, including some wealthy families, and even Zheng Sanqun, mostly takes this aspect into consideration.

Zheng Sanqun has both children. As a daughter, Zheng Haixia understands her father's intentions better than Shen Dapeng. If she has been helping in the company, what will happen in the future?

Is it possible that Zheng Haixia also wants to get involved in the succession of the company?

Although she is young and has the temper of a eldest lady, she is not stupid. From the experience her father said to herself, she could see a little Zheng Sanqun's intentions.

If Zheng Haixia stays in the company, Zheng Sanqun will not intervene. He will only feel that Zheng Haixia has ideas for the successor of the group and will conduct another aspect of training. Regardless of the competition between her sons and daughters, Zheng Sanqun will treat him with peace of mind. After all, this is the child of Zheng Sanqun.

From a certain point of view, Zheng Sanqun has a slight patriarchal heart, so he took the initiative to ask Zheng Haixia’s personal thoughts. Without this eccentricity, Zheng Sanqun would not ask her Zheng Haixia’s personal opinions and directly arrange the job as a successor. Cultivation can better reflect the generosity of being a father.

This was also when Zheng Haixia asked Shen Dapeng several times in succession whether Shen Dapeng wanted to find someone to help deal with the company's finances or Zheng Sanqun's personal intentions.

Shen Dapeng did not reply to Zheng Haixia, and Zheng Haixia did not intend to know who meant it anymore, but she felt that continuing to stay in the company and competing for power with her own brother was not the result she wanted.

That's why the next scene happened, talking with Shen Dapeng, and then choosing to leave Guangyang Electronics Group.

In fact, some people's communication has never been done for certain topics, and the invisible expression of attitude has been able to make the progress of various exchanges.

Zheng Haixia's departure from the Guangyang Electronics Group is almost equivalent to her giving up the internal competition of the group. If nothing else, her brother will smoothly become the successor of the group.

As for Zheng Haixia, when the time is right, she will find a right man to entrust her for life.

Sometimes inadvertent choices have already determined the destiny of a lifetime, the event of a huge wealth becoming an explosive household will not happen, and certain turning points that change one's destiny will not be changed because of one's own choices.

When you can’t make yourself more relaxed and more chic and free, then try to change the thinking deep in your heart so that your thinking is no longer limited to certain things, so as to complete the transformation of your mood and give yourself an account.

The reason why Zheng Haixia showed a young lady's temper in front of Shen Dapeng, and some reversal of her mood, can not be ushered in a short time. Transformation will only happen inadvertently, and miracles will never occur.

Perhaps many choices can be made anew, but the newly-started choice is already a matter of fact, contrary to the original intention, and contains too many complicated thoughts.

This is the current situation Zheng Haixia is in. Unless she wants to get involved in the power within the group, she can only start her own business outside the group, and return to the group with great fanfare with the energy she possesses to carry out a new one. Round group successor competition.

The back road will never be blocked, nor will it be impossible to go on. It only depends on the choice of oneself to decide which link to start with.

Healthy competition and malicious struggle are two concepts. These two concepts are fundamentally different, but they have similarities. The endings of the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole are endless. Who knows whether there is a hunter behind the oriole. Is the big net staring?

The starting point is very unfair to Zheng Haixia, but Zheng Haixia chose this path herself, so she can't blame others, and it has nothing to do with anyone.

Zheng Haixia breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the living room was quite clean, and then walked to her bedroom, saw the clean dwelling utensils placed in the bedroom, and looked at the next door a little better.

"Fortunately, he didn't throw away the things I used, otherwise there would be no place to sleep tonight..." Zheng Haixia murmured, and slightly cleaned up the empty bedroom.

She rented a house while working in the Xiaoyu Life Science and Technology Museum, and she couldn’t lack daily When she left the deep city, Shen Dapeng was still living in the office on the third floor of Wanhai Plaza. At her strong request, All kinds of daily necessities were temporarily deposited to Shen Dapeng's side.

I personally like to be clean and not use other people's personal items. This is the basic requirement of Zheng Haixia.

Fortunately, there are not many things. Shen Dapeng didn't throw it away when she moved. If Zheng Haixia made a mess of things, it would be a matter of scrutiny whether Shen Dapeng should be a porter.

"Hey, you can't do it lightly." Shen Dapeng, who was asleep in the next bedroom, was woken up by the phone, and after Zheng Haixia's ding-and-dangling meal, the sleepiness of continuing to sleep disappeared.

Looking at the ceiling, Shen Dapeng lost sleep.

In a good mood, all normal life trajectories were suddenly broken by others, and Shen Dapeng could not stand up to the natural laws of the body even after many battles.

He stared at the ceiling for a long time, and waited until the next room was quiet. After a long period of sleepiness, Shen Dapeng fell asleep again. This time he slept very shallowly, and even felt that he had just fallen asleep and was awakened again.

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