Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1574: ???? Steady and steady

I was thinking that Penghu Industrial and Pengying Holdings would jointly form a company. The two equity companies can be divided into priority and subordinate according to the capital budget. Unexpectedly, Zheng Haixia would also participate. Then this financial company cannot be regarded as a parent company. It is a newly built independent body.

"Our company's main business is in consumer loans to buy houses, and other funds are used for curve investment. That is to say, most of the business is done to facilitate the development of Wanhai Plaza. Would you feel helpless when you come in with financing?" Shen Dapeng sighed. After a sigh of relief, she asked Zheng Haixia's opinion.

The two people washed up in the room, sitting on the sofa and didn't mean to leave. The matter was big and big, and Shen Dapeng didn't have to be so troublesome when he was small. However, he had given Zheng Haixia a chance, so naturally he couldn't go back and forth.

Zheng Haixia smiled clearly. The development of the capital city is much more mature than that of the Shenzhen city. The commercial real estate model of Wanhai Plaza has gradually become popular. As long as the financial company does not fall, the business development of Wanhai Plaza naturally does not have to worry about business expansion.

"If more funds are needed to invest in other fields, I will find ways to finance the company. I can't just do finance in one direction. I know this industry better than you." Zheng Haixia said that there is a general plan.

Although most financial companies are formed to cater for real estate projects, in terms of the development conditions of Shenzhen City, it is possible to become a financial company to make it bigger.

When more funding issues are involved, and even if the company is listed, it is impossible for this financial company to expand in the main real estate industry. Zheng Haixia has more ideas. Whether it is for credit or insurance, the company must have more Broad prospects for development.

This is different from Shen Dapeng's original intention. He is familiar with the financial field, but he is definitely not proficient. "You mean to start a bank?"

Taking a deep breath, Shen Dapeng looked at Zheng Haixia's eyes strangely.

Zheng Haixia wanted to expand the scale of finance and link it to the bank to open a bank. Shen Dapeng didn't think about it. However, the procedure was too complicated and it was basically impossible to complete it without professional operations.

What's more, after the various procedures of a registered bank, it is absolutely impossible to complete this matter within a long period of time, especially now that the acquisition is only a small company, let alone the conditions for turning into a bank.

Zheng Haixia understands the industry rules better than Shen Dapeng, and she has plans, "The company is now in business operation. As for the banking, it will take a long time to deal with it. However, I have the confidence to be my own bank in Shenzhen. Don't worry."

Speaking of the difficulty of opening a bank, it is closely linked to the preliminary funds of 100 million yuan. If it is not necessary and the business needs to operate, it will not allocate a full 100 million yuan to become a bank.

Finance is an industry that is troublesome and cannot tolerate any mistakes. Zheng Haixia is confident that she can do it well. This is one aspect of Shen Dapeng that she is optimistic about.

After all, Zheng Haixia dared to think big, and was not afraid of failure.

"If you say that, I have to think about it." Shen Dapeng thought for a while, and said quietly.

Outside the scope of his plan, the bank suddenly mentioned, Zheng Haixia's ability to do the job is a question. If there are some problems in the financial field, it means losing money or even going bankrupt.

It's just that Zheng Haixia's various business developments are more comprehensive. The company does not have hundreds of people to work, and it is difficult to keep everything running. The key is whether it is necessary to deploy far away.

"What I put forward is only the general direction. Starting from a high-rise building on the ground, what I have to do now is to pave the way for the opening of a bank in the future. I can't directly open up a bank. This idea is immature." Zheng Haixia became silent right now. The operation of the company cannot tolerate any sloppyness.

If Zheng Haixia is competent to be a financial company, then she has no bottom line to be a bank. It takes a long time to develop, with sufficient preparation, and indispensable conditions to complete the establishment of the company.

This is a long and complicated development plan. Zheng Haixia passed the process, and Shen Dapeng, who was sitting next to him, was not very professional, so she fell into contemplation.

"I have a better way. You don't need to raise funds in the first step, and you don't need to involve company shares. After the company is established, according to various business developments, if necessary, discuss the change of equity allocation. What do you think? "Shen Dapeng pondered for a while and gave Zheng Haixia a related reply.

This Zheng Haixia wants to use his fist, just have this heart, but it is a big matter, and gaps cannot be allowed. Once the financial company does not do well, it will involve the development of various industries, and the disadvantages are obvious.

So, let Zheng Haixia play steadily and develop slowly.

If the company initially enters the financial field, it will begin to make various investments, which will do more harm than good to the company as a whole, so Shen Dapeng can only give intentions.

The key process depends on Zheng Haixia's own grasp. The final step depends on how the company develops, whether the project is running smoothly, and the overall profitability trend.

Zheng Haixia said that she was unhappy at the moment. Shen Dapeng's approach was conservative, and she disdains to do so. Besides, this lady has her own knowledge of the financial industry.

"Are you worried that I can't do well?" Zheng Haixia laughed coldly, and looked at Shen Dapeng's gaze, becoming a little contemptuous.

Personal abilities have been questioned. Zheng Haixia is considered good if he has not turned his face directly with Shen Dapeng at the moment, but now the two have not cooperated, so they suppressed their temper.

"It's not this but what you said, it directly involves cutting-edge industries in the financial field, and even docking with major financial giants to completely penetrate the financial market. , But now it is impossible for the company to pool a large sum of money. The bigger the bureau, the easier it is to collapse." Shen Dapeng smiled, and didn't mind Zheng Haixia's attitude.

After the financial market is over this year, various problems will burst out, and these problems will cause the financial market to collapse in the next two to three years.

Over-expansionary monetary policy liberalization, inadequate financial supervision, and international exchange rate fitness are also important factors. As a result, in the next two years, real estate prices have frustrated, people's purchasing power has become weaker, the graph has fallen, and banks can't get loans.

In just three years, from 2006 to 2008, the financial crisis will sweep the world.

At this juncture, it is a bit unwise to invest large sums of money into the financial sector.

Shen Dapeng knows the historical progress, and even in the next period of time, the financial crisis will sweep the world can be seen, so he will deploy in the financial field to help real estate and other projects run.

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