Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1587: Unspoken business rules

The loser is never qualified to talk about conditions. This is a necessary condition for intrigue between people.

So it seemed like a brief negotiation, but in fact Huang Bin and the two were preparing for the outcome of the future competition, so as not to make trouble or death, and it was not good for anyone.

If Huang Heng fails, he can only go to the casino with five million. On the contrary, if Huang Bin fails, he will face sanctions from the company's board of directors.

The successor will hold him on his head for all charges such as misconduct, and the hat cannot be removed. The loser is not qualified to control his own life.

The benefits of the successor of the group are great. They have resources that others cannot touch. The disadvantages are obvious. The internal framework of the group must be perfected step by step and the successor can successfully become the next generation of helms after the reshuffle is completed.

The pros and cons are obvious. It's not that the few sentences introduced are so simple. Huang Bin is equivalent to having written a letter to the head of the southern business. His opponent Huang Heng takes the initiative to fight. Both of them know it well, but they won't say it directly.


Shen Dapeng didn't know what happened to Huang Bin, even more so. Huang Bin was going to kill him. Qian Xiaohao was also picked up by Huang Bin and became a forward against Shen Dapeng.

It only took two days for Zheng Haixia to draw up a contract and sign a contract with China Manufacturing Bank. With the help of Manufacturing Bank's background, she successfully withdrew the funds from Shenzhen Development Bank.

Never doubt the unspoken business rules, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat dried shrimps.

No matter how big the Shenzhen Development Bank is, it cannot be compared with such a powerful existence as the Manufacturing Bank. Although there have been some twists and turns in the middle, the final result is still completed with Zheng Haixia's efforts.

Shen Dapeng went out with the people of Pengzheng Financial Company from time to time in the past two days. He did not take the initiative to contact other financial companies. He watched the people of Pengzheng Financial Company play freely, and he knew a little about these people inside the company.

After all, they are the elites transferred from the capital. They are not much weaker than Shen Dapeng in dealing with problems, and even everyone has their own strengths. In the past, the appointment of a designated person for the negotiation was half the result.

Time is more urgent, and Pengzheng Financial Company does not want to give Rong Guangyao a chance to resist, or even give Rong Guangyao time to react. A series of tedious workloads almost overloaded this newly launched company.

Whether you call or negotiate in person, things are going smoothly.

Most of the negotiating parties have different businesses, but they are all related to finance. In a circle with Pengzheng Financial Company, someone takes the lead and can win greater interests for the company. Why not do it.

The era of human relations is about to pass, and economic centers will be established. The financial industry is undoubtedly at the forefront of society. It is not uncommon for people to turn their faces away because of profits of one ten thousandth or even one hundred thousandth.

Someone once said that the deep city is a cold cement city. I don't know who said that, but in the deep city financial industry, there are definitely not too many people with sophistication.

Everything is centered on interests, and the competition is fierce.

In particular, the financial industry in Shenzhen City did not understand it before contacting it. However, after Pengzheng Financial Co., Ltd. started business cooperation, it achieved business cooperation with more than a dozen real estate companies within a short period of time, and discovered various pros and cons of the financial system in Shenzhen City.

After understanding, Shen Dapeng lamented that the economic and social system is more cruel than Beijing.

Those companies that take the initiative to cooperate are not due to the fact that Pengzheng Financial Company is strong, but that they make more profits, so that these real estate companies abandon their sophistication, abandon their previous partners, and choose to cooperate with Pengzheng Financial Company.

After a wave of shocks, large real estate companies disdain to seek cooperation with Pengzheng Financial Company, but not all real estate companies can grow bigger.

Therefore, most of these smaller companies have worked very smoothly with Pengzheng Financial Company.

There are several reasons. First of all, banks are unwilling to venture capital, and financial companies with insufficient funds are hesitant. As a result, these real estate companies often operate for a sum of money for half a month and cannot get it out. Pengzheng Financial Company entered the market. , Helping many real estate companies to tide over the difficult period.

A large amount of funds invested by Pengzheng Financial Company in the early stage has gradually begun to shrink during the operation of Pengzheng Financial Company.

With the shrinking of funds, the leverage ratio has become higher and higher. Zheng Haixia controls the company in all aspects and stays in the company almost sleeplessly. As previously said, her ability is perfectly released.

In the hands of Zheng Haixia, the company has become a well-trained team. The assigned tasks have a high completion rate of over 90%. This is still in a hurry, so there is no 100% probability.

A huge amount of funds, Zheng Peng Financial Company, or Zheng Haixia, if he wants to spend the money, cannot complete the layout all at once and achieve the efficiency of putting it into the market.

For example, graphs, insurance, loans, and almost all businesses in the financial industry. As long as Zheng Haixia nods her head, the company's people will negotiate the business.

The rapid development has led to a shortage of manpower in the company, and some business elites, including Zheng Haixia, who took the initiative to attract the company, merged two small wealth management companies.

The speed of this company's scale development has far exceeded Shen Dapeng's expectations when it started to invest.

To get the company on track in a short period of time, Zheng Haixia’s personal ability is one aspect, and the company’s sufficient funds is also another aspect. With the help of the rapid development of Shenzhen City’s geographical advantages, Zheng Haixia flexed its muscles, merged companies, and started business docking at an amazing speed. .

Shen Dapeng also saw her demeanor.

"Many people run around because they are busy with messy things, which leads to hair loss when they are young. If you don't want your hair to leave you early, you'd better eat this meal." Shen Dapeng It's not that he is unkind, but he cares more about personal feelings.

Zheng Haixia worked desperately to develop the company and hardly had a good meal.

After the meeting, Zheng Haixia prepared the materials as soon as possible and proceeded to the next issue. Shen Dapeng saw in his eyes, and quite sighed the mystery of fate.

Because of certain things, the two have cooperated, and they have gone from strange to familiar. It cannot be said that Shen Dapeng has a high-sighted and didn't misunderstand the wrong person, but some other complicated relationship that causes the two to get closer and closer.

Zheng Haixia felt a little warm in the first half of the episode. Later, she mentioned hair loss. She subconsciously touched her hair, rolled her eyes and said, "You will see the result in a moment. I pretend to run over to deliver the meal, who doesn't know you. "

The reason why Zheng Haixia said so is that she can be sure that Shen Dapeng is definitely not here to talk about hair loss. With her temperament, she naturally doesn't care about any euphemistic way, and she can be direct.

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