Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1637: Not like an intern

Since the launch of Wentian game, it has created a free mode and attracted many players at once.

It's not just that compared to the previous games that charge fees, it will charge you at every turn. It takes the form of buying a card. Once the card time runs out, you can no longer continue to play the game.

Basically, those who play games are college students. For those who go to school, they don’t have any money other than the living expenses provided by their parents. Many people like a game, but just buy it for a month. It takes a lot of money to point the card, so I can only sigh with joy.

At the beginning of the game’s launch, Tang Wei did a good job of online promotion, plus the emphasized free mode. All of a sudden, a large number of players swarmed, even some people who don’t like to play games wanted to see it. What does this money-free game look like?

In the free mode, players can play the game without paying for it, but the item store is set in the game. In other words, if you want the characters in the game to quickly increase their strength, then spend money to recharge and buy items to increase their combat power.

If you don't have money, it won't affect the game play, you can play at any time, but it may be slower to upgrade the characters.

Therefore, this model does not seem to make money, but it actually makes a lot of money. Many people in the game in order to upgrade fast, show their sense of existence, or to experience the feeling of being a boss, they often invest money in buying games. Props inside.

Once there is a problem with the network in the computer room, those players who can afford to play will definitely be anxious, and now Wentian has opened three zones, and there are tens of thousands of players.

If the service can't keep up, don't think about making any money.

When Shen Dapeng heard that it was a network problem, he was a little anxious, so Tang Wei hurried over to see if the game server could not run, the item mall would lose one day.

"I understand, I'll go over there first!"

Tang Wei put on his clothes, Gu Buduo said a few words to Shen Dapeng, and hurried out.

After being awakened by Tang Wei, Shen Dapeng also lost his sleepiness. After washing his face, he went downstairs to Wanhai Square.

Wanhai Square in the early morning seemed a bit quiet, because most of the shops were still closed because the opening time had not yet arrived.

The pedestrian street not far away is also relatively deserted, and only those distinctive buildings attract people's attention.

The construction of the apartment building next to it has begun the roofing work, and the commercial building is also under construction, and the sound of large machinery can be heard from time to time.

Since the completion of Wanhai Square, Shen Dapeng has clearly felt that the model of Wanhai Square has changed here. Before, it was still a large wasteland, deserted and unusual, but now it is different. Now it is almost complete. A prosperous business district in Futian District.

Shencheng was originally just a small coastal town. After rapid development, high-rise buildings rose from the ground and the economy rose rapidly.

Many old residents have undergone demolition compensation and changed their lives. From their previous status as farmers, they suddenly became emerging citizens, and their pockets bulged overnight.

After the rich people in Shenzhen have solved their basic food and clothing problems, they naturally want to improve their living standards. Household appliances and even luxury goods are included in their plans.

Naturally, the food and clothes have a high grade, and they pay attention to nutrition and health, and wear the brand and style.

Naturally, large shopping malls have become their must-visit places. Therefore, the business of Wanhai Plaza is getting better and better. At the same time, building a distinctive commercial street business is not much different.

According to the sales data that Fan Aisheng gave him last month, the business in the commercial street is much better than in the previous few months. It is no wonder that Huang Bin and his group are going to come up with some bad ideas about themselves.

The business of Wanhai Plaza is better than that of Huanglong Mall, and the commercial street is better than the commercial street built by Huang Bin and others. The Xiaoyu 1 mobile phone is even more popular than the Huanglong N70. If Huang Bin doesn’t use his relationship with himself While suppressing, it is not Huang Bin.

Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng frowned slightly.

The time has come for tit-for-tat, and the smoke between each other is even worse. No matter what you do, you must have a long mind, otherwise no one knows what Huang Bin's next strategy will be.

Shen Dapeng walked straight into Wanhai Square, ordered some breakfast in the dining area, and was eating. A person walked up to him and sat opposite Shen Dapeng with a plate with a smile on his face.

"Dapeng, are you here so early?"

Shen Dapeng looked up, who else could it be if it wasn't Wang Zhongmao?

"Mr. Wang also came so early?" Shen Dapeng smiled politely, "Don't you rarely eat here? I remember you came to the company after having breakfast at home all the time?"

Wang Zhongmao took a sip of fried dough sticks and nodded. He said, "Normally, this is the case. However, the commercial building is under construction recently, and various processes must be strictly controlled to ensure that the quality is not high, so I came here early. ."

When Shen Dapeng heard this, he couldn't help but nodded with a smile, feeling relieved.

At the beginning, the construction of Wanhai Plaza, commercial streets and apartment buildings were all qualified construction units found through bidding. Wang Zhongmao also personally reviewed the construction of the project, so the quality is not bad.

At that time, Chengyu Real Estate was building a logistics park in Shenzhen, so he didn't have the energy to take care of it for a while. When Zhou Chengyu completed the construction of the logistics park, when he ran to his side, these projects were basically completed.

Others don’t know, but Shen Dapeng knows in his heart that Chengyu Real Estate is his own company anyway, so he can’t let his construction company sit idle, right?

Therefore, Shen Dapeng recommended Chengyu Real Estate to Wang Zhongmao at that time.

In Wang Zhongmao’s eyes, although Shen Dapeng was just an intern dispatched by Liu Fengxia and served as the operation director of Wanhai Plaza, Wang Zhongmao’s eyes were vicious. In his opinion, Shen Dapeng was not like that in terms of conversation or temperament. Is a simple intern.

And Shen Dapeng's eyes often inadvertently reveal the faint look of some superiors, which makes Wang Zhongmao have to guess Shen Dapeng's true identity.

How could a student who was still in college rush to the deep city and help Liu Fengxia inspect the projects in the deep city?

Although Wang Zhongmao had doubts in his heart and inquired secretly, he didn't find out anything after all, so he could only bury this question deeply in his heart.

When Shen Dapeng recommended Chengyu Real Estate to Wang Zhongmao, Wang Zhongmao knew it well and agreed on the surface, and then secretly inquired about the strength of Chengyu Real Estate.

What he didn't expect was that the strength of Chengyu Real Estate was pretty good. Penglong Logistics was built on the capital side, and Penglong Logistics branch was built on the deep city side. And these seem to be very similar to his uncle. Relationship.

When Wang Zhongmao asked Wang Huailong about this matter, Wang Huailong just smiled on the phone and didn't say too much. It just reassures Wang Zhongmao that Chengyu Real Estate is considered a strong company in terms of company qualifications and construction quality. company.

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