Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1643: Server is down

Now that the agreement was signed at the beginning, it can finally be brought to court.

In some matters, you must have your own position and principles, and you must never yield to the other party.

Shen Dapeng was uttering his doubts while thinking about the countermeasures quickly in his mind, but Tang Wei's next words caught him for a moment, and the thoughts he had predicted in his mind were suddenly disrupted.

"Brother Peng, this is not the case. The after-sales staff said that the main cause of server failure and paralysis is not the problem of the server itself, but the problem of the matching network accessories."

Problems with network accessories?

Shen Dapeng frowned, "You mean, these accessories are inappropriate?"

After two beeps, Tang Wei continued: "It is not an absolute adaptation, so it is possible that similar problems will occur frequently, and the server may have similar problems next time. As for when it will appear, it is really hard to say. , After all, it’s equipment, no one can predict it."

Shen Dapeng replied, did not speak for a long time, and thought again.

If, according to those server after-sales personnel, the network accessories are not suitable for the main server, the game server may really be paralyzed and crashed from time to time.

The server is the core of the game. Once the server is paralyzed, the game can no longer be played. For many players who are playing well, if they encounter the sudden paralysis of the server, Shen Dapeng can experience the sudden feeling of despair.

Moreover, once or twice, you can send an announcement in the game to explain. In addition, you can give all players some compensation due to the server failure, such as sending some gold coins in the game, or sending some only through the item store. Equipment etc. that can only be obtained by top-up purchase.

In this case, players can also understand, and are happier, and will like this game even more.

However, if the server fails frequently, even two or three times a day, for a long period of time, even if something is compensated, it will not help.

Because people's patience is limited, and no one wants to play a game that drops out at every turn, especially when they are able to play vigorously.

It seems that this issue really needs to be taken seriously. It is not only related to countless players, but also related to the profits of your own game company.

I finally managed to represent such a popular game, and I also paid so much agency fees. If these hardware facilities caused problems in the end, not only did not earn money, but also lost a lot of money, and the agency fees could not be recovered. That is definitely not a good deal.

Shen Dapeng remembers that the server room was originally built by the Rong Stock Company under the Weihua Group, so you might as well look for the Rong Stock Company.

Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng suddenly flashed a bright light in his mind.

Yesterday, I played table tennis with Ren Bo, the chairman of Weihua Group. Ren Bo admired himself very much. He also proposed to cooperate with him face to face. What kind of long-term strategic cooperation matters?

Weihua Group specializes in networking, and is responsible for the development of network setup, terminal services, optical communications, mobile networks and other fields. It can be said that it is very strong in these areas. If you cooperate with them, you will definitely be able to do it in the future. It will be helpful.

"The computer room was built by Rong Stock Company?" Shen Dapeng asked again into the microphone after considering it.

"Yes, their strength is not bad." Tang Wei replied while thinking in his heart. At this time, Brother Peng asked what this meant?

Shen Dapeng thought for a while and said, “It’s good if the server has no problems for the time being. Let the technicians in the computer room closely monitor them. If anything happens, I will call you as soon as possible. In addition, you come to the square now, and I’m here. Waiting for you downstairs."

"Brother Peng, what's the matter?"

The server problem had not been completely resolved, and Tang Wei was somewhat worried, for fear that the same failure would occur again, otherwise he would not call Shen Dapeng.

"Nonsense, nothing, can I call you over now?"

Shen Dapeng took a soft drink, and after Tang Wei agreed on the phone, he hung up the phone and quickly turned the address book.

Yesterday, after verbally discussing with Ren Bo, both parties left the phone to facilitate future contact.

It now seems that the encounter with Ren Bo yesterday may really be fate, and the moment when they need help from their company has arrived in a blink of an eye.

"Shen Dapeng? Hello, hello!"

After the waiting voice rang a few times, the phone was connected quickly. Shen Dapeng opened his mouth before speaking, and Ren Bo's hearty voice came over. The voice was amiable and approachable.

"Hello Ren Dong, I'm bothering you." Shen Dapeng replied hurriedly and politely.

"Okay, don't be so polite, I'm older than you, just call my uncle, and I will call you Dapeng in the future to make it look smoother, haha."

Ren Bo said kindly again, his voice was as peaceful as water, which made people sound very comfortable.

"Uncle Ren said so, then I would be more respectful than fate. Thank you Uncle Ren for being able to look at me yesterday. Your table tennis skills are very good."

As soon as Shen Dapeng said, Ren Bohaha laughed over the phone.

"Dapeng, you really can talk, but I like you very much. From the first time I saw you, I found that you have a temperament that is different from that of ordinary young people. You will definitely be a talent in the future. I am optimistic about you!"

Ren Bo said this from the heart. From Shen Dapeng's Xiaoyu mobile phone, Ren Bo can see Shen Dapeng's ability, so yesterday he would not talk about cooperation with Shen Dapeng.

"Uncle Ren praised me too much. I just graduated, and there are more places to learn from Uncle Ren in the future. I hope that Uncle Ren will give me some advice."

Shen Dapeng replied even more modestly and sincerely.

For future partners, how to deal with the relationship with each other is really a knowledge.

If you want to build your own business empire, you must make more friends and fewer enemies. Even if there is no possibility of cooperation between the two sides, then you must not leave the other side in the cold.

After all, in Hedong for thirty years, and Hexi for thirty years, no one knows whether the other party will be needed in the future?

"Well, let's stop being so polite to each other, let's talk about it, call, is it because of the thing we said yesterday?" Ren Bo asked with a chuckle.

There is no mentally handicapped person who can make big business. They are all smart. As soon as Ren Bo said this sentence, Shen Dapeng's mouth appeared with a smile.

Sure enough, he was in business, and it was really amazing to be able to guess the other side's heart.

"Uncle Ren is the roundworm in my stomach, I admire it."

Shen Dapeng also chuckled slightly, "If I don't disturb Uncle Ren, I want to come over now and discuss the specific matters of cooperation."

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