Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1662: ??? Too much underestimation of the opponent

Although Huang Bin does things viciously, this kid is also very clever, he rarely leaves a tail behind when he does things, so many times Shen Dapeng has clearly known that Huang Bin is doing things behind his back, but he can't get any handle on him.

Zheng Haixia was taken aback when he heard the words, and said with some disapproval: "It's not impossible to seize the evidence. We can find a breakthrough from those customers who regret it?"

When Shen Dapeng heard this, he couldn't help but sneered, and raised his eyes to look at Zheng Haixia, "Anyway, you are also the dignified general manager, and your status is different. Why is the IQ still the same and not improved at all?"

"Shen Dapeng, you are insulting me, right? Believe it or not, I'll hit you with a third-degree disability?"

Zheng Haixia's expression suddenly changed when she heard Shen Dapeng's unprepared words. She had never been ridiculed by others like this before. Shen Dapeng actually said that she had a low IQ?

In this anger, Zheng Haixia suddenly picked up the teapot on the table, as if to throw it at Shen Dapeng.

Shen Dapeng was taken aback, and hurriedly covered his face with his hands, while begging for mercy, "Mr. Zheng, didn't he just joking, how about this?"

"Just kidding? Are you insulting me?"

Zheng Haixia stared at Shen Dapeng angrily, unable to conceal the burning anger in her eyes.

"Okay, okay, you put down the teapot and listen to me, OK?" Shen Dapeng smiled helplessly, "I just felt incredible about your question just now. Do you think this method is feasible, right? But you too underestimate your opponent."

Underestimate your opponent too much?

Zheng Haixia was taken aback when she heard the words, and her throwing movement slowed down, "Shen Dapeng, then tell me, how good is the opponent?"

"If Huang Bin and the others did this thing, then they are definitely not fools. They must have blocked all possible leaks as evidence. It is impossible for you to find any clues."

"Since Huang Bin's people can find these customers, they must have promised their favorable terms, and even dealt with us at the expense of the original. Think about it, even the customers who have signed the agreement have repented and were willing to pay for it. The risk of a large amount of liquidated damages. As a house buyer, they can pay in installments. There is definitely not much money. They are not stupid enough to pay a large amount of liquidated damages, right?"

According to Shen Dapeng's analysis, Zheng Haixia gradually put the teapot in her hand on the table, staring at Shen Dapeng with confused eyes, and gradually agreed with Shen Dapeng's statement in her heart.

That’s right, the dozen or so customers are all buyers of installment loans, otherwise they would not find their financial company, and now they not only have to revoke the agreement, but are also willing to compensate a large amount of liquidated damages. Are these people's brains flooded?

"What do you mean, Huang Bin and the others contacted these customers in advance and gave them some promises, but Huang Bin and the others paid for these customers?"

Zheng Haixia didn't really have a problem with IQ, but the company suddenly encountered such a thing. She was a little anxious and got angry for a while, so she couldn't calmly think about the reasons.

Now, after Shen Dapeng's careful analysis, he suddenly turned this corner in his mind and thought of this level.

No one's money comes from the wind, so no one is so stupid to betray the agreement for no reason and take out a sum of money from his pocket.

"This possibility is not only possible, but also great." Shen Dapeng nodded gently.

"Damn it, it's so damnable!"

Zheng Haixia angrily picked up the teapot on the table, but this time he did not go towards Shen Dapeng, but fell heavily on the table, and the tea in the teapot sprinkled over the table naturally.

"In order to suppress our company, so that we have no business to do, we can do such a despicable thing, it is really shameless and powerful!"

Thinking that Huang Bin's company could actually do such a thing, and it did so seamlessly, it seemed hopeless to obtain evidence, Zheng Haixia gritted her teeth vigorously and uttered resentment.

"A shopping mall is like a battlefield, everything is possible, and now, these are just my guesses. As for what the facts are, I still need to investigate secretly to know the truth."

There is no evidence, everything is just speculation. Shen Dapeng is still not sure if Huang Bin did it, but he already has an idea in his heart, so he must check it secretly.

Otherwise, if the other party is allowed to do this, what kind of money will your company make?

"Investigation? How long will it take to waste? And it may not be possible to investigate."

Zheng Haixia is a little anxious. After all, a large number of customers who have recently negotiated have been pried away, and there is no business and no income.

"Don't worry, the fox always shows its tail. I believe it will be clear after a short time. Leave this to me. You can just grasp the company's various businesses."

Shen Dapeng couldn't help but got up and confessed to Zheng Haixia with a light smile.

"Hurry up and do business?"

Zheng Haixia smiled bitterly, spreading her hands, "Dapeng, the company's current situation is obviously being watched by others. Where there are any customers, let alone grasping the business."

Hearing this, Shen Dapeng didn't speak for a long time, and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window along the way, looking at the scenery outside the window with a pensive look.

After a while, Shen Dapeng turned around, and stared at the somewhat lost Zheng Haixia with a pair of clear eyes and smiled slightly.

"It's just a little thing. We can't give up on ourselves because of this little thing. We should look forward to everything, right?"

"Life has to go through all the ups and downs, let alone a company. I think this is not enough to stop our company's development and growth. If we can't give in in everything, we must bravely move forward in order to win the final victory!"

Zheng Haixia nodded lightly. Although Shen Dapeng's words did not say a practical way, he was also to encourage herself so that she could not stand still or even panic because of these things, but should look farther. Some.

Suddenly, at this moment, Zheng Haixia felt that Shen Dapeng's remarks calmed her heart suddenly, and all the previous anxiety and anxiety seemed to be gradually suppressed.

Zheng Haixia feels that she seems to be a little more mature and think about issues more comprehensively.

"Dapeng, thank you for your reminder. I know what to do. Don't worry, as long as we work together, I think our Pengzheng Financial Company will get better, and it will definitely be much better than other financial companies!"

"This is how you should be, bold, bold, I like it!"

Seeing Zheng Haixia's relaxed smile, Shen Dapeng's heart also became more relaxed, and she gave Zheng Haixia a thumbs up.

What he worries most is that Zheng Haixia's panic has led to a series of wrong decisions in an emergency, resulting in more losses for the company, but now it seems that these worries no longer seem to be worries.

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