Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1664: ?????acting

The clothing area on the first floor of Wanhai Plaza is crowded with people and it is very lively.

And one of the young couples, dressed very fashionably, is even more eye-catching.

The man in a suit with a smile on his face looks very energetic, and the woman’s figure and face are even more lacking. It can be said that it is the kind with a super high rate of turning heads, plus a tight skirt, it is even more accentuated. With a slender figure, many customers couldn't control their eyes, and cast envy gazes at the couple one after another.

"Brother, I have been wearing this skirt for a year, and it has faded a bit long ago. You see, there is an event happening here today. Why not take advantage of this time to buy me a good-looking skirt?"

It was this tall girl who was talking, holding the hand of the man in the suit, and her voice whispered with a coquettish look.

The man's face changed slightly, he quickly glanced at the crowd around him, then he chuckled, and patted the girl's back with his other hand.

"No problem, follow me, make sure you eat and drink every day, and have good clothes to wear. Tell me, which brand do you like? If we want to buy it, we must buy a famous brand. If you wear it out, your sisters will also be envious, right?"

When the girl heard the man's words, a shy look appeared on her face, she nodded gently, and then cast her eyes to the dazzling array of shops in front of her.

The clothing area on the first floor is a collection of well-known clothing brands from all over the country and even the world. Looking at the past row by row, the shop decoration is trendy, giving people a magnificent feeling.

The two people looked at the shops of these various famous brands, and felt a little tangled for a while, and they didn't know which shop to go to.

These two people are not others, they are Zhu Shenyou and Mai Qianqian.

Before, the Zhu family brothers saw the promotion in Wanhai Plaza and their business was booming, but the business of the Huanglong Mall managed by their two brothers was sluggish because of this.

Huang Bin agreed to the suggestions of the two brothers. After some advertising and more aggressive promotions, the business of Huanglong Mall has gradually improved in the past two days. However, compared with Wanhai Plaza, its popularity is still not as popular as others.

The Zhu family brothers had no choice but to come up with such a trick. They wanted to draw consumers’ attention by deliberately framing Wanhai Plaza’s product quality as a problem. If the negative news about Wanhai Plaza spreads out, it will be devastating to Wanhai Plaza. Blow.

As soon as the news of the counterfeit famous brand and the sale of defective products in Wanhai Plaza comes out, who else will come again?

They must have all gone to their own Huanglong Mall, right?

The Zhu family brothers and Huang Bin had discussed and decided, so they performed such a play.

The Zhu family brothers originally wanted the brothers below to come, but in order to be afraid of showing their tails and being seen through by others, they discussed it, and finally let Zhu Shenyou come forward in person and bring Mai Qianqian to come.

After all, in Huang Bin's view, Zhu Shenyou is more secure in his work. In the crowded Wanhai Square, he can be more calm and perfect to direct the scene.

Right now, two people dressed up and walked into the square pretending to be ordinary customers. After a while, they stopped in front of a brand-name clothing store called Armani.

"Qianqian, I think the clothes in this shop are pretty good, with a lot of patterns, and they look more fashionable. If you wear them on your body, they will definitely be amazing."

Zhu Shenyou pointed at the various clothes in the shop in front of him, and smiled with great interest.

Mai Qianqian took Zhu Shenyou's arm, followed the direction of Zhu Shenyou's fingers, and looked at the dazzling array of clothes in the store, gradually showing satisfaction in her eyes.

"Well, it looks really good." Mai Qianqian replied approvingly.

Although most of the customers are also moving around, they are mass consumers after all, and they don’t have much money in their hands. For these thousands of clothes at every turn, they still only appreciate it. Let them pay. When buying money, most people really don't want to pay for it.

Therefore, more people went to the civilian clothing area in another place, where the clothes gathered from tens to hundreds to hundreds of yuan, which suits their mentality of buying a piece of clothing that they want with less money.

In this way, looking at these famous brand counters in front of them, there are many people who watch them, and there are few people who buy them.

After all, someone admired their products with admiration. Of course, the waiters in the store couldn't ask for it.

I saw that one of the young girls dressed up was very energetic and quickly walked up to Zhu Shenyou and Mai Qianqian.

"Hello, welcome to our shop. If you like our clothes, you can try them on."

The young waitress showed a professional smile and bowed slightly to Zhu Shenyou and Mai Qianqian.

Zhu Shenyou glanced at the female clerk and nodded slightly, "My girlfriend wants a more fashionable dress that suits her temperament. I wonder if you have one here?"

"Yes, you see, here are all new models of this year, with various color combinations. I don't know which one your girlfriend likes?"

The female clerk said, pointing to a row of bright skirts hanging not far away.

Zhu Shenyou and Mai Qianqian's gazes were quickly attracted to them, looking at them from the row of skirts.

"Qianqian, just say which one you like. The clerk said, you can try it on. If you don't like it, let's choose another style. What do you think?"

Zhu Shenyou looked at Mai Qianqian's beautiful face tenderly.

Mai Qianqian nodded, quickly took a fancy to a light yellow skirt, pointed to the skirt and said: "Take this one off, please, I'll try it."


The female clerk immediately picked up the bamboo pole, turned around and carried the skirt down.

Just as the female clerk was picking up skirts, Zhu Shenyou and Mai Qianqian glanced at each other quickly, with expressions that only two of them could understand.

"Hello, this is the fitting room."

The female clerk handed the skirt to Mai Qianqian's hand, and then pointed to a huge standing mirror.

This mirror is actually inlaid on the door. Open this door, and inside is the fitting Put on the clothes you are trying on, walk out from the inside, close the door, and stand in front of the mirror to observe The clothes I tried on were very reasonable in design.

Mai Qianqian glanced at Zhu Shenyou, then nodded and opened the fitting room door and walked in. After a while, Zhu Qianqian in a yellow dress walked out and smiled at Zhu Shenyou who was waiting a little impatiently.

When Zhu Shenyou cast his gaze on Mai Qianqian again, he couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect that Mai Qianqian would become so beautiful and amazing after wearing this tight light yellow dress.

Even some of the customers next to him were attracted by Zhu Qianqian's clothes, and they stopped to watch, their eyes full of envy.

What's more, they were still amazed.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

"I think this dress was designed for this girl."

"Where is this beautiful model? I have never seen such a beautiful model."

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