Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1691: ????evidence

All weird things in this world will appear.

These people said that these appliances were purchased from their own malls, but what if they weren't, what if they were purchased from other places?

Or is it a deliberate conspiracy by an opponent to buy something from other places, but it must be said that they bought it from themselves. So many people come together to blame their own mall, and the purpose is to mess up Huanglong Mall?

"Why not sure?"

The previous man with glasses was dissatisfied and pointed to the TV under his feet, "I just bought it a few days ago. It looks brand new, but it just doesn't work."

"Hehe, you're right, but you have to show evidence in everything, isn't it? How can I believe if there is no evidence, just talk about it?"

Zhu Shenyou glanced at the man in glasses coldly, with a trace of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

In the public, although he holds the attitude of handling matters, he still has to prevent some opponents from conspiracy. Therefore, before figuring out the specific source of this batch of goods, he must not come up with the opinions of the mall.

"Evidence, evidence..."

The man with glasses was startled, while mumbling Zhu Shenyou's words in his mouth, he looked at the crowd in a puzzled manner.

"Lao Zhang, this is not easy, don't you bring the shopping receipt, just show it to him."

At this time, a low middle-aged man in the crowd seemed to have thought of something and hurriedly yelled to the man with glasses.

After hearing the reminder from the lower man, the man in glasses suddenly patted his head, "Yes, that's right, I forgot about this, isn't this still carrying the shopping receipt."

With that said, the man with glasses fumbled around.

The shopping mall will give consumers a shopping receipt as a basis, so as to prevent any follow-up disputes, etc., it can be handled according to the shopping receipt.

"Here, here, here."

In a short while, the man in glasses took out a small piece of paper from his body and handed it to Zhu Shenyou.

Zhu Shenyou frowned and took it. After a few glances, he knew it was absolutely correct, but to confirm, he still passed the small ticket in his hand to the salesperson of the electrical counter next to it.

"Look carefully, did you buy this TV from our side? When did you buy it, and then check whether the TV in the box is the same as the model written in the receipt."

Zhu Shenyou exhorted carefully, the young salesperson beside him nodded vigorously, and then carefully checked the receipt and the TV in the box.

The scene fell into silence again, and everyone's eyes focused on the figure that the salesperson was checking carefully.

Not far away, although Huang Bin had been observing in secret, his expression was serious, but the way Zhu Shenyou handled things carefully and rigorously just now made him feel a lot more comfortable.

Compared with Zhu Shenbing, Zhu Shenyou is indeed much more prudent in doing things.

"Mr. Zhu, I have checked everything carefully. There is no problem with the small ticket. The TV model is the same as the one on the small ticket. It was indeed purchased from our mall."

After some busy schedule, the young salesperson stood up, handed the small ticket in his hand to the man with glasses, and reported to Zhu Shenyou.

It seems to be right, it should be the batch ordered by my cousin.

My cousin promised in front of Huang Bin that he knew a boss in Shencheng and opened a few small factories in Shencheng, specializing in the production of various household appliances at very low prices and guaranteed quality.

After obtaining Huang Bin’s consent, Zhu Shenbing put all the electrical appliances in the mall that had been transported from Beijing Long Mart into the warehouse, and put all the electrical appliances that had been brought from the factory by the boss. Store sales.

Zhu Shenyou's heart shuddered, still maintaining his composure on the surface, and nodded slightly.

"Look at mine!"

"This is my shopping receipt!"

After the fact that the spectacle man bought the TV in the mall was admitted, the rest of the people took out their own shopping receipts, ran to Zhu Shenyou, and stuffed the shopping receipts into Zhu Shenyou's hands.

For a while, the scene became chaotic again.

Zhu Shenyou was also the general manager of Tangtang anyway, and was surrounded by dozens of people at this time, almost making him breathless.

"Okay, what's the matter with you?"

No matter how good Zhu Shenyou's self-cultivation is, the dark and oppressive scene in front of him also made him angry and yelled loudly.

"Can't you do it one by one? You look like this, do you want to handle things properly?"

Maybe the real order was a little messy, maybe Zhu Shenyou's words had an effect, and the surrounding crowd quickly dispersed.

Zhu Shenyou was able to free himself from the crowd, sighed lightly, scanned the crowd, and said faintly.

"As the general manager of Huanglong Mall, we have always been adhering to the concept of serving customers, and everything is focused on the interests of customers, so now there is such a We will definitely give everyone a satisfactory answer!"

Zhu Shenyou already knew in his heart why all of these appliances had problems, but now is not the time to investigate this problem.

In broad daylight, the mall is open normally, and there are promotional activities. At this time, can a group of people who come to the theory freeze here and not leave? Isn't this seriously affecting business order?

Let other customers see it and think that something has happened, which will also have a certain impact on the reputation of the mall.

So, no matter what, it's important to deal with the immediate matter now and let these people go first.

Zhu Shenyou's words aroused the goodwill of the group of people present. Everyone cast admiring glances at Zhu Shenyou, and some customers even gave Zhu Shenyou a thumbs up.

Zhu Shenyou smiled slightly. It seems that these people have begun to trust themselves, so they will follow their established steps next, and believe that they will be dealt with soon and these people will be sent away.

"But there is one point, I say it, I believe everyone can understand, for these electrical appliances, we must check whether it is something in our mall before processing, you will not object to this point?"

"No, no!"

"The procedure is understandable!"

Dozens of people shouted one after another.

"That's good, now everyone, don't worry, come one by one, if it is confirmed that it is from our side, please register your name and phone number here, so that we can contact after-sales compensation matters."

As Zhu Shenyou said, he signaled the inspection of several salesmen, and prepared paper and pen and other things to facilitate the registration of information.

The intense and busy inspection work is proceeding in an orderly manner. It takes a certain amount of time, but the order on the spot is no longer chaotic. Everyone is waiting in line one by one, and everything seems a lot quieter.

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