Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1709: ?Taste is the last word

Because, when everyone walked to the entrance of Xiaohetang, they saw the small alley hot pot diagonally across from a distance. Although the lights were brilliant inside, there were almost no customers in the lobby on the first floor. The waiters in the store were even more customers than customers. many.

Li Zeyu knew that Sun Dapao was joking. Looking at the direction of his fingers, he couldn't help but lower his head and smile, "If they want to grab business with us, they don't have the strength, so don't even think about it!"

"It seems that the big head is still great, admire it!"

Sun Dapao gave a thumbs up at Li Zeyu, and then looked at the dining hall full of dangdang, with a look of doubts, "Big head, but I said before, did you not reserve a seat for us?"

"How is it possible," Li Zeyu smiled, and pointed his left finger at the stairs. "The best private room on the second floor. Follow me, Xiaoxiao, greet the waiter to get on the pot!"

Lin Xiaoxiao happily agreed, and enthusiastically let Shen Dapeng and others go upstairs, while greeting the waiter to serve the pot and various dishes.

In the spacious private room on the second floor, Shen Dapeng, Tang Wei, Du Yuefeng, Sun Dapao, Zheng Dan, Li Shuang, and Li Zeyu. After a few people took their seats, they chatted and placed various dishes in the hot pot.

The familiar taste at the bottom of the pot suddenly radiated with the lingering water vapor, and the long-lost taste made Tang Wei's mouth suddenly greedy. After a skewers of meat were thrown into the pot for a while, he couldn't wait to pick it up. Eat it up.

"Fatty Tang, don't scald your mouth."

Seeing Tang Wei wolfing down, Li Zeyu on one side couldn't help but remind.

"It's okay, I have thick lips and nothing at all. This tastes so delicious. In Shencheng, I'm looking for the whole city, I'm afraid I can't find a hot pot restaurant that tastes so authentic!"

Tang Wei slapped his lips while eating, smiling indifferently and replied.

"I don't believe it, hot pot restaurants are everywhere in a place as big as the deep city, don't they taste bad?"

When Sun Dapao heard this, he showed a look of disbelief, and opened the beer to himself and Tang Wei and others, and put a bottle in front of everyone.

"What did I lie to you for?" Tang Wei finished a bunch of skewers, chewing with his mouth full of taste, while staring at Sun Dapao, "Just ask Brother Peng."

Shen Dapeng hasn't eaten Xiaohetang hot pot for a long time. Although he often eats it with Tang and Wei in Shencheng, he can't taste the taste of Xiaohetang.

At this moment, he was pushing a bunch of meat. Hearing Tang Wei's words, he nodded and pointed to his mouth, "Yes, this taste is too authentic. There is absolutely no hot pot restaurant in the deep city. Can catch up with our little lotus pond."

"You two say so, then I believe it, Brother Peng, if that's the case, why not open a shop in the deep city? If you want to eat it, isn't it possible to eat it anytime?"

Sun Dapao raised the wine bottle and talked with Shen Dapeng and the others.

Shen Dapeng finished a sip of beer, put down the bottle and replied with a smile: "I have considered this idea for a long time. When I come back this time, I just want to discuss with my big head to see if I can open a store in the deep city."

"Open a shop in the deep city?"

Now, it was Li Zeyu's turn to be stunned. Before finishing a sip of beer, he stared at Shen Dapeng with wide eyes.

Shen Dapeng nodded, "Yes, everyone knows how popular Xiaohetang hot pot is in Qingshu County. Since the big head boldly introduced hot pot to Beijing, I was afraid that people in Beijing were not used to this. Taste, it seems that things are not as complicated as I thought."

"Beijing now has two branches, and the business of both branches is very hot. You have seen the scene downstairs just now. Therefore, it is precisely because we have the secret recipe of this hot pot ingredient, which has attracted a large number of people with its unique taste. customer."

"And the big head is very smart. On the basis of the previous hot pot, the health hot pot has been developed, which is very suitable for the needs of the middle-aged and older people, and the business is not good."

Li Zeyu was somewhat embarrassed by Shen Dapeng and scratched his head lightly, "Brother Peng, don't praise me like that. I had no choice but to attract customers. I didn't expect that the medicated diet prescription prepared by the old Chinese doctor Wang Yuying was looking for was very useful. After eating our hot pot, many customers praised their spirits for getting better day after day."

In order to study this health-preserving hot pot, Wang Yuying specially found an old Chinese medicine doctor, got some Chinese medicinal materials useful for the body, and then made them into a package of ingredients and boiled them at the bottom of the hot pot. These Chinese medicines were invisibly incorporated into various ingredients.

When customers enjoy the ingredients, not only can they not smell the slightest taste of Chinese medicinal materials, but the previous ingredients are even more rich and delicious. After eating, they can fill their stomachs while achieving health benefits, so they are naturally loved by many people. Preference.

"That's right, what we want is such an effect!" Shen Dapeng nodded approvingly, "The catering industry wants to become a leader in the industry in the fierce competition. With the two points of unique taste and health preservation, we Already invincible."

"In order to compete with us and defeat our little lotus pond, Huang Bin opened a small alley hot pot diagonally across from us, but how is it now? Not only did not defeat us, but their own shop business was deserted, let me say, no It will definitely close in one year!"

Shen Dapeng’s face was full of self-confidence, and he continued with a smile and said, “It is also a hot pot restaurant, why their business is not good? Or that sentence, there is no great taste ~ This let them first Failed."

Shen Dapeng's remarks caused the people present to nod in unison. That's right, everyone went out to eat is different from before. In the past, they used to go out and eat in the restaurant just to fill their stomachs.

But now that the times have progressed, people’s living standards have greatly improved, and the tastes have become more sophisticated. All kinds of chicken, duck and fish are almost greasy. Eating enough has long been a thing of the past. Eating pleasure and uniqueness Deliciousness is the last word.

Boss Tang’s unique hot pot bottoms and secret recipes from his ancestors make the hot pot taste great. Many people are attracted to consume in Qingshu County. The business is naturally very hot. After Li Zeyu opened a branch in Beijing, the business is even better.

Therefore, Shen Dapeng came up with the idea of ​​opening a branch in Shenzhen. The hot pot base is unique, and people from all over the country flood in. Although people from all over the country have different tastes, the unique taste of Xiaohetang will definitely make them like it. Up.

If possible, with Li Zeyu's cleverness, Shen Dapeng believes that he can create health-preserving hot pots, as well as hot pots with other flavors, to suit the tastes of people in different places.

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