Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1714: Behind the numbers

Li Zeyu did not expect Shen Dapeng to demand such a fast speed, so he was also a little anxious, hoping that Shen Dapeng would give himself some time to carefully explain some things about the hot pot restaurant in Beijing to Lin Xiaoxiao.

A girl, there must be a process to accept, right? Therefore, it will take some time for Li Zeyu to hand over these matters of independent management and opening of branches to Lin Xiaoxiao.

On Du Yuefeng’s side, because Shen Dapeng explained during the day, he needed to find another place to serve as an office building where the heavy rain could be delivered quickly. After Da Pao handed over the relevant delivery work to himself, he could safely let Sun Da Pao follow Shen Dapeng to the deep city.

These things will take time, but Shen Dapeng estimated that it should not be very long, so he agreed with the two people's ideas.

After all, a smooth handover can ensure the company's stable development and avoid breakage.

During this period of time, I can discuss with my aunt about the opening of branches of food companies in the south. As for water purifiers and other things, because of Cao Zhang's efforts, he has opened four agencies in Shenzhen, and the business is not bad.

Shen Dapeng also wanted to discuss with Wang Yuying and her aunt when she came back this time. It would be best if we could open more direct-operated stores under the Xiaoyu brand in those southern provinces.

What Shen Dapeng wants is to make the Xiaoyu brand bigger and stronger, and let the whole country know.

Only the brand is famous and the service can keep up. I don't believe that it will not be heard throughout the country in the end, and even go abroad and export abroad.

In addition, Shen Dapeng still has an idea buried in his heart, that is to meet with Cao Mengyuan during the period of returning to Beijing, and talk about the two people's affairs.

After the several people discussed, they were a little sleepy because they had a little bit of alcohol. Seeing that it was late in the night, they all rested.

At noon the next day, Shen Dapeng woke up and opened his eyes to see that there was no one in the room.

Du Yuefeng, Sun Dapao and Li Zeyu should be busy with their affairs, but Tang and Wei shouldn't be missing the figures, right?

Shen Dapeng scratched his head and suddenly understood, he couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

If you have a girlfriend, you forget your buddies?

Tang Wei, this kid must have taken Zheng Dan to roam around the capital, otherwise he would not be so energetic and would not even sleep late.

After Shen Dapeng got up, washed his face casually, he left the hotel and went straight to the food factory in the southeast corner of the capital.

After moving to the south, the food company is really impressive, and looks much magnificent from a long distance. Compared with the dilapidated food factory that was converted from a cannery in Qingshu County, it is almost heaven and earth.

Separate from the production plant by a wide and flat road, is a three-story office building. The white tiles on the exterior walls give people a refreshing feeling under the sunlight.

The first floor is the office of the various departments of the food company, and the staff inside are seriously busy in front of the computer. The second floor is the office of the Finance Department, Liu Fengxia and Wang Xueying, and the third floor is the conference room.

Shen Dapeng walked up the second floor and came to the door of Liu Fengxia's office. Through the half-open door, Shen Dapeng saw Liu Fengxia sitting behind a large desk and talking on the phone.

In order not to disturb Liu Fengxia, Shen Dapeng walked in lightly and waved his hand at Liu Fengxia who was surprised at her, and motioned her to continue calling, while she walked around here and looked there.

In half a year, the biggest change in Liu Fengxia's office was the addition of some green plants, which looked lively and very warm. Finally, Shen Dapeng stopped in front of a pot of green radish that grew very emerald.

"Dapeng, why are you back without saying a word in advance?"

A few minutes later, Liu Fengxia finally finished the call. After getting up from her chair with a look of excitement, she quickly walked around the desk and came to Shen Dapeng, pulling Shen Dapeng's hand up and down to look up and down.

Shen Dapeng smiled slightly, "Isn’t I thinking of giving you a surprise? Actually, I came back yesterday and got together with the big heads. By the way, I talked about the little lotus pond and the fast delivery. Auntie, now you are even more than before. Are you busy? There are a lot of calls in one day, right?"

"I'm used to it. Just now a customer called and asked them to send them another 10,000 barrels of self-cooking hot pot, and they had to be in a hurry. We don’t have much inventory, so I have to warn the production department. Work overtime to produce and strive to deliver finished products to customers as soon as possible."

Liu Fengxia said with an apologetic smile, turned around and picked up the landline on the desk, called the production department, and began to explain.

Shen Dapeng couldn't help but feel a little distressed after looking at Liu Fengxia's thin back and a few faint white hairs in her hair.

My aunt is only in her thirties, and she has gray hair. It seems that she is working too hard. Shen Dapeng does not know how to describe the feeling in her Liu Fengxia's current life and The status has changed a lot. In a few years, from a laid-off female worker to the current general manager, so many people are envious.

However, many people only saw the beautiful side of Liu Fengxia, but did not think about it. She can get to this point. Providing a platform by herself is only one aspect, and more importantly, Liu Fengxia's own efforts.

Without her great effort and sweat, how could a food company achieve its current annual output value of several hundred million?

Behind this huge number is the result of Liu Fengxia's abandoning of many things that women of the same age should have, and working hard in front of the computer.

Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng's heart was naturally unspeakable.

"Dapeng, you see, there is really no way. It's the summer season. The sales of self-cooked hot pot and drinks are very fast. There are many orders. It is the busiest period of the year."

After Liu Fengxia gave her account on the phone, she put down the phone and turned to look at Shen Dapeng with a smile.

Shen Dapeng smiled faintly, and his gaze fell on Liu Fengxia's face. At the corner of her eye, a few crow's feet had already creeped up at the corner of her eye.

"Auntie, if you continue like this, one day your body will be overwhelmed. The company is developing well now. You can't carry everything on your own. When appropriate, just let the people below do some things. As the general manager, don’t you think there is something missing by your side?"

"What's missing?" Liu Fengxia was taken aback, then she looked up and down, "No, isn't this good?"

Seeing Liu Fengxia's puzzled look, Shen Dapeng smiled and explained, "Secretary! You should hire a secretary, so that your workload will be greatly reduced, and you only need to make a decision on some major issues."

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