Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1722: No charity for no reason

Shen Dapeng blinked, thinking about what Cao Mengyuan said. Just about to speak, suddenly, he saw two crystal teardrops rolling out of Cao Mengyuan’s eyes, sliding down along the white and smooth cheeks, two clear ones. Tears appeared on Cao Mengyuan's beautiful face.

"Mengyuan, what's the matter with you? Don't get excited and talk slowly, OK?"

The tears of girls are the most touching ones, especially their favorite girls.

When she saw Cao Mengyuan's sadness, Shen Dapeng felt a pain in her heart, and hurried to persuade him, and raised his hand to wipe off the tears on Cao Mengyuan's face.

No, Shen Dapeng just raised his hand to approach Cao Mengyuan's face, but Cao Mengyuan slammed it away and stared at Shen Dapeng stubbornly.

"What else? Dapeng, I just ask you a word, do you still have me in your heart?"

"If it were not for you, I wouldn't have been so desperate in the past few years. I sweared that I will get you in this life!"

After a brief silence, Shen Dapeng sighed softly, with a trace of determination in his eyes.

Cao Mengyuan didn't speak for a while, but a trace of gentleness reappeared in the bottom of her eyes, and the stubbornness just disappeared.

"Although you have never said this to me, when we abide by this agreement, I knew that you have always had me in your heart, right? Even now, you have never given up on me, right?"

Shen Dapeng could see from Cao Mengyuan's eyes that she had always had herself in her heart, otherwise, she would not shed tears in front of her.

Cao Mengyuan nodded lightly, bit her lip and said softly: "Otherwise, I won't be dragging it all the time."

Keep dragging?

What does this mean? Shen Dapeng couldn't help but frowned.

"Actually, there is one thing I have always wanted to tell you, but I don't know how to say it, but now that we are together, we have already talked about it, and I have nothing to hide."

Cao Mengyuan sighed softly, adjusted her mood and continued: "If I don't have you in my heart, there is no need to say this to you."

"What happened?"

Hearing Cao Mengyuan's strange words, Shen Dapeng suddenly became suspicious, and leaned forward to Cao Mengyuan's hurriedly, and once again held her hand and asked gently.

Cao Mengyuan raised her head calmly and looked at Shen Dapeng quietly, letting her hands be held by Shen Dapeng, feeling the temperature in Shen Dapeng's palm.

"It's also not long ago!" Cao Mengyuan sighed. "Our Cao family has been relying on the nose of the Huang family to survive to this day. Although in the eyes of outsiders, the strength of our Cao family should not be underestimated, but we know the inside story. People who don’t know, if the Huang family don’t give us some business, our Cao family can be what it is today?"

"There is no love for no reason or charity for no reason in this world, especially in commercial competition, everything is conditional."

"I told you at the beginning that this condition is me! The reason why the Huang family helped us in the Cao family is not because of Huang Bin’s personal affairs. Huang Bin has always liked me, and his father Huang Zhiwen and my father treated me and Huang. Bin’s marriage was only an verbal agreement. After I graduated from university, their Huang family would formally propose marriage."

"However, over time, not only I, including my parents, felt that Huang Bin was too unreliable, so I always resisted this verbal agreement in my heart, but I just couldn't refuse it directly."

At this point, Cao Mengyuan felt helpless in her eyes.

Shen Dapeng also nodded gently. How could he not know what Cao Mengyuan said?

As for Huang Bin's character, not only he himself felt that there was a problem, but now even Cao Xinmin felt it.

The night when Cao Xinmin met with Cao Xinmin in Honglin City, what Cao Xinmin said to himself could not be more clear. Cao Xinmin was dissatisfied with Huang Bin, but admired himself very much, but there was no other way.

In my previous life, I clearly remember that Cao Mengyuan and Huang Bin have been very unhappy since they got married.

Therefore, in this life, I made up my mind to get Cao Mengyuan, to give her all the happiness, and not to let her suffer any wrongdoing.

"Now that I finally graduated from university, the Huang family naturally did not forget this matter. A few days ago, someone specially sent to our house to mention this matter."

At the end of the speech, Cao Mengyuan's voice became lower and lower, and she was very sad. She lowered her head slowly, and the tears in her eyes flowed out again.

"Then what?" Shen Dapeng asked closely.

He didn't expect that what Cao Mengyuan wanted to tell herself was actually this, and he didn't expect such an episode to happen, and the Huang family finally showed their cards to the Cao family.

And what will the Cao family do with this matter?

What is the attitude of the Cao family? What should Cao Mengyuan do? Is she capable of rejecting these?

Cao Mengyuan has a hundred unwillingness in her I am afraid that she is not counted if she speaks alone, and, for personal matters, the whole family is hit by the Huang family, which is also her unwillingness to watch Arrived.

"What else then?"

Seeing Shen Dapeng's anxious look, Cao Mengyuan smiled bitterly, "Of course the second grandfather is urging my father."

Shen Dapeng was shocked. The second grandfather of Cao Mengyuan's mouth certainly refers to the current Patriarch Cao Zhongxiao, that is, Cao Xinmin's uncle, who is in charge of most of the economic lifeline and political relations of the Cao family.

But Cao Zhongxiao understands that it is impossible for the Cao family to get to the point where it is today without the support of the Huang family over the years. On the surface, the Cao family is also infinitely beautiful in the capital, but in fact, it is only a subsidiary of the Huang family. It's just a product.

So over the years, the Cao family has been cautious and subtle in doing things, for fear of offending the Huang family.

As long as the Huang family is unhappy, any action can make the now-fascinating Cao family fall into the abyss, and quickly decline from then on. As the head of the family, Cao Zhongxiao knows this more clearly.

He knew the fate of the Huang family, so he urged Cao Xinmin to talk about it again in front of Cao Mengyuan.

"Your father won't agree!"

Shen Dapeng suddenly replied firmly.

Cao Mengyuan was taken aback, staring at Shen Dapeng, "Why are you so sure?"

"I have dealt with Secretary Cao several times, and the relationship is pretty good. Based on what I know about him, he will not give his most distressed daughter to an ineffective second-rate Huang family!"

Shen Dapeng remembered that night a few years ago, Cao Xinmin and himself were standing in the street illuminated by dim streetlights, and the words he said to him were heartfelt and earnest.

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