Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1725: Sense of urgency

Throughout the night, Shen Dapeng's mind was thinking about the future development direction of each company.

It wasn't until the latter half of the night that perhaps it was a strong protest from the brain, or perhaps it was due to excessive use of the brain, and the exhaustion gradually came up, and Shen Dapeng gradually fell asleep.

I don't know when I fell asleep, anyway, Shen Dapeng was woken up by the ringing of his cell phone.

I opened my eyes in a daze, picked up the phone and took a look. It was my aunt who called.

"Auntie, can't you let me sleep longer? What time is this?"

Shen Dapeng dragged a deep drowsiness, and after answering the phone, he complained a little bit of dissatisfaction.

How long do I feel I haven't slept yet.

"Dapeng, are you confused? Don't look at what time it is now? Haven't you eaten lunch yet?"

On the phone, Liu Fengxia asked in surprise.

Shen Dapeng was taken aback, then opened his eyes, and the room was bright.

Had it not been for the curtains were still tightly drawn, it is estimated that Shen Dapeng's eyes would be pierced at this time.

"It's past noon now?" Shen Dapeng did not expect that he would fall asleep until noon.

"You kid, the time difference between the south and the north is not so big, right? This is the capital, not the United States." Liu Fengxia on the phone couldn't help but joking, "Get up, I'll invite you to dinner."

Speaking of it, I have been in the deep city for more than half a year, and I am not used to the food there, so I miss all kinds of food here in the capital. At this time, after hearing the words of my aunt, Shen Dapeng suddenly felt that his stomach began to growl. stand up.

After agreeing to my aunt excitedly, Shen Dapeng got up from the bed, quickly put on his clothes, put on his clothes, and left the hotel after washing, and hurried to the hotel my aunt had booked.

The restaurant is not big, but there are a lot of snacks inside. Shen Dapeng found the private room reserved by her aunt and walked in. After greeting her aunt, he ordered the dishes with interest.

When I ate with Cao Mengyuan last night, I mainly talked and didn't eat much. Now I feel really hungry.

"Dapeng, can you finish ordering so much?"

Liu Fengxia felt sorry for her nephew. Shen Dapeng stayed in the deep city for the past six months and seemed to have lost a lot of weight. So after Shen Dapeng came back, Liu Fengxia wanted to make Shen Dapeng make up for it.

But looking at the pile of dishes that Shen Dapeng ordered, Liu Fengxia couldn't help frowning.

"Auntie, you don't know, where is the authentic taste of Beijing cuisine in the deep city? It has caused my stomach to suffer for more than half a year. I finally came back. Can I taste it?"

Shen Dapeng smiled and pointed at Liu Fengxia, "Moreover, isn't you still here? Look at you, you are busy running around for the company all day, and you have lost a lot of weight. You should also make up for it."

Hearing Shen Dapeng's empathetic words, Liu Fengxia couldn't help feeling warmth in her heart and nodded silently.

Soon, a table of food came up, and Shen Dapeng greeted Liu Fengxia while looking at the deliciously colored and fragrant food. He immediately felt his appetite increased, and picked up the chopsticks and started eating unceremoniously.

"Eat slowly, don't choke."

Liu Fengxia was eating while watching Shen Dapeng gorging himself, she couldn't help but persuade her with a smile.

Shen Dapeng ate for a while and drank a glass of orange juice. Only then did he feel more comfortable. After putting down his chopsticks, his eyes fell on Liu Fengxia.

"Why, I'm full so soon?"

Liu Fengxia picked up a piece of fish and was about to deliver it to her mouth. She was taken aback as she watched Shen Dapeng staring at her.

"Let's get some bottom line."

Shen Dapeng smiled slightly, then recovered his calmness, and let out a sigh of relief, "Auntie, it seems that we have to speed up the pace of development."

Liu Fengxia put the fish into her mouth, chewing it with gusto, while looking at Shen Dapeng with interest.

"You kid, thinking about the company during dinner."

"Isn't this worried?" Shen Dapeng sighed softly, and Cao Mengyuan's figure flashed through his mind.

Last night, Cao Mengyuan told herself about the marriage urged by the Huang family. Although Cao Mengyuan had postponed her graduation under the pretext of her graduation, Shen Dapeng still felt a sense of urgency when she heard about it.

Time waits for no one. According to his original vision, the Huang family will be defeated by his own company in four years, but now it seems that this wish is far from being realized.

Commercial competition and complexity cannot be changed by individual will.

Based on the current development status of various companies, although the development trend is very good, there is still a certain gap with the Huang Group, which has been operating for decades.

Huang Bin's business mind is far inferior to himself, because he wants to create some achievements and follow his own development model, but he hasn't improved much, and he can't compare with himself at all.

However, Huang Zhiwen, the current head of the Huang Group, is definitely a powerful figure. Excluding these industries developed by Huang Bin, Huang's family and other industries are operating The annual income is also very considerable. of.

Therefore, only by shaking the big tree of the Huang Group will the Huang Family completely lose the ability to compete with itself.

This is why Shen Dapeng feels the sense of urgency. In his eyes, he doesn't put Huang Bin in his eyes at all.

How much wind and waves can a mere Huang Bin make?

It was the Huang family behind him that he should catch up and surpass.

If you want to catch up and surpass, first of all, you have to be strong, right? Only when he is strong enough to call the wind and rain in the mall can he hold the Huang family in his hands.

At that time, the Huang Family’s neck was strangled. Isn’t the Huang Family going to fail?

"Since you came back yesterday, I can see that you are indeed anxious about the development of the company, but yesterday you also discussed with Yuying and me. In order to speed up the development of the company, you want to establish a food factory in the deep city. Is it a branch?"

Liu Fengxia looked at Shen Dapeng with a thoughtful look, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Yesterday, my nephew came to the factory specifically to study the company's next development direction? This question was raised again today. Could it be that he has forgotten what happened yesterday?

Shen Dapeng shook his head slightly, "Yes, I discussed this matter with you yesterday, but now we have to accelerate the development on the basis of yesterday."

"Speed ​​up development?" Liu Fengxia's eyes became more confused, "Dapeng, is it necessary to be so anxious? Isn't our various companies developing very well now? Each company adds up to hundreds of millions of sales each year. ."

Shen Dapeng once again mentioned speeding up the pace of development, in order to make the company grow as quickly as possible, have the strength to compete with the Huang family, and ultimately defeat the Huang family, so that Cao Mengyuan will always be with herself.

Because there is not much time left for him.

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