Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1731: Youth is used to struggle

Liu Fengxia was taken aback, and looked at Shen Dapeng with some inconceivability.

"Go back to the deep city? So fast? You have only been back a few days now?"

Shen Dapeng smiled bitterly, "Auntie, I also want to take a good rest for a few days, but time is not waiting. Now that we have made a decision, we must implement it as soon as possible. Come to fight."

Young is used to struggle!

This sentence was like a shot of a booster, and it struck Liu Fengxia's heart all at once.

She stood there blankly, carefully savoring these words, only to come back to her senses after a long time, and her eyes were full of admiration when she looked at Shen Dapeng.

"This is a good point. Now that you have decided, then I will not force you. I hope our business in the South will go smoothly! But don't forget to take care of your health."

Shen Dapeng nodded, "Don't worry, I will take care of myself, but there is one more thing you need to do."

"Let's say it, as long as it is conducive to the development and growth of the company, it is okay to let me go up and down the fire."

Her heart was full of confidence to struggle, and Liu Fengxia was also quite excited at this time.

Shen Dapeng smiled, "How can I have the heart to let my dear auntie go up to the sword and down the sea of ​​fire? It's not that serious. It's about the mortgage. You can't delay it. I will go to the bank in these two days and consult. The most important thing is that it’s best to get the loan approved as soon as possible. I will let Zhou Chengmin go to the Shanghai stock market to choose a suitable land."

Liu Fengxia groaned and nodded, "Okay, I will talk to Yu Ying about this later, and the two will discuss and discuss the best plan."

"This matter will trouble Auntie and Yuying. I believe in the abilities of the two of you, this matter will definitely be handled well."

"Don't worry, I will tell you the first time there is good news."

Liu Fengxia stepped forward to hold Shen Dapeng's hand and told him to pay attention to his body outside. The two people waved their hands. Shen Dapeng breathed a sigh of relief when he watched Liu Fengxia's car gradually drive away.

In the afternoon, the street seemed a bit sweltering. Shen Dapeng got into the taxi parked on the side of the road and told the driver the name of the hotel. While enjoying the coolness brought by the air conditioning in the car, he took out the phone and found Tang Wei. Dialed the number.

On the other side of the phone, no one answered for a long time, and Shen Dapeng frowned.

This kid must have done nothing good.

Since returning to the hotel after dinner last night, Shen Dapeng has been a long time since early in the morning until now, and there is no news from Tang and Wei.

If he didn't call him, he had forgotten to call himself, and he must only care about Zheng Dan.

If you have a woman, you forget your friends. This seems to make sense now.

Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and called Tang Wei again.

"Brother Peng, don't you let people sleep anymore?"

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected, and Tang Wei's somewhat confused voice came through the microphone.

"Okay, my Fatty Tang, you don't even look at what time it is, but you are still asleep, where are you now?" Shen Dapeng asked angrily.

"Brother Peng, is it time for a break in the afternoon, okay?" Tang Wei's voice became clearer, "I went shopping with Zheng Dan early in the morning. After this trip, it was tired and hot. Yes, it was hard to find a place to take a break, and I was woken up by you."

Hearing what Tang Wei meant, it was true to his own guess. This kid got up early and went out with Zheng Dan for a stroll.

This kid Tang Wei has also made a lot of money now. He must have spent a lot of money on Zheng Dan during this most of the day. Needless to say, he can think of any brand-name clothes and cosmetics.

This will be tired from shopping, and the two of them must have found a place to rest. This is inevitable for me and mine.

Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng felt that continuing to question Tang Wei’s current track seemed unnecessary, so he raised his voice and said with a serious face: "Fatty Tang, I’m afraid I can’t have any more dreams now. You hurry up, run to the airport, and book air tickets for the two of us. ."

"Huh? Book a ticket?"

On the other side of the phone, Tang Wei's voice was obviously raised a lot, with surprise in his voice.

"Brother Peng, what do you mean? Are we going back to the deep city?"

"Fatty Tang, if you stay in the capital for a few more days, I'm afraid you will lose weight to a camel." Shen Dapeng incidentally joked.

Tang Wei is not a fool. After he wakes up, he will naturally understand the meaning of Shen Dapeng's words, and he can't help but laugh a few times on the phone, "Brother Peng, don't take such a joke, and talk about business, are you really so anxious? "

"Yes, many things have to be handled quickly, and you can't stay in the leave the game company alone? After all, the game we represent has just become popular. In case something goes wrong, this Isn't it a waste of all previous efforts?"

For the current Shen Dapeng, time is money, and I really can't afford to delay it.

After returning to the capital and talking with Cao Mengyuan, he realized that if he didn't speed up the pace of development, he would have no hope of being with Cao Mengyuan in his life.

"This is a trouble. It's only been two days since I returned to the capital. I haven't done anything yet, so I rushed to go back."

Tang Wei couldn't help but mumbled reluctantly. In fact, it goes without saying that Shen Dapeng knew that Tang Wei was just reluctant to leave Zheng Dan.

Shen Dapeng has long considered this point. Tang Wei has a good relationship with him, and he is also very smart. There are often unexpected ideas in many things. This is definitely the main goal for the future development of the company, especially the game company.

Therefore, if you want Tang Wei to work wholeheartedly, you must arrange him and Zheng Dan together. Zheng Dan has just graduated from university and studied foreign languages, so Shen Dapeng wants to wait for a suitable opportunity in the future. Assign Zheng Dan a job.

With a job and being able to be with Tang Wei, Tang Wei naturally understood his painstaking efforts, and of course he would do his best to do his job well.

"Okay, there will be more opportunities for you to get along in the future. Now our goal is to make money first and make a lot of money? Haven't you also said that you don't want to be a rich second generation, right? Then you have to rely on your own hard work. OK, what do you think?"

After saying this, Shen Dapeng felt like he was coaxing a child, and he couldn't help but smiled bitterly.

"That's right. It's important to earn money first. Brother Peng, you don't know. This morning alone, I spent more than 10,000 yuan. It hurts...Ouch..."

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