Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1745: Cycling spring

However, Shen Dapeng's goal this time is one billion yuan.

An average bank can lend out hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is already very good, and it also requires a lot of tedious procedures. After several audits, the loan can be made only after passing the customs.

Now because all companies have to expand, because except for the retained working capital, the remaining profits are basically invested in the development of the square and real estate on the deep city side, so there is no savings.

If all companies have to follow the previous ideas and blossom everywhere, this start-up capital will need to be at least a billion yuan, or else they will not be able to use it at all.

Because, just to build a large-scale Dream Hotel, it would cost one or two billion to say nothing.

It is indeed not a small amount to borrow more than one billion from the bank. Liu Fengxia may have thought of this matter simply, so she will only show such a tone after encountering setbacks.

Aunt Liu Fengxia appeared in Shen Dapeng's mind. From a female worker laid off from a cannery a few years ago to a well-known female entrepreneur with a net worth of over 100 million, it is indeed not easy for Liu Fengxia to grow up.

It can be said that Liu Fengxia was at the bottom of society at the time, and she had no money if she wanted money. Because she was laid off, there was almost no valuables in her family.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this situation that Liu Fengxia, after listening to Shen Dapeng's advice, started the business of the pure water plant without hesitation. From then on, she fought back and gradually became wealthy.

Nowadays, Liu Fengxia has changed a lot in the past few years in shopping malls. Whether it is decision-making or management, she is already comfortable.

However, after all things change in the market, some things can be handled with care, but some things are not so easy to handle, like a loan of more than one billion yuan, although it is simple to say, use the way of mortgage company assets To borrow money, but the procedures are quite troublesome and require a series of procedures.

Therefore, no matter how strong Liu Fengxia's personal ability is, she may be impatient and temporarily impatient or helpless when encountering such difficult things.

It seems that I have to arrange a competent assistant for my aunt to help with the operation of the loan. With a partner, the aunt will have confidence, and there will be a person who can discuss things, so that she will not be at a loss.

Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng thought of a person, and picked up the phone.

"Brother Chen, I have already arrived in the deep city, and I am walking in a hurry. I haven't had time to gather with you and tell someone. When I have a chance to meet next time, I will invite you to dinner."

After dialing Chen Xiaoxuan's phone, Shen Dapeng laughed loudly.

"Dapeng, you... why are you so polite?"

Chen Xiaoxuan over there was obviously a little uncomfortable with Shen Dapeng's enthusiasm, and he paused for a while before continuing to reply: "Dapeng, don't be so polite. They are all your own. It's rare for you to call me to report peace. How is everything going in the deep city? "

"I'm just here, haven't I seen it yet, I just wanted to call you first. By the way, the cycling project is not doing very well recently, right?"

Chen Xiaoxuan smiled bitterly, "Although Zhangpeng Bicycle has been promoted in several universities in Beijing, it is now during the summer vacation. Most of the students have already returned to their hometowns. There are not many people in the school. That's it."

After hearing this, Shen Dapeng smiled faintly, “This project is useless if you are in a hurry. Wait until the beginning of the school year. Let’s promote it to colleges and universities that have not been promoted. As for the good or bad business, at present, as long as the daily operating expenses can be maintained. That's it."

From a national perspective, the bicycle project is now only a new thing, it is still in its infancy, and it has not developed to the later stage of large-scale application.

Therefore, the current Zhangpeng bicycles can only cooperate with those manufacturers on the premise of maintaining operating costs to produce more bicycles and put them in more universities.

When the time is right in the future, they will be put on the streets and alleys of the city in large quantities. At that time, it will be the spring of cycling.

"That's right, it's useless to be impatient now." Chen Xiaoxuan followed with a sigh.

"According to the current situation, it doesn’t make much sense for you to stay on top of this. I told you when I came back, I hope you can come here to help me and help me, so now you have to hurry up and find someone who can take care of it. The person who takes the responsibility will be able to take over your position. This matter can't be delayed."

Chen Xiaoxun on the phone paused, and then smiled slowly, "Dapeng, we talked to both of us last time. It's rare that you trust me so much, but you give me a heavier burden, I'm afraid..."

"Don't hesitate, Brother Chen, you are absolutely capable of doing what you can do with your abilities. I firmly believe that, so I don't want to say anything about it. I have been in the bicycle company for these two days. Hurry up and find a suitable candidate. In addition, you should not come to the deep city first, and stay in the capital for the time being."

Chen Xiaoxuan obviously couldn't understand Shen Dapeng's remarks, "Dapeng, you asked me to find a candidate, and you didn't let me leave the capital. What does this mean?"

Listening to Chen Xiaoxun’s laughter over there, Shen Dapeng also said with a smile: “That’s it. Now there are more important things that you need to do. The company is experiencing some crises, so it needs to cooperate with the bank to make loans. Give it to my aunt Liu Fengxia."

"However, considering some specific issues, as a woman, sometimes you may not be able to cope with it, and the loan cannot be delayed and must be resolved as soon as possible. This is related to the greater development of the company, so I need you and my aunt to help. She negotiated the loan with the bank."

After Shen Dapeng finished speaking, there was silence on the phone for a while, followed by Chen Xiaoxuan's powerful voice.

"It turned out to be like this. Okay, since you trust me so much, as a friend, I will naturally not refuse. Today I will deal with the cycling company's affairs, and I will go to Mr. Liu tomorrow."

Shen Dapeng nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, I didn't misunderstand you. I hope to hear your good news soon."

"Don't worry Dapeng, I will do my best to do this thing well, you have to take care of yourself over there."

After the two spoke, they hung up the phone.

Shen Dapeng couldn't help but warm up at the last words that Chen Xiaoxuan said to him on the phone.

There was a time when two people met with fake faces. They only dealt with each other on the surface and guarded each other.

However, since the knots in the two people's hearts were resolved, each other's hearts were relieved, there was no more suspicion and hatred, and some were just being honest and friendly.

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