Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1749: ?Let's take the blame

When Zhu Yuanfeng heard this, his eyes lit up, and he smiled at Shen Dapeng and clapped excitedly.

"It's rare that Director Shen has such a big mind. He doesn't take the credit for himself, but always thinks about the big guy. I think such a director is better than the previous Director Fan. It's really rare."

Shen Dapeng's expression was calm at first, but after hearing Zhu Yuanfeng's words, his face changed slightly.

"I don’t know what Mr. Fan’s previous work was doing, but after he was transferred to the pedestrian street, he has done everything in place. Mr. Zhu knows that this time, taking advantage of the promotional activities on this side of the square, the pedestrian street is also I have carried out some promotional activities and I heard that they are quite successful. I don’t know how the revenue is going?"

After Zhu Yuanfeng heard Shen Dapeng's remarks, his face changed slightly, and there was an incredible meaning in his eyes when he looked at Shen Dapeng.

What does Shen Dapeng mean?

In the words he had just now, he faintly expressed his dislike for Fan Aisheng.

Thinking of the situations in which Fan Aisheng was working against him before, and hindering him at every turn, Zhu Yuanfeng's heart was unreasonable, blocking his good deeds, can he make him feel better?

I don't know if Shen Dapeng intentionally or unintentionally, in the last board of directors, he tried not to fire Fan Aisheng, but made him the general manager of Commercial Street. This decision once made Zhu Yuanfeng very dissatisfied.

Fan Aisheng knows some unknown things about the company. If Fan Aisheng stays in the company, it will be a threat to him sooner or later. Zhu Yuanfeng must hope that Fan Aisheng will leave the company soon.

However, his arm couldn't twist his thigh. Wang Zhongmao obeyed Shen Dapeng's suggestion and resolutely let Fan Aisheng stay in the company, which made Zhu Yuanfeng helpless.

Now, I just used this opportunity to send a few complaints about Fan Aisheng. Who knows that Shen Dapeng's words all mean to protect Fan Aisheng, which made Zhu Yuanfeng suddenly heightened his vigilance.

Is it possible that Shen Dapeng and Fan Aisheng have a close relationship? Or is Shen Dapeng only evaluating from a neutral perspective?

Zhu Yuanfeng was confused for a while, but he was not easy to ask questions, so he could only pretend to be unintentional and smile.

"Director Shen has such a good idea, the business in the square is up, and I believe that the business on the pedestrian street will also be better." Zhu Yuanfeng replied in response.

"Well, it's almost where you want to go. When I'm free, I will ask Mr. Fan to find out."

Shen Dapeng said lightly, without any dissatisfaction in his tone.

However, although Shen Dapeng said lightly, he was already somewhat dissatisfied with Zhu Yuanfeng in front of him.

From the first day after I arrived in Shencheng and entered Wanhai Square, I learned about a series of grievances between Zhu Yuanfeng and Fan Aisheng through the mouths of others. In the subsequent contact, Shen Dapeng had Certainly familiar.

On the whole, Fan Aisheng is a person of very good character, and outstanding work ability, everything is for the sake of the company.

But Zhu Yuanfeng was different. Many things were done, let alone Fan Aisheng. Even others were maddened in the eyes, but because of Zhu Yuanfeng's identity, he couldn't say anything.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanfeng, in order to grab more profits, did not hesitate to act as the general manager of Wanhai Plaza and cooperated with his commercial rival Huang Bin in private for the development of apartment buildings in Nanshan District. For this alone, there are enough reasons to open it. he.

However, this matter has not yet been thoroughly investigated. If the investigation is clear at the time, and once Zhu Yuanfeng does something unfavorable to the company, Shen Dapeng will absolutely not take any pity, and Zhu Yuanfeng can be expelled at once.

"After this promotion, Wanhai Plaza's influence has also gone out. If you want to come to the future, business will only get better and better. Therefore, I suggest that all merchants who cooperate with us strictly require further control of the purchase channel to ensure that every The quality of a product is guaranteed, and we must not allow fake, inferior, or counterfeit products to flow into our square."

"In addition, I still hope that in the future work, we will not only strengthen the management of our internal employees, but also regularly gather and train these merchants to better enhance their service awareness."

Modern society is a society with increasingly fierce competition. In order to obtain more customers, various businesses will invest more cost to transform the company in order to achieve customer satisfaction and comfort.

The customer is the god, and if you don't serve the **** well, can it bring good benefits?

Therefore, Shen Dapeng believes that the overall service awareness of the square must be improved, and all departments should take action, consider everything for the sake of customers, and put the interests of customers first. Only in this way can we better serve customers’ shopping satisfaction and increase customer satisfaction. , To better enhance the visibility of the square.

Therefore, after the promotion activities ended, Shen Dapeng put forward some of his own ideas by taking the opportunity of talking with Zhu Yuanfeng.

As the operation director of the square, I should be concerned about these things, and telling Zhu Yuanfeng some of his suggestions is also for the sake of the square.

In addition, Shen Dapeng also has some thoughts in his mind through making these suggestions.

In order to make more money, Zhu Yuanfeng does not hesitate to cooperate with competitors to develop this matter, as long as this matter does not involve the interests of the square, and Zhu Yuanfeng is also doing his best to the square and not revealing some of the confidential words of the square. , Shen Dapeng can forget the past.

"Yeah, these suggestions from Director Shen are good. I think they can be implemented. Next, I will convene relevant personnel to sit down and study them carefully and come up with a feasible plan."

After listening to Shen Dapeng's two suggestions, Zhu Yuanfeng frowned slightly. After thinking about it for a while, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, I hope that with our joint efforts, the future of Wanhai Square will get better and better! Mr. Zhu, I haven't been here these few days, so I just went out to check it around. You should be busy."

Shen Dapeng checked that the time was almost up, so he got up and greeted Zhu Yuanfeng before leaving the office.

Behind him, Zhu Yuanfeng sat on the sofa and watched Shen Dapeng's figure disappear outside the glass door. Then, the smiling expression on his face relaxed, and his face was cold instead.

Slowly holding up the tea cup on the coffee table in front of him, Zhu Yuanfeng took a few sips of tea before he took out the phone and dialed a call.

"Yuan Ye, Shen Dapeng has just returned from the capital, and he winks a little bit during his work these past two days. Don't let him hold onto anything!"

When Zhu Yuanye on the phone heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he whispered: "Don't worry, brother, I know, what to do, I still have a sense of measure."

"Well, that's good, Shen Dapeng is not a provocative master. As long as he is in the company for a day, he must always pay attention to it. If he can grasp some handles, he must try to grasp it. This will be of great benefit to us in the future!"

After hearing Zhu Yuanye's promise on the other side of the phone, Zhu Yuanfeng hung up the phone and took a look outside the office. After finding that there was no one, he drank another cup of tea with confidence.

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