Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1767: 1 pair of clowns

"Rebirth like water youth (

However, Zhu Yuanfeng couldn't be more clear in his heart, how he came to Wanhai Square in the first place.

I just saw the recruitment notice of Wanhai Plaza. Because I had some senior management experience in other companies before, I was recruited by Wang Zhongmao.

As for Shen Dapeng, he must have a strong personal network behind him, so he took this position as a small intern.

Therefore, before understanding Shen Dapeng's background, although he is the general manager, he still has to be careful in front of Shen Dapeng.

In case the other party grabs a bit of his own braids, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it and walk around.

When Zhu Yuanfeng thought of this, he couldn't help feeling anxious. He was somehow a dozen years older than Shen Dapeng, but he was restricted by him everywhere. How could he swallow this breath?

But this is the reality. If you can't swallow it, you have to swallow it hard. There is no way.

Zhu Yuanfeng swallowed vigorously, blinked, and looked up and saw the commercial building under construction in the distance. From a distance, many workers were busy nervously, and the blue glass curtain wall was being assembled piece by piece. , The sun shines on it, it looks very beautiful.

Is it possible that the relationship behind Shen Dapeng is Wang Zhongmao?

Without Wang Zhongmao's secret nod, Shen Dapeng wouldn't have become the director of operations as soon as he arrived in Shenzhen, right?

It was not the first time that Zhu Yuanfeng had guessed about this issue, but every time he thought about this issue, Zhu Yuanfeng couldn't help but shook his head in the end, feeling that the possibility was unlikely.

Not long after Shen Dapeng came to Wanhai Square, at the board of directors chaired by Chairman Wang Zhongmao, he insisted on dismissing Fan Aisheng, but Shen Dapeng tried to keep Fan Aisheng.

As the chairman of the board, Wang Zhongmao finally did not adopt his own opinion, but adopted Shen Dapeng's opinion and let Fan Aisheng serve as the general manager of the pedestrian street.

Not only did he not dismiss Fan Aisheng, but he also served as the general manager. He was previously an operations director a few levels lower than himself, but now he is on the same level as himself, as if he were at the same level.

Of course, I was so angry that I almost vomited blood, but the decision on the board of directors, I couldn't change it, I could only accept it silently.

From then on, Zhu Yuanfeng wondered if there was any relationship between Shen Dapeng and Wang Zhongmao?

Later, through my own secret investigation, I found that apart from occasional work exchanges, there was almost no hand-off between the two people in private. It seemed that the relationship between the two people was normal, as if there was nothing.

Therefore, this conjecture was quickly rejected by Zhu Yuanfeng, but after the rejection, Zhu Yuanfeng was even more confused.

Forget it, no matter who is behind him, isn't he a small intern? Maybe after a period of time, after the internship period, this kid will leave by himself and find another job.

Zhu Yuanfeng shook his lips gently, a ruthless color flashed in his eyes.

Regardless of whether this kid walks or not, the step he has envisioned must be implemented step by step.

On the one hand, continue to secretly investigate Shen Dapeng's background, and another more important aspect is to use every opportunity to seize some of Shen Dapeng's handle as much as possible, and then present it to the chairman of the board.

If there is really no relationship between the chairman and Shen Dapeng, he will never tolerate Shen Dapeng with the chairman’s character of acting impartially. Even if Shen Dapeng’s background cannot be expelled directly, he will at least be transferred from the post and will no longer be dismissed. Let him take the position of director of operations and transfer to a general staff position, right?

At that time, Shen Dapeng is no longer capable, so what can he do?

Think of a way to say something for your brother in front of the chairman, will the chief operating officer be sitting on his own? No need to guard against Shen Dapeng. Wouldn't it be easy to grab some oil and water in the square at that time?

However, this unscrupulous little brother, he didn't have any clever energy to do anything, and went wrong when it was critical, making himself very uneasy. Today's events may have made Shen Dapeng wary.

It seems that in the future, I still need to spare more time to train my younger brother.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanfeng couldn't help but sighed slightly, shook his head, turned around and walked to the desk, picked up a stack of documents and looked at it boredly.

After three o’clock in the afternoon, Shen Dapeng woke up from his sleep. When dining with Zheng Sanqun in the restaurant in the morning, he couldn’t hold back Zheng Sanqun’s kindness. Shen Dapeng drank a few glasses of white wine with him. Although he was not drunk, he still had a little bit in his head. gosh.

When I returned to the office, I lay down on the sofa, I planned to squint for a while, but my mind sank, and I fell asleep until three o'clock.

Shen Dapeng got up and moved around in the office, feeling a lot of energy. Recalling that Zhu Yuanye was in his office at noon when he wanted to talk and stopped inquiring about news, Shen Dapeng couldn't help but laugh.

In Shen Dapeng's eyes, the two brothers from the family were like a pair of clowns, and he didn't care about it at all.

The entire Wanhai Square is his own, and are you afraid of two intriguing clowns?

Besides, my vision is much longer than that of The development of Wanhai Plaza is within my own consideration, but the expansion of several other companies is my current consideration.

In particular, the launch of Xiaoyu's second-generation mobile phone is within its own recent plans.

Thinking of Xiaoyu's second-generation mobile phone, Shen Dapeng couldn't help but think of the letter and telecom company that cooperated with his mobile phone company.

The first generation of Xiaoyu mobile phone finally cooperated with China Telecom Corporation to launch a contract machine. Both parties have obtained certain benefits. The advent of the second generation of mobile phones will have a huge impact on the mobile phone market. China Telecom Corporation should be able to make a step forward. , Give certain concessions in terms of traffic tariffs, right?

It seems that it is time to contact the letter and telecom company to discuss the issue of cooperation between the two parties in advance.

Thinking of this, Shen Dapeng couldn't help taking out his cell phone to look for Chen Xiaoxuan's call.

The letter and telecom company had been contacted by Chen Xiaoxuan before, so Shen Dapeng did not have the contact number of the person in charge of the letter and telecom company here.

Just when Chen Xiaoxuan's phone number was about to be dialed, Shen Dapeng stopped suddenly, turned his mind, and then closed the phone.

Now that you are actively seeking cooperation with the letter and telecom company, does it seem that you are too proactive?

Although there are currently three network operators, and they are all large in scale and competing with each other, after all, the three operators have strong backgrounds, and they all give people a sense of arrogance.

From this point of view, although our company now maintains a cooperative relationship with the letter and telecom company, it is limited to the Xiaoyu generation mobile phone.

Before Xiaoyu's second-generation mobile phone is released, if you take the initiative to discuss cooperation and negotiation conditions with the letter and power company, people may refuse to provide relevant conditions without seeing the second-generation mobile phone of Xiaoyu, and continue to proceed in accordance with the previously established agreement. Cooperation of second-generation mobile phones.

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