Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1770: ? Dramatic act 1

"Rebirth like water youth (

It is precisely because of the bottom of his heart that Shen Dapeng was a little surprised at the sudden advent of the new generation of Huanglong mobile phones, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt more calm in his heart and the smile on his face became more calm.

The young guy looked at Shen Dapeng's leaflet all the time, thinking that Shen Dapeng was very interested in Huanglong mobile phones, and hurriedly said: "We are now engaged in pre-propaganda. Anyone who pre-books our Huanglong second-generation mobile phones can do so. On the first day of listing, go to various sales outlets with your ID card, and you will get a 20% discount at that time!"

"So, there is a rare opportunity. If you are interested, you can register with me now to become our scheduled customer, and then you can enjoy a 20% discount on the listed price!"

Shen Dapeng's eyes fell from the flyer to the young man's face.

To be sure, Huang Bin and the others are ready for the launch of Huanglong's second-generation mobile phone.

The two guys in front of them must be some temporary staff recruited by Huang Bin and their company. They distributed dozens of yuan a day to distribute flyers in various prosperous places in the deep city.

Fortunately, these two young people didn't know Shen Dapeng. If they knew Shen Dapeng and knew Shen Dapeng's true identity, they wouldn't be able to introduce Shen Dapeng patiently as they do now.

"I will study the content of this leaflet first, and consider it. I will work at Wanhai Square. If I have the intention, I will naturally register with you."

Shen Dapeng will not be stupid enough to say that he is the person in charge of the Xiaoyu company, nor will he laugh face to face with the upcoming Huanglong N93 mobile phone.

At this time, the best choice is to stay calm and watch the changes.

"That's okay, would it be convenient for you to leave a phone number? It will be convenient for us to contact you, because we may be promoting in another place tomorrow. What if you think about it and can’t find us? Leave a phone number Isn't it convenient to contact you?"

Hearing what Shen Dapeng said, the young guy seemed to have little problem with being a pre-determined customer, so he was even more attentive and said politely when he stepped forward.

"In this way, you leave a phone call, if I have the intention, I will naturally call you." Shen Dapeng replied lightly.

When the young guy heard it, he nodded eagerly, and then quickly took out a business card of his own from his pocket, "This is my business card and my phone number is on it. I hope you will think about it. Our Huanglong second-generation mobile phone is really good. OK."

Shen Dapeng didn't say anything, just smiled slightly, took the business card and took a look at it, and put it in his pocket.

"Unexpectedly, your company's service is still very warm and thoughtful, and the promotion is so strong."

Shen Dapeng deliberately made a move to turn around to leave, and then paused in the middle, turning his head and admiringly said to the attentive young man before.

"That's for sure, the customer is God, it is our duty to serve the customer, look forward to your call!"

The young boy was praised by Shen Dapeng, his face was joyful, and his voice replied loudly.

"However, the service is all-round. It's not just about talking nicely. The environment has to be cleaned up? Or there are some interested customers. Seeing this messy situation, maybe it's for your company. It made a bad impression."

Shen Dapeng didn’t wait for the young man’s voice to fall, so he frowned and glanced at the melon seed skins on the ground and the thrown messy leaflets, thinking, "You said, if you lose some of your intended customers because of this, yes. Isn't it a pity?"

The two young boys are paid tens of dollars a day. If they can negotiate with the intended customer, they will be calculated according to the corresponding commission. The more the negotiations, the more commissions.

Therefore, Shen Dapeng's words were like divine enlightenment. The two young men under the parasol were taken aback, and their eyes couldn't help but stare at the scattered **** on the ground.

"What are you doing in a daze? There is nothing wrong with what this elder brother said. We are messing up here, and how can we let others come to understand our products?"

The other guy who hadn't spoken by the side reacted quickly, and hurriedly stabbed the previous guy.

"Yes, this eldest brother is right. Let’s clean up here. If you are in a good mood, you are naturally willing to come and learn about our products. If we get a few more customers, we can earn more today. Isn't it?"

When Shen Dapeng and his companion reminded him of this, the diligent young man immediately felt a little aftertaste, nodded hurriedly, and started to clean up with his companions.

The two young men were still distributing leaflets bored with their legs upright while eating melon seeds, but now they are ignoring the hot sun to shake their arms and clean up vigorously.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Shen Dapeng couldn't help but flashed a relaxed smile at the corner of his, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the square.

"Director Shen, you are really amazing. Without a word of reprimand, let the two of them clean up obediently!"

The security guard had been standing not far from Shen Dapeng. At this moment, seeing the scene in front of him, he hurried to Shen Dapeng and praised Shen Dapeng with an expression of disbelief, and then gave Shen Dapeng a thumbs up.

Shen Dapeng smiled and waved his hand, and then patted the young security guard on the shoulder, "Nothing, as long as they clean it up, it's so hot, it's really hard for you!"

The young security guard hurriedly said, "This is our job, and it should be, Director Shen walks slowly."

After Shen Dapeng nodded slightly, he continued to walk forward.

The auntie cleaning who didn't know what to do before, who was aggrieved and scared on the side, also saw this dramatic scene. Seeing Shen Dapeng coming over, her face was full of gratitude, and she hurried forward to greet her.

"Director Shen, thanks to you today, if it weren't for you, I don't know how dirty the square is today. If the general manager sees them, I will definitely lose my job."

Listening to Auntie Cleaning's words, Shen Dapeng's heart suddenly softened, and he couldn't help casting a sympathetic look at her.

"Auntie, it's okay. Don't worry about work. It's not easy for you. It's hot. Take care to protect yourself and avoid heatstroke."

"Hey, hey."

Hearing Shen Dapeng's warm words, the cleaning lady hurriedly replied with touch, and watched Shen Dapeng walk into the gate of the square.

Shen Dapeng did not stop at the sales area on the first floor, but walked straight to his office.

Closing the glass door of the office, Shen Dapeng sat down on the sofa behind the desk, picked up the flyer in his hand and looked at it again.

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