Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1779: ?? Old opponent

The latest website: The dismal sales of the Huanglong N70 mobile phone has made Huang Bin not only made no money, but also lost a portion of it.

As the head of the Southern Market, Huang Bin, of course, will not be reconciled.

Although Huang Bin was very annoyed, he was annoyed not because of losing money, but because of Shen Dapeng's old opponent.

Had it not been for Shen Dapeng and his Xiaoyu mobile phone, who had spent so much effort, could the sales of the successfully developed Huanglong mobile phone be so bleak?

However, Huang Bin was angry and calmed down. He was still impressed by Shen Dapeng's Xiaoyu mobile phone.

Although Huang Bin’s impression of Xiaoyu’s phone is not very good in his external rhetoric, and he feels that it is really insignificant compared to his Huanglong phone, but in private, Huang Bin also secretly studied Xiaoyu’s phone.

From the perspective of Xiaoyu's phone's operating sense or a brand-new interface, his Huanglong phone is really inferior to others.

Moreover, even if the price of my company's mobile phone is much lower than that of Xiaoyu mobile phone, it still can't compete with Shen Dapeng.

How could Huang Bin swallow this breath?

Therefore, the Huanglong second-generation mobile phone N93 was developed, and it was a music phone.

These traditional mobile phones on the market now have no perfect music listening software at all, so Huang Bin wants to rely on this gimmick to clean up the failure of the Huanglong generation of mobile phones, reinvigorate the team and make a lot of money.

If Huanglong's second-generation mobile phone is launched in the market, then even if he has completely turned over, he will definitely make more money than a few or even a dozen hot pot restaurants.

"God, I am looking for you today, mainly for this matter!"

After hearing Zhu Shenyou's words, Huang Bin's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but sit up straight.

It can be said that Huang Bin has spent a lot of heart and pressure on this matter recently.

If Huanglong's second-generation mobile phone can no longer be a blockbuster, then his previous efforts will be in vain.

"How's the promotion in the early stage?" Huang Bin asked eagerly, staring at Zhu Shenyou.

Because he and Zhu Shenbing have been busy with the apartment building project in Nanshan District, the daily operation of Huanglong Mall is handed over to Zhu Shenyou.

However, because he has no more reliable brothers around him, Huang Bin can only ask Zhu Shenyou to start the pre-publicity work of Huanglong second-generation mobile phones in addition to managing the Huanglong Mall.

The production of Huanglong's second-generation mobile phones is handed over to another local factory. Judging from the current progress, the hundreds of thousands of mobile phones listed in the early stage are about to be delivered.

Huang Bin has personally checked the samples, both in terms of performance and appearance, they are much better than the first generation of mobile phones, and more importantly, the sound quality when listening to music is very good, which makes Huang Bin very interested in the launch of this mobile phone. Is full of confidence.

As soon as Zhu Shenyou heard Huang Bin ask about this topic, he nodded with a smile on his face, "Don’t worry, I’ve talked to the TV station. They are working out a specific advertising and marketing plan. After a few days, After the plan is finalized, a sample will be made, and we can take a look at that time."

"Yeah, you have to keep an eye on this matter, don't make anything wrong." Huang Bin also nodded in satisfaction and exclaimed.

"Okay. In addition, I have recruited a lot of people who set up publicity booths in Guangshen, and register according to your wishes. From the current feedback, there are already no less than a few thousand people who have registered their intentions. ."

"In general, the effect is good, so I decided to postpone it for a while to continue the promotion. When that time comes with the TV media advertisement, I believe that our Huanglong second-generation mobile phone will definitely win the house."

Hearing Zhu Shenyou's confident words, Huang Bin's expression was also lifted a lot, and he couldn't sit still. He stood up and walked back and forth in the office.

"It seems that the idea we have discussed is not bad. If we purchase this batch of intentional customers, although we will make less money, we will still be profitable in general."

Go outside to set up a promotion, register for customers who are interested in buying, and then enjoy discounts on the basis of the listed price. Huang Bin came up with this idea.

Judging from the situation described by Zhu Shenyou, the current idea is still very good, and it will soon bear fruit.

Moreover, although a mobile phone can earn tens of yuan or even one or two hundred yuan less by then, it will attract a large part of the customers. This is undoubtedly more pros than cons for your company.

As for Huang Bin, this point couldn't be more clear in his heart.

"God, just do what you say, I believe in your ability, and you will never do anything wrong with it."

Huang Bin paced up to Zhu Shenyou's side, patted Zhu Shenyou's shoulder with a smile on his face and encouraged.

Zhu Shenyou was praised, and he nodded modestly, and couldn't hide a trace of pride under his smiling face.

When he was happy, Zhu Shenyou did not forget to glance at Qian Xiaohao next to him. The embarrassment and uncomfortableness on Qian Xiaohao's face was seen by Zhu Shenyou, and he became even more proud.

Qian Xiaohao was originally a smart person. He has not been seen by Huang Bin for a while. In order to save his place in Huang Bin's mind, today he mustered up the courage and boldly said his thoughts, but unexpectedly. He was appreciated by Huang Bin.

Listening to Huang Bin's praise of himself, Qian Xiaohao's heart felt as sweet as eating honey. The depression that had accumulated in his heart for a long time disappeared suddenly, and his mood was much more relaxed.

However, Qian Xiaohao hadn't floated for long before he felt something was wrong.

Sitting on the side, listening to Zhu Shenyou and Huang Bin talking about the Huanglong second-generation mobile phone, Huang Bin’s excitement is far greater than hearing the suggestion he just praise Zhu Shenyou, even He patted Zhu Shenyou on the shoulder.

In the eyes of outsiders, this action is very random, but Qian Xiaohao read the profound meaning from this random action.

It can be seen that Huang Bin’s current focus is not on the financial company he manages, but on the upcoming Huanglong second-generation mobile phone.

Moreover, Huang Bin was only dealing with himself on the surface, but for Zhu Shenyou, Qian Xiaohao could see that it was an appreciation from the heart!

Thinking of this, a deep sense of frustration rose from the bottom of my heart. Qian Xiaohao sat blankly on the side. Although there was still a few smiles on his face, he felt like he had eaten Huanglian. The kind of suffering only he knew.

"Shenbing, the apartment building project is about to be completed. There are not many things left. The sales department is being prepared. I will check it out tomorrow. You don't need to follow me."

After instructing about the mobile phone, Huang Bin felt that everything was fine and only owed Dongfeng, so he felt more at ease, so he turned his attention to Zhu Shenbing again.

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