Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 1782: ??Entertainment era

Latest website: Shen Dapeng drank slowly, and did not persuade Tang and Wei.

After all, through Tang Wei’s narrative, Shen Dapeng learned that the game company’s profits have increased a lot recently. Tang Wei is happy, and it’s okay to let him drink a few more bottles.

Before the Wentian game was very popular, the existing server was overwhelmed and almost paralyzed. So Tang Wei added a few more servers, but judging from the current situation, after the increase, the servers still seem a little nervous.

Players are happy to play, but the game screen freezes at all times. In addition to some backward computers in the Internet cafes, the server is not smooth is also a very important reason.

Therefore, many players have responded to this problem to the company's customer service and expressed their dissatisfaction.

There is no way. For the benefit of the company and for the players to have a better experience, Tang and Wei can only open new areas and add servers to satisfy more and more gamers.

In the words of Tang and Wei, we have now entered an era of entertainment. With the rapid development of society, people are facing more problems, and the pressure of work and life increases, making more and more people look for other ways to come. Relieve stress.

And the way to relieve and eliminate stress through playing games is already the best choice for many young people.

However, according to Tang Wei's statement, from the background statistics, there are many middle-aged and white-collar people among Wentian game players.

These middle-aged people, there are old people and young people, are the most stressful group in life. In order to make money every day, where can there be time to play these games that only young people can play?

There are also those white-collar workers who live in a comfortable life. They are all old people. How can they like to play this kind of game, and they are online every day, and enjoy it?

There is only one reason, and that is that this Wentian game is really fun!

Compared with traditional paid games, the early stage is free, but after a certain stage of play, you must buy a point card to recharge to continue playing, and the game screen and plot settings are not very good.

For young people who have just come out of school, who has so much money to buy some cards to play games?

Therefore, since the beginning of the game, Wentian was launched under the banner of free, and in the course of operation, it did achieve this.

Those players who don’t have much money can play Wentian game on the computer of the Internet cafe for free at an overnight fee of less than ten yuan, and the game’s upgrade system and plot settings are much better. The popular online games on the market before are much more interesting.

Almost overnight, those previously prevalent online games began to gradually decline. Players left one after another, all rushing to the Wentian game.

Although there are a lot of good equipment and weapons in Wentian game’s item mall, as well as quick upgrade items, which can improve the various attributes of the player’s role in the game in a short time, and enhance the combat effectiveness, this does not affect those non-RMB players playing the game. .

If you want to upgrade quickly, increase your combat effectiveness, and dominate the game, then you can do it by spending money to buy props, and at the same time, it can satisfy the player's vanity.

However, for ordinary players who have no financial means, although they have no money to purchase items, they will still get the items they need through long-term unremitting efforts, but the time will be slightly longer.

Therefore, this free Wentian game, from a certain perspective, is very fair, and it is also very suitable for each player's choice.

In any case, Wentian games are already very user-friendly compared to those online games that require constant purchase of point cards to recharge to continue playing the game, adding an extra burden.

No wonder it attracted so many gamers from the moment it went public. As for those middle-aged and white-collar workers, Tang Wei's analysis is not unreasonable. They are probably because the game is so fun.

Everyone has their own ideals, but not everyone’s ideals can be realized, and they can do the work they dreamed of when they were young. So when these middle-aged people were lost, they suddenly discovered this game, through playing the game, in it Find a kind of happiness, you can temporarily forget some unhappiness and helplessness in reality.

"Brother Peng, I think if this continues, our existing computer room will not be enough. We need to expand the computer room."

Tang Wei put a piece of mutton into his mouth and chewed it tastefully, watching Shen Dapeng half-jokingly.

"Listen to what you just said, a few more servers have been added in the past two days. I think you are right. Now a new district is opened in a few days, and a new district is opened in a few days. If this continues, the existing computer room is definitely not enough. NS."

Shen Dapeng nodded in agreement. Some time ago, Tang Wei followed his suggestion and installed several high-power air conditioners in the server room to ensure the ambient temperature during server operation and reduce the chance of damage. Although it cost some money, In the long run, it is a very beneficial thing.

The person who plays the game can go online to play the game whenever he has free time, so the server must ensure that it runs smoothly 24 hours a day without any problems.

It can be said that as long as the server does not have a problem, the money is a lot of money.

Although Wentian games are free, as young people, who do not want to dominate the game and satisfy their vanity, so there are many players who spend money in the prop store.

There are millions of players all over the who spend money in the mall every day. There are hundreds of thousands of people who spend money in the mall every day. And now Wentian games are still engaged in publicity. As more and more people know, There will be more players, so there will be more and more RMB players.

Now we have to see the future. In this case, when these problems come out in the future, if they want to remedy them, they will appear to be a little passive. The problem that Tang Wei now proposes should indeed be taken into consideration and should be resolved as soon as possible.

"So, now it looks like our game company has made a lot of money. It looks very good on the surface, but we are also facing a lot of problems. First of all, as more new areas are opened, the problem of the computer room becomes particularly prominent. ."

Shen Dapeng nodded and looked at Tang Wei, who was quite mature in manners and speeches. He smiled and said: "Mr Tang has already considered the problem very comprehensively now. If he can think of such a long-term future, why worry about the development of our game company. Can't get up?"

Tang Wei chuckled, "Brother Peng, you are talking about the point. Who is Tang Wei and I don’t say, who is my dad? That’s the big boss in the city, the natural material for doing business, I’m such an excellent person. People, if they don’t inherit some talent for doing business in their bones, they won’t be able to achieve the glorious status of the game company today!"

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