Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 198: The first snow in 2002


Cao Mengyuan's trance was awakened by the tingling sensation in her chest when she was so suffocated.

Looking at the door of the Hive Hotel, Li Zeyu and Lin Xiaoxiao were long gone. Cao Mengyuan broke free from the palm of Shen Dapeng's cheek and ran away.

"Hey, hello, Mengyuan..."

Shen Dapeng hurriedly chased, grabbing Cao Mengyuan's galloping body, frowning in wonder, "What are you running? It's dangerous without looking at some cars on this street!"

"Don't, don't let them see us downstairs..."

Cao Mengyuan wanted to mention the intimate behavior of the two people just now, but she was shy and unable to speak, but her cheeks were hot.

"Don't worry, they can't take care of themselves now, how can they take care of us both."

Shen Dapeng smiled slightly. For some reason, the more he saw Cao Mengyuan so shy, the more he felt his heart throbbed.

Obviously she is a smart girl, once in love, she will become so mindless.

"They are so courageous, they are still high school students, they actually..."

Cao Mengyuan blushed and did not continue.

"Perhaps because the snow is heavy, so I went in and rested, or the two of us..."

Shen Dapeng hadn't finished speaking, but Cao Mengyuan's eyes were filled with warning.

"Haha, I'm joking with you."

Shen Dapeng smiled faintly, and leaned forward and approached Cao Mengyuan. The distance from her front was less than four fingers. She stared at Cao Mengyuan's panic and dodging gaze, her lips pressed to her ears, and she softly said, "My goddess, Valentine's Day. hapiness."

Cao Mengyuan looked like a frightened little white rabbit, backing back frequently, and took a deep breath until she felt a safe distance.

Looking up and watching the breath go away with the wind, he slowly stretched out his tender palm, the snowflakes fell on the palm, and after a short time, it melted into water, somehow he thought of Huang Bin, suddenly lost, and heart sorrowful.


"Shen Dapeng, sing me a song."

Cao Mengyuan turned her head silently, put away her loneliness, and smiled.


Shen Dapeng is a sensitive person, even if Cao Mengyuan intends to hide it, he still noticed the trace of helplessness. He raised his head and took a deep breath while looking up at the large swaths of snow scattered under the moonlight.

"The first snow of 2002

Come later than ever

Three-way car speeding to No. 1 Middle School

Took away the last fallen yellow leaf

The first snow in 2002

It’s the complex of staying in Qingshu County


Private room on the top floor of Songbai Building in Qingshu County.

The private room on the top floor is dedicated to the Zhu family’s reception of ‘guests’, but this time the ‘guests’ are the county secretary Cao Xinmin.

It's not that Cao Xinmin was corrupted by the Zhu family, but because the Zhu family was deceived to build a factory building must be resolved. Huang Bin came on behalf of the Huang family because of this.

As a ‘disadvantaged group’ waiting for funds to save their lives, Zhu’s family, even if it is not a humble plea, must do the best of the landlord’s friendship. After several discussions, Cao Xinmin finally agreed to entertain Huang Bin in the Songbai Building.

"Huang Bin, this time your Huang family can come to take over the factory that has not been fully completed, which is a great help to me. Otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with the deceived investors."

The food on the dinner table is not unforgettable, but Cao Xinmin just took a bite with his chopsticks in no mood.

"Uncle Cao, what are you talking about? You and my father have been in friendship for many years. It's just a small favor. How can it be unhelpful? Besides, if you count me and Mengyuan, our relationship will be closer in the future. ."

Although Huang Bin didn't say it clearly, both of them knew everything about the marriage contract.

Huang Bin didn't mention seeing Cao Mengyuan and Shen Dapeng together. It was unnecessary, and he seemed to have a small belly.


Cao Xinmin had already looked at Huang Bin thousands of times, but at this time he still couldn't help but look up and down again, with a gentle smile on his face, but the helplessness in his eyes was looming. Suddenly, his expression became straight, "Yes, Huang Bin, Have you seen the real estate today? With so many people, don’t you think there is more power?"

"There are a lot of people, but the strength is not visible!"

Huang Bin shook his head, "Uncle Cao let them all go away with just one sentence, that at least shows that Uncle Cao can be one enemy to a hundred!"

"You kid, I haven't seen you for half a year, still talking like this."

Cao Xinmin shook his head and laughed, "The property prices in our county are still below the average price in the province. If there is a lot of capital injection, it will make a lot of money."

Cao Xinmin's remarks were basically equivalent to asking if the Huang family had any intentions to take over these missing real estates. If they could, they would help him solve another problem.

"Uncle Cao, I also think this real estate can make a lot of money, but this time my father asked me to come, just to take over the bad factory building, and other things... even if I have the intention, I am really powerless!"

Huang Bin's mouth is sweet, but holding his father as a shield is basically a direct rejection of Cao Xinmin's suggestion.

"It's okay. I also want to have a win-win situation. In that case, we won't talk about real estate. After all, I am very grateful for your Huang family to take over the mess of the factory, and you will do business in the factory in the future. I can give my full support without breaking the law and regulations."

"Okay, then I will thank Uncle Cao for my father. I am a junior, so I will toast you a... er, drink instead of wine."

Huang Bin suddenly thought that Cao Xinmin would be his father-in-law in the future, and he should converge a little. The main thing was that there was no wine on the table, so he had to use a drink instead.

"Replace wine with water, and also toast your father this glass."

The two smiled and toasted their glasses, but they were both thinking about it.


At this moment there was a tiptoe knock on the door, and then the Zhu family brothers poked their heads, showing pleasing smiles from the door.

"Secretary Cao, we are looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally we have brought you to Pan."

Zhu Shenyou's words are absolutely convincing, and there is absolutely no falsehood. Let alone him, even his parents are hoping that Secretary Cao will quickly recruit new investors to take over their dead factory.

"It's just right, let me introduce to you all..."

Cao Xinmin motioned to the Zhu family to sit down, "This is the young master of the Huang family in the capital, Huang Bin, the future successor of the Feihuang Group."

"Feihuang Group? The Feihuang Group of Longmart supermarket chain?"

Zhu Shenbing hasn't had much reaction yet. After all, he has never heard the name of Feihuang Group, but Zhu Shenyou has returned from studying abroad and has some ways in big cities. Naturally, he knows Feihuang Group, especially Longmart, who has been famous for a long time.

[Look for a monthly pass! 】

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