Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 668: "High Broken Tea"

"That's because many people look down on themselves, the global economy is developing, and the country is catching up with the international footsteps, but many people worship foreigners and treat foreigners as their ancestors. Why? Foreign technology is advanced, but Everything about them is good? Not necessarily?"

"Dapeng, since you know the truth, instead of being angry with them, think about how you can'teach barbarians to grow skills to control barbarians.' Everyone is a young man. I believe that with your ability, you must be no worse than anyone else. "

A very ordinary sentence caused Shen Dapeng to be taken aback suddenly, turning his head to look at Wang Xueying, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "You girl, usually crazy, I didn't expect to have a little thought."

"That is, you don't look at who the man next to me is!"

Shen Dapeng just exaggerated that Wang Xueying's mad nature was exposed again, and her head held up proudly, "How about it, don't you be angry? Am I helping you? Come with me to play!"


Shen Dapeng smiled helplessly. After all, this girl still has a hot temper, but listening to the few words she just said, she looks at things quite insightful.

But think about it, the tiger father has no dogs, and Wang Huailong can cultivate a daughter as good as Wang Yuying. As a young daughter, even if Wang Xueying only looks at her father and sister's behavior, how can she go so far?

"Hey, I'm talking to you, I'm in a good mood and I'm disturbed by you, please let me go?"

Wang Xueying wanted to miss dinner, so she could spend more time with Shen Dapeng.

However, Shen Dapeng's mind was not here. The events of tonight suddenly gave birth to many thoughts in his heart.

"I have something else, I'll talk about it another day."

Shen Dapeng turned to leave, but Wang Xueying grabbed her arm.

"It's too irresponsible to leave, right? It's so dark, at least you should send me back to the bedroom to look more gentleman..."

"Gentleman? I've never been a gentleman. Go back by yourself."

Before Wang Xueying finished speaking, Shen Dapeng hurried away in the direction of the bedroom.

"If you don't give it to me, can't I give it to you? Don't run..."

Wang Xueying seemed to have forgotten the displeasure on the stage just now, and turned back to that little fairy who likes to cling to people.

Repeated setbacks will only make Wang Xueying grow, and repeated rejections will only make her firmer in what she thinks and thinks in her heart, and the look in Shen Dapeng's eyes is a bit firmer.

What about "You at the same table"? I love you, so what if you don't love me? You want to see my long hair being curled up by others, but I don't, I just want you to lift the red veil for me.

In the end, it was Shen Dapeng who sent Wang Xueying back to the dormitory. After all, it was too late. Even in a university with the best culture and education in the country, it would be somewhat dangerous to let a girl go back to the dormitory alone.

It was midnight when Shen Dapeng returned to the dormitory by himself. On normal days, the dormitory had been cut off at this time, but to celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas, the school was still lit up.

Tang Wei and Du Yuefeng have not yet come back, and they are probably still happy at the dance. Shen Dapeng sat in front of the computer and checked the relevant information about the Anzhi system and gsearch.

I also searched for some information on smart phones. It’s a pity that in 2002, everything about smart phones was in its infancy. For foreign countries, it was a pioneering concept and technology. How could there be too many records on the Internet? The information is too fragmented to be connected at all.

With emotion, Promise has been No. 1 in the global mobile phone market for more than ten consecutive years. It also entered the field of smart phones very early. However, due to deviations in the planning of system problems, it will quickly collapse in the next few years.

In the same embarrassing position as Nokia Kee, Mo Kee entered the industry later than Nokia Kee. Fortunately, it has made a system that is more advanced than Nokia Kee to gain a firm foothold in the smartphone market.

And because of the emergence of the "Fruit" mobile phone, the sales volume of Moji could only drop like Nokian. So far, almost all of the two major brands have lost the opportunity to be on the top of the mobile phone sales list.

As two groups that have been doing well in the field of electronic high-tech for decades, they have been ruthlessly swept away in just a few years. It is not only that their plans for the future are flawed, nor can they be said that the rising star is too strong. In the final analysis, it is. The absolute monopoly and leadership in technology and talent was broken.

And Shen Dapeng clearly knows and understands that the company that breaks the monopoly and leads is the "fruit" company. Among them, the operating system developed from new concepts and new technologies that is more in line with the user experience will push the "fruit" mobile phone in the future. In the trend towards the world, it has played a particularly important role as a filler.

I was thinking about the bursting screen of the ‘fruit’ mobile phone rampant around the world, the phone rang suddenly, looked at the display, and after a little hesitation, I answered it, "Hey, Senior Sister Qu."

"Dapeng, didn't you sleep? We are going out to eat, so let's come together."

On the phone side, Qu Yina's yelling voice was a bit chaotic amid the noisy singing, apparently she hadn't left the Christmas ball.

"I'm going to sleep. Go and eat. I won't go."

Shen Dapeng was thinking about smartphones. How could he have the mind to have a boring dinner, let alone two unfamiliar foreigners.

"Don't go to bed, it will be Christmas right after twelve o'clock. It's so boring to sleep well. Mark said he wanted to try Sichuan hot pot. We will wait for you at the previous hot pot restaurant."

As she said, Qu Yina’s voice suddenly became smaller, "Didn’t you ask someone to study the production line of the new instrument? Mark has a lot of research in this area, and he is much better than me. It just so happens that he wants to stay in our experiment. Working in the room, you can strike while the iron is hot and leave this to him."


Shen Dapeng hesitated to rub his stubble-free chin and nodded, "Okay, see you later."

In the Sichuan-style hot pot restaurant in the school, since it is almost midnight, most of the students are attending the Christmas countdown ball, so there is not a table of guests in the restaurant.

The boss was bored at the cash register using his computer to watch a TV series. The door was opened and he looked up and saw a girl and two foreigners walk in. There was business to do, and he was in an instant mood.

"Are you eating? Our authentic Sichuan-style hot ingredients are fresh and the prices are reasonable. Are you three?"

"Four people, and one more will be coming soon."

Qu Yina looked at the table where there were no guests, so she found a table far away from the door and closer to the inside.

"Slightly spicy? Or spicy pot?"

The boss enthusiastically handed over three menus and the ‘high broken tea’ just made.

"Mark, Jason, can you two eat spicy food?"

Qu Yina probably flipped through the menu and looked at Mark and Jason on the opposite side, "Sichuan flavor is spicy and spicy, can you two?"


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