Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 918: 1 laughed

"Sophistry." Shen Dapeng curled his lips in disdain.

"I'm not quibbling, the domestic environment is like this, let alone going to school, even if you get married and have children in the future, you don't want your parents to spend money to buy a house. I believe that 90% of young people are a way of living. There are a few people who can be like Xiaofeng. Are you willing to endure hardship and can endure hardship, and are willing to bear all responsibilities on your shoulders?"

"So some people are called elites, and some people are just doing nothing all their lives. It is the attitude that elderly people should have to live a relaxed and calm life. Do you want to enter the life of walking birds, walking, and practicing Tai Chi in advance?"

"Walking the birds? Brother Peng, stop teasing, what kind of birds are you walking in such a cold day!"

Tang Wei looked down at his baby bump, then at Jason's, and finally looked at Shen Dapeng with a hip smile.

"Fuck off, not serious!"

Shen Dapeng had nothing to do with Tang and Wei. Originally, he thought that Tang and Wei were only having fun. He didn't expect that Tang and Wei had already passed the anger with Chen Xiaoxun. He knew that there was no problem with the supply of computer supermarkets, so he was confident and bold.

What Tang Wei said is correct. Money is used for spending. It is used to make people live a happier life. Without affecting others, the money he earns is freely distributed by himself. Since Tang and Wei had the conditions to enjoy life outside of work, why not be allowed?

"I'm really **** off? I went to see Brother Peng and Li Zeyu. They have been playing in the entertainment area for so long. There must be something more fun than skiing. Let me see!"

"Dapeng, let's go together, I'm a little tired and don't want to slip anymore."

Jason’s good mood was disturbed by Yuan Shuai’s group. In addition, he had been skating for a few hours and had to teach Tang Wei and Shen Dapeng. It was indeed a bit tired to go up and down dozens of times on the entire slide. He was on the mountainside. At that time, I overlooked the entertainment area. There were many projects and a lot of people. Sun Dapaozi and Li Zeyu didn't come back for a long time. It should be very interesting.

"Then let's not skate anymore. I was really tired for several hours. Let's see what Sun Da Paozi and Li Zeyu are doing. Let them go crazy for a while."

The three of Shen Dapeng withdrew their ski equipment, but their warm ski suits did not return. When they arrived at the Houshan entertainment area, Sun Dapaozi and Li Zeyu were very conspicuously playing bumper cars in the snow. In the huge venue, only their bumper cars were fast. Gallop and collide.

The rest of the other cars were obediently hiding next to the field. They didn't even have the courage to step on the accelerator. It is estimated that they were afraid of being hit by the two of them. Among them, there was a pair of little boys sitting in a bumper car.

"Brother Pao, the two of you were playing too hard. Brother Peng and Jason were bullied just now, don't you both know?"

As soon as Tang Weigang spoke, Sun Dapaozi and Li Zeyu, who were still colliding wildly, stopped the car suddenly and ran to the edge of the field in large strides.

Sun Dapaozi jumped over the waist-length isolation belt, and carefully looked up and down Shen Dapeng, "Someone dare to bully my Peng brother? Who? Where is it?"

"You know." Shen Dapeng smiled faintly.

"I know? Impossible! My friends know us. They will not bully themselves, let alone bully you."

"Yuan Shuai!"

"Yuan Shuai? Does that kid dare to do anything? The sky is clear and the rain has stopped, he thinks he can do it again."

Sun Dapaozi licked his lips scornfully and looked around, "Where is he? I can't spare him."

"It's okay, he's already gone."

Shen Dapeng hugged Sun Dapaozi's shoulders, and pointed at the snowy field of Mapingchuan below the mountain, "Brother, we are not a gangster, we have to look forward, it is bright and smooth, there is no need to waste energy with some waste."


Sun Dapaozi sighed aggrievedly. He is indeed not a **** with dozens of subordinates before. Half of the people can't stand the stable days of 9 to 5 and leave him, and continue to pursue the unrestrained days of dominance.

A few days ago he also heard that the six men and the gang he had mixed up with Zhao Hui had all mixed up with Zhao Hui. Although they did not go to work and make money stable, but with Zhao Hui, the money came and went quickly, and it can make the young people afraid of ignorant people. Looking up, maybe that is the life they want to pursue!

"Don't mention those annoying things, let's go snowmobile. It's exciting, isn't it?"

Shen Dapeng came to play last year, but only learned how to ski. He didn't try any of these items in the entertainment area. Although he didn't particularly want to play, he wanted to distract everyone. It would be nice not to think about Yuan Shuai.

"Yes, what is Yuan Shuai, the poor little Huangmao, who still spends the whole day ruining students' money around the school. We are not worthy of anything. Let's care about him and lose more money."

Li Zeyu also stepped forward to complete the game. When he was in school, he was also very afraid of Yuan Shuai, and even more afraid of Sun Dapaozi. Before, he could never dream of being a brother and brother to Sun Dapaozi. Think about the current work and life. Yuan Shuai can’t even count as a fart. The fart still smells a little bit. In his eyes, Yuan Shuai is no different from the This is the growth of life. Something that once felt out of reach will one day. It's at your fingertips; people or things that were once afraid of fear will one day not care; the self and principles that once thought that they would rather die than compromise will one day be a calm joke... and laughed.

Snowmobiles can be regarded as exciting sports, but for Shen Dapeng and others, there is nothing new. They can see the same snow-covered mountains every year. , For them, it's just that the rain freezes into snowflakes.

In the afternoon, there was a tour group visiting from the south. Everyone was speaking with accents that northerners could not understand. It was not the Cantonese and Shenzhen dialects of Hong Kong and Taiwan movies and music, but the more complicated Hokkien dialect.

Compared with most of the ski resorts, the people in this tour group, young and old, are all extremely excited, jumping and rolling in the snow, snowballs and snowball fights without gloves, and the palms and cheeks are flushed with cold. , And don’t want to give up close contact with snowflakes every minute.

"Isn't it? Isn't it just a bunch of broken snowflakes, so excited?"

No one cares about Tang Wei's words, just watching his friends in the south continue to play in the snow like a joke.

But Shen Dapeng stared at the smiling faces of his southern friends. Tang Wei was right. Isn't it just a pile of broken snowflakes? Why are these southern friends so excited like a child? Who hasn't seen what snowflakes look like on TV? Touching it with your hands will produce a different illusion?

Shen Dapeng’s eyes suddenly flashed a touch of shrewdness. He suddenly remembered how he felt when he saw the sea for the first time in his previous life. He also knew the blue of the sea and the sky, and knew the moistness of the sea breeze. It smells fishy, ​​but when he himself was on the scene, he couldn't help but sigh the waves and magnificence of the sea.

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