Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 930: Real power

"It's casual, the family gathers together, it's good to be happy, there is no need to force it."

Huang Zhiwen and Huang Bin and his son also took a symbolic sip. Huang Zhizhong and Huang Zhihong saw the turbulence in the dark, and they all just meant nothing.

Only Huang Zhiwei was really happy for his son. He drank a glass of wine on his back, and poured another glass before he was too happy, "I wish the Huang family, the future is promising, and it’s done."

Huang Zhiwei toasted two glasses in a row. When other people on the table saw Huang Zhiwen not toasting, they could only feel embarrassed. Several women just accompanied their husbands and children back to the father’s house for the New Year. They didn’t even have the idea of ​​a toast. He smiled awkwardly and politely.

The younger Huang Heng and Huang Bin have their own thoughts. Huang Yao and Huang Yi’s sisters and brothers have an indifferent attitude of'it doesn’t matter what they are.' The most important Spring Festival and New Year's Eve of New Year, no one continued to say a word, the embarrassment of the scene can be imagined.

A New Year’s Eve dinner with each having their own ghosts and their own calculations is destined to be unsatisfactory and not to feel relish. In addition, the old man Huang Junrong does not have the habit of staying up late. Even on New Year’s Day, he rests early and never waits until 0 o’clock. Ringing the bell, so each family hurriedly said goodbye to the father after eating, and then went home.

The New Year’s Eve in Beijing can be described as ‘rare people’s presence’. Even on the roads that are usually crowded and congested, it is rare to see a few cars during the New Year’s holidays.

Four cars from Beijing Huayuan, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Honda, Huang's Huang Zhiwen, Huang Zhizhong, Huang Zhihong are all good cars. Only the boss Huang Zhiwei is a relatively ordinary old Honda, but this does not affect Huang Zhiwei today. Excitement and excitement for many years, he hasn't been so happy for a long time.

"Son, it's so good. Dad hasn't hurt you for so many years! Dad is very happy to be able to come back from abroad. He never thought that your second uncle would allow you to enter the company directly and even let you skip a level and become a warehouse. The manager of the business department is higher than your uncle's position, so you have to seize the opportunity."

"Dad, do you think this is a good thing?" Huang Heng calmly looked at a flashing street lamp outside the window, shaking his fingers quickly as the light bulb was about to be broken.

"Huh?" Huang Zhiwei frowned suspiciously. "Entering the company is equivalent to entering the company. The warehouse manager is also the management. You are better than your peers."

"What's the use of being stronger than more people? What you want, isn't the entire Feihuang Group?"

"No dad, dad wants you to take back what belongs to you! My son is much better than Huang Bin. He Huang Bin is not worthy of controlling the Feihuang Group, let alone possessing the resources of the Huang Family! No matter what you have to experience, What you give, you must win the trust of your grandfather and compare Huang Bin."

Huang Zhiwei clenched his fists fiercely. He believed that his knowledge and ability were not worse than that of his second brother Huang Zhiwen. He was helpless. He had a serious heart attack when he was middle-aged. The father felt sorry for him for not letting him manage the company. Only then did Huang Zhiwen gradually control Feihuang Group.

His own brother took control of the company, and his beloved nephew took over. At first, he didn't feel anything wrong with these things, but he often hated himself when he couldn't sleep, and hated this unworthy body even more, but it was only limited to resentment. It's only self-blame.

But as Huang Zhiwen manages the company for longer, and as Huang Bin grows older, Huang Zhiwei gradually discovered that Huang Zhiwen has often forgotten and ignored his older brother's choices, and his previously well-behaved and sensible nephew even ignored him. , And even occasionally spoke outrageously, this kind of gap made him unacceptable.

Huang Zhiwei also tried to tell the old man that he should return to the board of directors, even the management of the company, but the old man just sent him a simple sentence of "you are not in good health". For a long time, he also Gradually learned to adapt to the ignorance of a few younger brothers, until...he discovered that his son suddenly became more familiar abroad.

He also asked his son several times what he had gone through abroad, but his son never wanted to mention it, and he could not force it, but everyone would encounter thorns and hardships on the way of growing up. As he passed, he gradually matured. He was very pleased with his son. For his maturity, I am also grateful for his son's success, because it gives him hope.

"My old brother...hehe, it's useless! I really don't know how such a smart second uncle can raise a simple and lovely son."

It is commendation to describe a child as simple and cute, but it is a kind of disdain and insult to describe an adult in his twenties who is in graduate school, especially the contemptuous smile on the corner of Huang Heng’s mouth, which can prove his contempt for Huang Bin. .

"Huang Bin is still very capable. He has made a lot of money in real estate development and large supermarkets in H Province. UU Reading returned to Beijing and opened an electrical supermarket. He just said he would be a chain store. He really made money, and I don’t know where he got the horrible idea!"

"Haha, how much money did he make? Ten million? One hundred million? Can Feihuang Group make a profit? As long as Feihuang Group does not make much, he will never be able to do without the wings of his second uncle. His surname is Huang. He is a young eagle, but unfortunately he can only wait to be fed and can't spread his wings. What is the difference with a blind house sparrow?"

Gentleman Huang Heng pushed his glasses, his eyes revealed an inexplicable self-confidence. Just now when his second uncle said that he would be the manager of the warehouse department, he saw Huang Bin’s impulsive expression in his eyes. It was just that action. It proves that Huang Bin's actions are still too immature.

Impulse is a stupid thing that children do.

"Son, don't forget the old saying, God can't die from hunger! After all, now your second uncle is in charge of the Feihuang Group, and wanting to take the company back in his hands is tantamount to pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth."

"Second Uncle is still very capable. The position of the warehouse manager this time seems to praise me very high, but in fact I have no real power at all."

"Real power!"

Huang Zhiwei was taken aback for a moment. His triumphant smile gradually faded, and his drinking spirit became sober. After his son reminded him, he realized that the warehouse manager sounds good, but in fact it is just a thankless position, inventory. Once there is a problem, the responsibility cannot be shied away, but with the credit, it is the Purchasing Department's assessment of the situation.

"Lack of real power is not the most important thing! The procurement department of the company has always been under the management of my third uncle, and my third uncle has been the only leader of my second uncle in recent years, for fear that they will work together to make some shameful tricks."

A cold light flashed in Huang Heng's eyes, and a smile replaced him, "But there is nothing to worry about. Although the Feihuang Group is in the hands of the second uncle, it doesn't count for the Huang Family to say it!"

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