Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 944: Pure thoughts

"Okay, I will persuade her, grandma, you go back quickly."

Shen Dapeng put on his own clothes and walked out of the house carrying a warm down jacket. As soon as he opened the door, he was shivering by the temperature difference inside and outside the house, and hurriedly tightened his collar.

Accompanied by the white breath dissipating in the wind, Liu Yuwei was squatting on the ground with her arms around her knees beside the fence not far away, her body trembling constantly, and she should be sobbing in aggrieved feelings.

"My eldest cousin, you are all about to get engaged, why are you crying secretly? Are you embarrassed?"

"Fuck off, don't talk cold words, believe it or not, I will tell the family about Cao Mengyuan and Wang Xueying, and see how they educate you, the big carrot."

While Shen Dapeng was not close to her, Liu Yuwei wiped away her tears secretly, and when she turned around and stood up, she pretended to have a relaxed expression of okay, but it was a pity that her red eyes had already betrayed her.

"It's just a joke with you, won't you betray me? We are brothers and sisters."

Shen Dapeng cheered up to Liu Yuwei's side, but before he put his hand on Liu Yuwei's shoulder, Liu Yuwei was mercilessly thrown away, "My surname is Liu, and your surname is Shen, who is your sister and brother! If you are here to help Gao Tianci When you’re a lobbyist, don’t waste your time. I don’t agree with the engagement."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to be a lobbyist. I don't want to care about your relationship with Gao Tianci!"

Shen Dapeng shrugged innocently to show his innocence, and then forcibly put the down jacket in his hand on Liu Yuwei, "I came out only on grandma's order to bring you clothes. She is afraid that you will catch a cold."


Liu Yuwei was already shivering from the cold. She felt a lot warmer when she put on her down jacket. After a short silence, she wiped the mucus from her nose, "Dapeng, I rejected Gao Tianci's proposal in front of so many people. It refutes Uncle Gao's face. Does this make me particularly ignorant?"

"Hehe, you know it!"

"Is it really too much? Actually, I don't want to..." Liu Yuwei slowly lowered her head like a kid who did something wrong. With a trembling body, she looked really pitiful.

"What the **** do you think? Can't tell me? I always think that you and Godsend have a very good relationship. They are the kind of partners who can go into marriage and even live a lifetime. Why today... alas!"

Shen Dapeng sighed helplessly, "The father and son came to propose marriage, but you suddenly refused? Do you think Gao Tianci is not good enough? Or is there a gap between the two of you that I don't know about?"

"I, I...Oh, I don’t know exactly what’s going on. Just now Uncle Gao took out the gift money and mentioned the engagement. Actually, I was quite happy in my heart. That shows that Uncle Gao’s family recognizes me. , But when Gao Tianci knelt down to propose to me, I felt that he did not respect me and threatened me with "kneeling down"..."

"Cousin, to put it simply, you like Gao Tianci and even want to marry him, but you don't like the way he proposes to marry him without discussing it with you, right?"

"I know that Gao Tianci is sincere to me, and I admit that I like him, but for engagement and marriage... those are things that are uncertain in the future. I don't want to be bound by marriage too soon. When she gets married, she has nothing to worry about. Isn't this a female entrepreneur now?"

" can't think of it this way? There are indeed many opportunities and opportunities in a person's life, but not everyone can grasp it, let alone realize their dreams if they grasp it."

My aunt’s success is not only caused by her efforts, but also by current events. If there were no food factories and unfinished buildings, the company would not have its current scale. Shen Dapeng, as a reborn person, could not guarantee that everything would follow. His ideas and plans proceed, let alone ordinary people living in the present.

"But you never get a chance if you don't work hard, do you?"

Faced with Liu Yuwei’s rhetorical question, Shen Dapeng nodded affirmatively, “Of course, heroes make times, and times make heroes. This is the problem of chicken laying eggs and eggs laying chickens. No one can tell, but the truth is simple, only chickens. Can lay eggs, duck eggs are called duck eggs. Similarly, heroes will always be different."

"I don't want to be a different freak, but I don't even want to leave my life in the hands of others before I turn 20. My sister-in-law can become a strong woman in her 30s. We are still young, shouldn't we fight for one? Fight? For example, you... are you insisting on the dream in your heart?"

"Me? Haha, I support you, grasp your own destiny, and strive for your own dreams."

Shen Dapeng clapped his hands excitedly. In her previous life, her cousin had always been a strong person. Her marriage was not smooth and her family changed, and she never lost hope in life. This is a typical strong woman personality. , Maybe my cousin can really have a good I guess you are the only one in the family who will support my illusory idea, alas, so is Gao Tianci, why can’t you discuss it with me in advance, why bother Get to the awkward situation now. "

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Liu Yuwei’s mouth. In fact, the Gao family’s proposal was not without signs. The Gao family invited their family of three to travel. Gao Tianci took good care of her, and Gao Tianci’s parents treated her parents with the same politeness throughout the process. Both are wonderful and comfortable.

During the game, both parents mentioned the future of their children, and they both joked about marriage and childbirth, and family business, but in her opinion, she just said casually. She didn't expect Gao Tianci's family to take it seriously and was not afraid of it. What I was afraid of was the rejection of the proposal in front of the whole family during the Chinese New Year, which embarrassed both families.

From Liu Yuwei's entangled expression, Shen Dapeng guessed, "Are you worried about Gao Tianci being angry? Or are you worried that his parents think about you?"

"It's all a little bit, Gao Tianci is very good to me and my parents, and Uncle Gao and Auntie are also good to us. I know it's not wrong for me to follow my inner choice, but I don't want to hurt their hearts. They are all good people. "

"How do you judge a person's good or bad? A good person will certainly not do wrong? My sister, there are so many right and wrong things in the world. If you have an idea and plan, then you should express it. Whether your parents or Gao Tianci, you need to let them understand you."

"You mean... they won't be angry with me?"

"Why are they angry with you? Why are they angry? They are very good to you, don't you be honest with Gao Tianci? The relationship between two people is best not to involve other people, and the relationship is not an investment. It has to be rewarded. If you only want to measure the pros and cons, it is not feelings, but business."

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