Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 954: Strike protest

Xie Guangshen's thoughts are not the thoughts of everyone present. Unfortunately, things have already happened, and the results are already very difficult to change. There is no other solution besides suffocating and accepting silently.

"Hey, I have to be inked by my wife for several days when I go home this time."

Old Li sighed weakly, "Originally, business was not good when there were more tricycles. Now the profit is less than half of the previous one. After some time, we will add 100 new cars. It is estimated that there will be no good place to drink Northwest Wind."

"It's not making money anyway. It's really impossible. This year's contract will not be signed. We have been driving taxis for so many years. It is not easy to work. I plan to find a truck job to work for others. It will also make more money than renting. "Maybe because of his anger, Xie Guangshen’s voice was a bit louder, which attracted the attention of many people.

At this time, Xiao Hou also came back angrily, not forgetting to scold him along the way, "It's so special, I don't know what dog people have encountered. I don't dare to let it go, I only know that living alive like a dog has so much energy."

"Xiaohou, stop scolding. Everyone is familiar with it. You don't need to look up and see you when you look down. There is no need to fall out on this little thing."

Xie Guangshen tried to persuade him, Xiao Hou still ridiculed, "What can happen to the fallout, a group of unscrupulous guys deserve to be bullied, and they are holding back and fighting back."

Everyone could hear Xiao Hou’s ridicule, but no one shot back. After all, Xiao Hou was telling the truth. When Xiao Hou was in his early years, no one agreed. When Xiao Hou was forcibly dragged away, no one responded. To obstruct, except for Xie Guangshen to say a few words for him, everyone else is an ugly face that has nothing to do with him.

"Old Xie, just now you said that you plan to find a job as a truck driver. If you can help me, I will also ask if it is really meaningless to drive this taxi."

As soon as Old Li spoke, Xiao Hou suddenly turned his head and looked at Xie Guangshen, "Thank you, brother? I don’t plan to do this little thing? I used to drive a truck and run on the road for more than ten hours a day. That’s called a Tired, compared to that, a taxi can be easier."

“There’s no way you’re tired. With more and more tricycles, plus 100 new cars, maybe the company’s re-signed contract this year will increase the price. It’s boring to do the calculations. It’s better to plan early.”

Xiao Hou looked at the Jinhui company’s compound and the four-story building not far away, and couldn’t help feeling, “Jinhui company does eat people without spitting out bones, but we are making less now. After all, it’s because of tricycles and new vehicles. If this matter can be resolved, even if we pay fines, we can still make a little profit."

"Xiao Hou's words are reasonable. In the final analysis, the final tangled point is the tricycle and new vehicles. If it doesn't work, we will go to the county government and the traffic bureau to explain the situation, and find the official leader to protect our rights. It is not someone who reports us. Is it? Let’s also find something for the bully."

From the looks of him, Lao Li is a simple and honest person. Unexpectedly, the more honest-looking person, the more he likes to do impulsive things after anxious eyes, and he is more aggressive than the young Hou. When he speaks, he goes to the county government to find a leader! !

"Xiao Hou is young and impulsive, Lao Li, how old you are and you still want to cause trouble. If the county government and the traffic bureau care about our lives, they should control tricycles instead of increasing taxis. Besides, the Jinhui family rents out in the county. The car company, the arm can’t twist the thigh, let’s honestly think about the way forward."

"Old Xie, I am not the one who caused trouble, but since it happened, I will never be afraid of it! I said that the increase in taxis this time is definitely not a unilateral decision by the county. Jinhui Company must have also participated. "

Old Li angrily pointed to the Jinhui company's plaque, "You still don't know Lu Shibo's ugly face? Insatiable only recognizes money. Adding taxis means that he can squeeze benefits from more taxi drivers. As for how much we earn more. He doesn't care if he makes less money and whether he is alive or dead."

The drivers in Zhoubian were considering silently, hesitating, not knowing whether they should pay the fine. The conversation between Xie Guangshen, Lao Li, and Xiao Hou made their depressed hearts feel very open.

The drivers gradually gathered to Xie Guangshen and Lao Li. Qingshu County is small and there are not many people in the taxi industry. Even if they don’t know each other well, they can all know each other. Say your nicknames or acquaintances, and there are three sets of wireless communication fleets in the hundreds of taxis, and a few of them know each other, so everyone will not feel unfamiliar.

"Uncle Li, did you mean to go to the government to protest? If you are willing to take the lead, all 16 people in my motorcade will go with you, as well as the motorcades of Brother Zhao and Angkor. I can also discuss with them."

The speaker was a young man who was less than 30 years old, named Lu Haorong. He was still well-known in the taxi circle in Qingshu County. He and a dozen young people with similar tempers formed the county’s first taxi fleet. He also brought the wireless communication system back from the provincial capital, and the other two wireless communication team members have a good relationship with him.

"Xiao Lu, you may have heard it wrong. Lao Li never said that he would go to the government to protest. He just said that he planned to find the leaders of relevant departments to report on the current situation of the taxi industry."

As soon as Xie Guangshen was about to explain, Xiao Lu waved his hand impatiently, "Uncle Xie, don't bend with me. You have seen Lu Shibo's death just now. He won't be finished without licking our bones and scum. It’s definitely useless to reason with him. As for calming down and finding a leader... Is it useful, let me say it?"

"Huh, a bunch of embarrassing guys."

Xiaohouqi partly spat at the gate of Jinhui is there only their Lu family brothers in our county as a taxi company? It's not because their brother-in-law Jiang Lihui works in the Transportation Bureau. Deputy Chief, who can afford it? I heard that people in the city wanted to register for a taxi company a few years ago, so they directly persuaded them to leave. "

"It's all hearsay. I can't believe it. The connections in the city are always better than those in the county! It's true that his brother-in-law is the deputy director, but it is true that their Lu family brothers are not easy to provoke. Who is not afraid of raising so many people?" Xie Guangshen gently pushed Xiaohou, motioning him to stop talking.

"I'm not talking nonsense. How many people know about this! After all, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. It is not easy for them to think that the company is the only one with Jiang Lihui in the traffic bureau? Think about it, why is this broken company called Jinhui? My Te Niang probably is because Jiang Lihui has the word'hui' in his name."

"Hush! Xiaohou, why don't you listen to persuasion!" Xie Guangshen frowned and looked at the security guard at the gate of Jinhui Company. Fortunately, the security guard was on the phone, and seemed to have not heard their conversation.


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