Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 965: Guaranteed not to cause trouble

Rebirth like water youth chapter 0965 guarantee not to cause trouble

Shen Haitao looked at the road where there was no taxi outside the window, and sighed with dissatisfaction, "The new taxi was initiated by Secretary Iron. He is also the leader of a county. Now it is his responsibility to resolve conflicts. ."

Shen Haitao is not talking angry. The ban on tricycles is in response to the call of the superior unit. No one can resist the order, but the strike was caused by the county's decision to add 100 taxis.

This is also what Tie Zhengshuo believes he has studied for a long time to improve the city's transportation and traffic, but everything seems to have not followed Tie Zhengshuo's wish.

The county government compound, which is not a spacious yard, is filled with all kinds of taxis, and the roadside at the gate of the compound is also parked in a row. There are probably fifty or sixty vehicles. .

The number of people enclosed in the courtyard and the entrance of the courtyard is only a lot more, and the number is still increasing from time to time. Fortunately, it is ice and snow, and it is in time for the New Year. Otherwise, there will not be a small number of people watching the excitement.

Among the piles of taxis at the entrance of the compound, the police car driven by Liu Ningchen was very eye-catching, but the crowd did not subconsciously evade and disperse after seeing the police car as usual. .

Seeing that it was impossible to drive the police car into the government compound, Liu Ningchen had to park the car at the door. At the same time, four police cars turned around from the opposite side of the road and stopped to the side.

"So many taxis?" Shen Dapeng looked out of the car window and sighed at the scene of dozens of taxis, no wonder that no one could get a taxi in the morning.

"Shen Ju, Liu Ju." Several uniformed policemen walked to Liu Ningchen's car and greeted Shen Haitao and Liu Ningchen politely.

"How is the situation?" Liu Ningchen didn't get out of the car, but lowered the window and asked cautiously.

"Just now we probably checked. There should be more than fifty taxis on strike. Now..."

A young police officer looked at his watch, then looked up at the pile of taxis full of Teng Teng, "It should be that the number is still increasing, and the number of passersby watching the excitement is also increasing."

"There is no conflict, right?" Shen Haitao glanced at the little police officer and asked indifferently.

"The situation can still be controlled for the time being. They only said that they asked to see the county leaders, hoping to give an explanation in person, but once the time is long, it is guaranteed that it will really cause trouble."

"Then you should stay at the door first and try to evacuate the crowd watching the excitement. As for the taxi drivers... no matter how tough they are, the first thing to do is to prevent conflicts, understand?"

"But the application..."

The police officer wants to refute. After all, there are dozens of taxi drivers on strike, with different desires and goals. If there is a conflict, there will be only a dozen police officers in total, and they will not be able to control the situation.

But faced with the instructions of the deputy county magistrate and director of public security, he had no choice but to obey the order, and Liu Ningchen couldn't help winking, and he could only swallow the grievances back into his stomach.

"Knowing that you are short on manpower, people from our Urban Management Bureau will come over soon, plus you have more than 30 people, even if they really dare to do it, it won't hurt you..."

Before Guo Lei could finish speaking, Shen Haitao coughed displeasedly, "We are law enforcement officers, and the crackdown should be focused on crimes. These are ordinary taxi drivers. There is no stubborn worries. Who wants to be in the ice and snow? Run to the government compound to make trouble?"

Shen Haitao is the deputy head of the county and the post of the director of public security. Although he is a high-ranking authority, he has come from the grassroots of the public security bureau to today. He is well aware of the worries of the young police officer.

As a leader, he has to consider more issues. The first is to try to control the situation that may break out at any time, and secondly, to ensure the safety of his colleagues and subordinates, but he will never condone his subordinates as a law-enforcer and sit down and look down and bully. Ordinary people.

"Shen Ju, don’t worry, we won’t be in conflict with the common people, so let’s go and guard." The other police officer next to him was more mindful. Seeing Shen Haitao’s unpleasant expression, he hurriedly dragged the honest guy away. NS.

"Xiao Liu, Xiao Guo, if you look outside, it's not easy for these taxi drivers. They are not allowed to quarrel with them, and they are not allowed to have conflicts. Have you heard?"

"I'm out there, so don't worry, Master."

Compared with Guo Lei's slight scorn, Liu Ningchen has a more stable personality, "Master, there are too many people at the front door. I'm afraid someone will recognize you, so should I enter through the back door?"

"Yeah." Shen Haitao didn't say much, and when he got out of the car, he glanced at Shen Dapeng, "This matter involves a lot of people, it's not a joke, don't be fooling around, give me a moth."

"I followed Brother Liu and Brother Lei and promised not to cause trouble."

Shen Dapeng smiled aggrievedly, spreading his hands to make an innocent look. This incident has nothing to do with It’s just that his father’s current position will inevitably be worried about this matter. He wants to come over and see. Look, to see if there is a proper opportunity to help share the worries.

Shen Haitao got out of the police car, cleverly avoided the crowds, and entered the building through the back door of the government building. Guo Lei got out of the car and called his subordinates of the Urban Management Bureau to urge him. Only Liu Ningchen and Shen Dapeng were left in the car.

"Brother Liu, what's going on in such a big mess? Only sixty taxis came this morning. After a while, all the taxis in the county will have to come? In addition to the people watching the excitement, I'm afraid it will arrive. The scene can't be controlled at that time."

"We don't know the specifics, but there must be someone who is arguing in it. Otherwise, it's impossible to rush dozens of cars and park at the gate of the county government in the morning based on the trivial matter of raising the price and fines privately."

"Does the county really want to add a hundred taxis? This is not a joke. The old cars have not been scrapped, and new ones are being added. There is not much space in the county that can accommodate more than two hundred taxis. Isn't it unrealistic? "

"This is not something that belongs to my bureau, and I don't know too much, but I heard your father mentioned before that Secretary Tie does have this idea, but he is also planning and planning, and he hasn't been able to implement it. You Lei When I went to a meeting in the city, I also mentioned asking the county's manpower and motor tricycles to rectify."

Liu Ningchen is also one head and two big heads. It's not a big deal, and it won't be so fierce. "The secretary of the iron wants to take the opportunity of the tricycle rectification to limit the number of tricycles in the county, and then add taxis. I don't know. The news about how to add new cars spread out."

Liu Ningchen looked at the outside. The taxi drivers gathered in piles, as if they were discussing something, but at most they were pacing around in the government compound and did not act excessively, which was relieved.

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