Rebirth Like Water Youth

Chapter 973: stubborn

Shen Haitao did not leave immediately after getting up, and Tie Zhengshuo was a little tangled for a moment, "Lao Shen, we have been friends for many years. Tell me the truth, I plan to add taxis. Is there any problem? "

"Secretary Tie, you used to be in charge of the county's enterprise planning. You must know the county's economic situation better than me. What you decide to do will definitely benefit the county's economic development."

"Lao Shen, don't tell me these flattering nonsense, friends for so many years, can't you just say a few heartfelt words to me?"

"Speaking from the bottom of my heart... Secretary Tie, I'm a person who speaks straight, and I just say anything." Shen Haitao raised his head and glanced at Tie Zhengshuo with a solemn expression. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Tie Zhengshuo nod his head sincerely. .

"I personally think there is no problem with the decision to increase taxis. The county's economy has developed rapidly in the past two years. Not only people from the villages and towns below come to work in the county, but also people from several counties around the week are also looking for development and economic development in our county. As the population increases, the demand for transportation will naturally increase.

Moreover, the province and the city are also emphasizing the problem of tricycles, hoping to change the terrible situation of tricycles from the bottom up. Once the policy of banning illegal tricycles is implemented, people’s demand for taxis will increase again, and you will add new ones. A hundred taxis may not be enough. "

"That's right, I think so. It is imperative to ban illegal tricycles. The addition of new taxis is also in advance to consider the transportation situation in the county in the next few years. And I have discussed with the Director of the Transportation Bureau Duan Ran. The taxis are still purchased by the taxi company, and the procedures and fees are also paid by the taxi company. This does not involve the financial pressure of the taxi drivers. What do you think they can make?"

"Strikes to protest and gather crowds to fight. This must be their fault, but I think they are also very pitiful. They stayed in a taxi and drove for one day, 365 days a year, regardless of the four seasons, wind and rain, scorching sun and severe winter. It took more than ten hours to make only one or two thousand yuan a month, which is hard enough."

"One or two thousand a month is less? The workers in the factory still earn 600 to 700 yuan a month. In slightly better companies, the wages of the workers also earn more than 1,000 yuan. They are not much easier than the workers on the assembly line in the factory. The most important thing is that taxi companies bear the cost of purchasing and operating. I have reduced their pressure to a minimum."

"That’s not what I said, Secretary Tie, there is only one taxi company in the county, and it controls the taxi procedures in the county. The taxi drivers have to be affiliated with the taxi company and pay the company on time. In fact, they are eliminated. With the money handed over to the company, they are no different from those who work."

Shen Haitao showed anxious emotions, "Before they wanted to grab business with lower-priced tricycles, now they have to grab business with their counterparts after increasing the number of taxis. They face the risks of doing business and earn part-time wages. No one knows. Willing to continue. If the problem cannot be solved fundamentally, strikes will happen sooner or later."

"Then you mean... I want to cancel the decision to add taxis as they said?"

"Cancellation won't be enough, but the Secretary of the Iron and Steel Council, you can consider delaying it. After the county's work on banning illegal unlicensed tricycles has achieved results, it will not be too late to increase taxis."

After Shen Haitao finished speaking, Tie Zhengshuo didn't respond, but fell into deep thought. After a while, there was a knock on the door, and Tie Zhengshuo recovered.

After knocking on the door, without waiting for Tie Zhengshuo's permission, a middle-aged man hurried into the house, "Secretary Tie, Deputy County Magistrate Shen, I'm sorry, I'm late, just came back from the country."

"Director Duan, you are really busy. I will call you personally. You will only be here for more than an hour."

Tie Zhengshuo’s tone was not tepid, but he was full of dissatisfaction. Perhaps in front of Duan Ran, when he turned to Shen Haitao, he became more of a leadership posture, "Okay, Lao Shen, I will take your suggestion Think about it carefully. As for the fight, you should watch and deal with it, and remember not to make a big fuss anymore."

"Well, I will deal with it seriously, but arresting people can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause. If you want to reassure the people, you still need you and Director Duan to come up with a thorough solution."

"Okay, we will work out the corresponding countermeasures, Lao Shen, you have worked hard."

"It's not hard, then I'll go first."

Shen Haitao and Duan Ran passed by, nodding slightly to signal to leave in a hurry. He could see clearly from the window. Liu Ningchen caught 20 or 30 people back. Most of them were taxi drivers who went on strike and protested, even if they couldn’t. It represents the aspirations of the people, but it will not be treated as a black sheep.

The previous strikes in unfinished buildings, industrial parks, and canning factories were not smaller in scale and number of people. Not only were they resolved satisfactorily in the end, but in the process, there were also county leaders to appease and mediate, but not only did they not A leader came forward to negotiate, but instead captured a group of people, which had a terrible impact on the county's image.

Shen Haitao has always worried that if it cannot be handled properly, I am afraid that when public grievances are raging, things will become more troublesome and difficult to control and end. Therefore, when he rushes back to the game, dealing with the problem is one aspect, and the most important thing is that he still needs to calm down. The arrested innocent driver uses violence to control violence, just like squeezing a spring forcefully. The greater the force used, the more obvious the effect will be. When they are unable to control and rebound by the spring, they will endure The pressure will be even greater.

A mild solution may not have an immediate effect, but at least it can keep the situation under control as much as possible, and at the same time can alleviate the pressure of bottoming out.

Shen Haitao just came out from the back door with a cold face. As soon as he went out, he saw Shen Dapeng who was waiting at the back door of the government building early. There was no one left and right, and he snorted displeasedly, "Isn't I letting you go with Guo Lei and Xiao Liu? Why? Walk around in disobedience? Was it okay during the fight just now?"

"Of course it's okay. I'm so smart. Even if they really fight, they can't hurt me. Besides, the tiger father has no dogs. I haven't heard of any police chief's son being beaten violently."

"You, don't use my prestige to sway the city. Qingshu County is a small place. Anyone can climb relatives and become friends. Don't let some people poke my spine in the back and say I have no way to teach my son."

Shen Haitao's mouth was sharp, but his worried eyes were looking at Shen Dapeng, and he was relieved when he found that there was nothing abnormal.

"How is it possible that your son I am so good, it is too late for others to envy you." Shen Dapeng smirked like to please, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

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