At night, Zhang Fangyuan ate dinner. Although he ate dinner early, it was approaching midwinter, the days were short and the nights were long, and it was getting dark earlier.

He came out of the fourth uncle's house, and within a few steps, he heard a rustling sound, like snow particles. The little snowball bounced from his shoulders to the ground, and he shrank his shoulders involuntarily. He squinted and saw a warm yellow light shining from the window of Xu's house in the distance, and felt a little warm in his heart.

Within two days, the villagers discovered that Zhang Fangyuan had become elusive again, and the gate of the courtyard was often closed tightly, and they didn't know where he had gone.

The village is humane, most likely because the courtship failed, and it is really shameless to walk around in the village. Some also said that they were stimulated and went to the city to fool around again. In short, there are different opinions, and no one knows what the butcher is doing.

It's not very useful to control him, it's nothing more than slaughtering animals, but after things like Guang's family, who would pay attention to him, even if he went to other places to hire butchers, he didn't want to associate with him.

Little did he know that Zhang Fangyuan had already been walking among the fields in the outer village with a set of pig slaughtering tools on his back.

He hit each other with a sharp meat-splitting knife and a whetstone, and the iron knife made a cold sound, which could travel far along the wind.

This is the unique voice of a butcher, once the villagers hear it, they will know that it is the butcher who slaughtered the livestock.

He worked tirelessly, walking from village to village, and kept going in the direction of the official road.

People in his village didn't want him to slaughter animals, so he went to other villages. It was already mid-winter, and there were many people slaughtering animals or selling them or celebrating the New Year. Many butchers in the village were too busy.

"I go to the village to butcher livestock. Let me make it clear first that I don't accept meat, only money."

"How much for an animal?"

"market price."

Slaughtering a pig ranges from 25 to 40 renminbi, depending on whether the owner is generous or not. Zhang Fangyuan is beneficial to slaughtering more animals, such as sheep.

Zhang Fangyuan spoke neatly, and the villagers saw that he had neat tools and a burly figure, so he seemed to be a good hand. Besides, it doesn't matter to take money, anyway, sending meat and offal is all money after conversion. There is no such thing as a loss or a loss, so I called the people back, and quickly called the brothers and neighbors to slaughter the pigs.

People in other villages don't know Zhang Fangyuan well, and few people know what his reputation is in this village, but seeing that he slaughters pigs and shaves the hair and divides the meat quickly, the master's family pays the lowest market price of twenty-five cents. Not much to say, everyone thinks that people are very straightforward, unlike some butcher mothers-in-law, who want to get money after eating and taking meat, and want to ask for more meat if they don’t take money. People in the butcher business There are not many, and the villagers also have a role to rely on, so they suffer from being dumb.

Immediately after the animals of this family were slaughtered, Zhang Fangyuan was invited to the next house. He was good at doing things and had good physical strength. He was not tired of slaughtering more than a dozen animals a day, and he would go if anyone called.

The villagers are very happy. Everyone gathers to slaughter pigs in one or two days, and those people help. It is much cheaper for each family to produce something than to slaughter pigs in separate days. Why not do it if you can save some meat consumption.

For a while, the business of these butchers in this village was much weaker, but they couldn't keep up with Zhang Fangyuan's ability.

Zhang Fangyuan walked outside for several days, doing things in a quiet manner, carefully remembering which villages raised more livestock and which households raised more animals.

In any family, they eat pig soup when they catch up with the meal. They eat well and earn money. They feel that life is much happier than listening to gossip in the village.

He has been slaughtering pigs in the village for more than half a month. He has traveled to many villages and traveled far, and he has more and more money in his pocket. After the liquidation, he found that he had more than a thousand coins, and the copper coins were heavy, so he stopped working. , Go to the bank in the city and exchange it for silver.

It was much easier to put a large bag of copper coins into a small amount of silver, and the feeling of earning money was so safe that he didn't want to go home.

He also figured it out, he was born again because he didn't want to repeat the result of being lonely, widowed, old and dead, and anxiously wanted to start a family, but he didn't know that it was difficult to start a family without establishing a career, and he got a hammer in the head, and he became more sober.

Rather than listening to gossip in the village and not being able to get close, it is better to spend your mind on making money.

After leaving the bank, he went straight to the cattle and horse dealer, wanting to choose a cattle to build a cart.

"You can pick and choose what kind of animals you want. There are small ones, young ones, strong ones and old ones."

There are several long rows of covered sheds in the cattle and horse stalls, which are divided into compartments. The cattle and horses are separately penned. There are gaps in the cattle and horse pens, which is convenient for people to see their appearance.

When entering the store, there is a smell of cows and horses, mixed with feces and urine, and the smell is very unpleasant. But there were quite a few people inside, and many of them came to see the livestock.

Cattle and horses are extremely important means of farming and transportation, and only the upper class in a village are willing to buy these animals if they have the spare money. Of course, it's another talk about people who make a living by driving cattle and horses and carrying people.

Zhang Fangyuan was also very hesitant, whether to choose cattle or horses, his plan was to set up a cart, not to carry people for a living, but to transport things specifically.

I couldn't make up my mind, and wanted to ask the cattle and horse dealers to introduce them, but these lazy things, with their legs crossed under the greenhouse, didn't come to greet customers.

Zhang Fangyuan shouted twice at the top of his voice.

"Student, it seems like it's the first time I've come back."

"I hate this kind of thing the most. I won't buy it even after trying to introduce it. Whoever is free will go and watch it with me."

A few old fritters pushed each other and refused to move. Cattle and horses are not like selling pork. You can still afford to buy them if you squeeze them. If you can buy a livestock worth several thousand dollars, then the business of the car and horse dealership will be good. Done.

The vast majority of people who come here just look at it and don’t buy it. It’s a skill to make a decision after running several times. Even if they only rent, many people have to go three or five times before paying the deposit.

It was the first time I came back, and Lao Youtiao didn't even bother to talk.

"Why don't I go and watch with you."

Several people looked at the person who volunteered, and laughed: "Okay, Yuan Quan'er has only come here not long ago, so go and watch with him more, and know more about our car and horse business."

After a while, Zhang Fangyuan saw a young cattle and horse dealer running over. He was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't say much.

"What's the price of your cattle and horses here?"

"Brother, we have a lot of cattle and horses here, and the price is not fixed. The price of cattle is about 8,000 to 20,000 yuan, and the price of horses is even higher. There is no upper limit for 10,000 yuan."

Zhang Fangyuan knew that the price of a breed of BMW was appalling, but he was not a high-ranking official, so he didn't need to touch that kind of horse at all.

The chariot dealer asked politely: "I don't know what kind of errand does the elder brother want the cattle? If you have a lot of land, you can consider buying cattle. You can plow the land, transport things with a cart, and borrow neighbors' envoys. Money or fodder are good. If you go out to do business more, horses are better. First, they run fast, not as procrastinating as cows, and second, they are smaller. When you go out to do business, horses poop less than cows. , easy to handle."

Zhang Fangyuan felt that what the dealer said was true, and he had some ideas in his mind: "What is the price of a strong horse?"

"A healthy horse costs 12,000 Wen at the worst, but the horses in our horse shop are of good quality, and even the worst ones are very durable."

After Zhang Fangyuan thought about it, this animal was several times higher than the bride price for his wife, and he really couldn't afford it.

He said bluntly: "It's expensive."

This is what many people think in their hearts, but they don't say it out of their mouths. Usually, they express this meaning in a lot of twists and turns. Yuan Quan'er felt that the order was useless, but he heard people ask: "Is there any one that can get 8000 Wen?"

"Most of the 8,000 or so are young horses, which are not strong enough to bear weight and need to be raised."

Zhang Fangyuan couldn't help sighing, since that's the case, he had to save up some more money to come and see it.

The dealer suddenly thought of it, and hurriedly said: "Brother, if you really want to buy it, why not take a look at this horse? It's a full-grown horse, but one foot was injured when it was received, and it can't be used immediately after buying it. It needs to be raised for a while. Eight thousand wen can be taken."

Zhang Fangyuan followed the businessman to the stable at the corner, and he was talking about a black horse. It looked good, tall and strong, and could pull things at first glance, but the fly in the ointment was that the left leg was injured.

"If it's good, it can sell for ten thousand yuan or more, but if it hurts, it will be sold at a low price."

"Did you hurt your bones? Can you still recover?"

The dealer said: "It will be natural if you take a good rest. If it doesn't get better, it will be useless. Our cattle and horses will not accept it."

Zhang Fangyuan moved closer to see the horse's injured leg, and then started to fight again.

"Brother, don't worry, if you really have a problem with your muscles and bones, come and I'll refund your money."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "Seven thousand and five hundred Wen can be paid and taken away today."

"Oh, this..." Yuan Quan'er has never sold cattle before coming here, and he didn't expect that the ball kicked by the old fried dough stick could be traded, but at such a cut price, he would not be able to make money if it was given to him. : "Brother, the seven thousand and five little ones have to be posted upside down."

Zhang Fangyuan is not in a hurry, he can take the horse back to raise it, and use it after a year. If he can't, he can just go back and save money. In short, it will take a while to start a small business.

Yuan Quan can buy or not when he sees the customers, he said in a relaxed tone, "Look, elder brother is an honest man, and he took away the horse for seven thousand and eight. I don't have any money to take your order. I'm the only one who came to this livestock shop. , If you don’t sell something, the owner won’t keep anyone.”

Zhang Fangyuan pondered for a moment: "Success."

He couldn't help but rubbed his hands and patted the horse's back.

A thrifty life begins with bargaining.

As the businessman went to pay the money and made the handover, the horse would be available.

The dealer at the chariot and horse dealer looked at the person and the horse going away, and turned his head to look at Yuan Quan'er: "I really have yours, so I'll sell it?"

Yuan Quan'er didn't say much: "I didn't make any money."

"Tsk, it's nice to be able to make a list without making money. If I knew that person wanted to buy it, I would take it."

It's the Chinese New Year, and after being out for so long, Zhang Fangyuan didn't plan to go to Zou Village again, but took the horse back to Jijiu Village. Pasted in. The silver bracelet was also pawned, but he got acquainted with the owner of the pawn shop and gave some money to the boss to keep the silver bracelet for him. After the turnover was over, he would redeem it as soon as possible.

The silver bracelet was not a rare treasure either. The pawnshop was full of silver ornaments, so he was not in a hurry to sell his things, and the boss agreed.

It was already late when he returned to the village. When he reached the valley, he saw someone digging the ground from a distance, and his figure was very familiar.

Zhang Fangyuan walked briskly, and was about to lead the horse up to say hello, but a young man passed by first, calling out to him, "Brother He."

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