Hearing the sound, Zhang Fangyuan realized that something was wrong, quickly put on his clothes and went out of the back room, passed through the middle hall and opened the door, a whistling cold wind poured into the room, followed by a drizzle of rain.

He didn't care about the cold, didn't even bring a bamboo hat, and went straight out of the yard in the rain.

"Sinister! I'm looking at you, and I still don't stop!"

The gong bang bang bang bang bang bang in the heavy rain, Zhang Fangyuan was not the only one who heard the movement at this time, many households in the village lit up their lights one after another in the heavy rain, and there were constant sounds of doors opening.

Zhang Fangyuan was a little familiar with the voice of the shouting person, but he couldn't make a torch under the heavy rain, and he couldn't see the person clearly in the dark.

On the contrary, the sound of the gong kept approaching him, followed by cries: "Far away, hurry up and chase the uncle! The thieves have come to steal the house!"

Zhang Fangyuan frowned: "Uncle?"

"Go, go!"

Zhang Shixin ran to Zhang Fangyuan's yard with a gong, and couldn't stop cursing. Xu Shi chased the thief all the way out, and fell a few times, and was covered in mud and dirt.

Zhang Fangyuan felt that the matter was really interesting when he heard the words, he folded his hands together: "Uncle stays awake in the middle of the night, what kind of thief are you catching, don't misunderstand."

Zhang Shixin jumped up: "Thousands of mistakes, how could this matter be wrong."

"You have fast legs and feet, so hurry up and chase after uncle! You stole a big piece of meat. If I didn't interrupt it when I woke up at night, the meat from the pig slaughtered at home today was stolen, and now it's still outside the house. One place."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "Then you can see who it is?"

"Where can the black lamp see clearly, the thief jumped out holding a piece of meat as soon as he heard the sound, it was a man."

Although today's incident made Zhang Fangyuan feel bad in his heart, but if there is a thief in the village, it is not a family's business. If you are lucky today, you don't steal from your house. If you don't keep it clean, you will throw it away tomorrow. In matters, everyone in the village has the same hatred, and Zhang Fangyuan is no exception.

The overall situation is the most important, he frowned and said: "Which direction are you going?"

Zhang Shixin quickly pointed to the front, Zhang Fangyuan didn't say any more, and ran after him.

Rainy night is really not a good time to chase people, but Zhang Fangyuan was born and raised in this land, and he can know the roads and slopes even with his eyes closed.

Now when he hears the word "thief", he faintly thinks about the family on the border. It is raining heavily and it is dark and he can't find any footprints. He can only run to the other side of the border with his consciousness. On the trail of the thief.

Zhang Fangyuan stepped on the deep footprints in the mud plaster, walked all the way, and soon saw a black shadow jumping forward in panic in the rain, without saying a word, he jumped forward and pressed the person on the ground on the ground.

With a thud, the man was greatly frightened, like a big black bear pounced on his body, he fell directly into the puddle, and even the large piece of meat he was holding in his arms flew out.

"How dare you steal meat from the village!"

The troubled man choked on a sip of water, the flesh fell off, but his hands were vacated. He ignored it in panic, and pulled out a sickle from his waist, turned around and chopped at the person behind him.

In the night, Zhang Fangyuan didn't see clearly that the man was carrying a knife. He just felt that the man was about to attack him. A cold light flashed in front of his side face, and the sickle directly cut his palm.

Zhang Fangyuan frowned, and dodged the scythe that the man half lying on the ground was slashing indiscriminately, stepped on the man's ankle with force, and with a rattling sound, the man let out a miserable scream, and his hands shook. Losing his strength, Zhang Fangyuan snatched the sickle when he saw the situation, and clasped the man's hands behind his back.

"Caught it, Zhang Fangyuan caught the thief!"

Hearing the screams, the villagers who came over in coir raincoats and bamboo hats rejoiced. Zhang Shixin was even more happy when he heard it, and went straight to beat the gong on the ridge of the field again: "I caught it!"

The villagers who wrapped the wood with kerosene, held umbrellas and held up torches, quickly pointed the torches in front of the thieves and said, "We haven't seen thieves in Jijiu Village for many years, let's see which thieves are so wicked!"

The torch was lit in front of the man on the ground, and the villagers who surrounded him were all taken aback, speechless for a moment, and looked away unnaturally.

The rain fell straight on the man, Zhang Shixin hurried over: "Who, who is it! We must send him to the government!"

Zhang Shixin squeezed into the crowd to see who it was, and his aggressive words stuck back in his throat like a kite that was cut off suddenly.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Zhang Fangyuan sneered, took a finger-thick hemp rope from Chen Si who ran over, and tied the man tightly.

He kicked the man: "I taught you a lesson on the mountain before, and warned you again in Guang's house. It seems that your family has never changed after repeated admonitions, and you are born to do this kind of business."

Zhang Shixin wiped his face: "Guang Er, it's a pity that I asked your mother to help me at home today, but your kid actually came to steal things at night! You are really wolf-hearted! Take him to the village hall and ask the village chief to see how to deal with it. Things definitely can’t be left alone.”

Guang Er was beaten unconscious by Zhang Fangyuan early in the morning, but he was still confused, and he kept spitting out "forgive me".

Zhang Shixin ran to pick up his own meat, and the villagers gathered around the village hall where Guang Er went to the village for a meeting.

The whole village didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and rushed to the village hall in a hurry. Things got so bad that a thief appeared in the village and was caught again. Everyone wanted to go and see.

A torch was lit in the village hall, and it was brightly lit. Guang Er was tied up and thrown in the house. The hall was full of villagers. On the way to the village hall, people kept coming over with umbrellas and straw hats. The woman pointed Everyone was discussing, it was extremely noisy.

The villagers happily returned home after eating pork-shaved soup from everyone in Zhang at noon. Everyone in Zhang was robbed in the middle of the night, and the thief belonged to Guang's family.

Thinking about He's embarrassing expression before saying that the Guang family's hands and feet were not clean, everyone still didn't believe it. They all said that people were protecting Zhang Fangyuan. Only Xu He stood up and spoke. Everyone's faces were a little hot. Who I don't even have the face to bring up the past.

"This Guang family is really courageous. The woman from the Guang family came to step on the site, took a good look at the things, and found out the house. Taking advantage of Zhang's family's management for a day, the man drank alcohol and slept well. It rained at night. Stealing meat from people's houses is really cunning."

"If you want me to say that the village head should not have agreed to the Guang family moving to our village before, and caused some disasters."

"I'm afraid that the chicken and duck that my family lost before was stolen by Guang's family."

"Isn't that right? In retrospect, since the Guang family entered our village, things have been lost one after another. Everyone who looks up is not a relative who turned a corner. Whoever thinks of a thief is too careless."

Zhang Fangyuan leaned against the railing of the side door, his whole body was wet from the rain. He raised his eyelids and looked at the people who kept coming in, talking a lot, a little lost in thought, suddenly his waist was lightly poked, he turned his head, and saw Xu He coming at some time.

Before he opened his mouth to speak, the little brother turned around and went elsewhere. Zhang Fangyuan looked around to see that no one was paying attention, so he followed.

Xu He was standing under the eaves of the hut at the back of the village hall. After a while, when he saw Zhang Fangyuan approaching, he asked, "Why do you also come to see the fun?"

Without answering, he first took out a handkerchief from his cuff and handed it to Zhang Fangyuan, his eyes swept down his big hanging hand.

Only then did Zhang Fangyuan notice that when he went to Kou Guanger first, he lifted his hand with a sickle, and the flesh of his left palm was torn, and the blood was stuck on the wound. He wrapped the veil that Xu He gave him around the wound and wrapped it twice, but his hands were too big and clumsy to tie it, so he could only turn his eyes to the side for help.

Xu He sighed in a seemingly unrecognizable way, and stepped forward to clasp his palm. His slender fingers are indeed capable of weaving delicate hand-knitting, and he fastened the short handkerchief tightly Loose or not tight knot.

Zhang Fangyuan looked down and could see the person who was seriously dressing up. Although Xu He's face was tanned, but when he looked closely, his eyes were big and bright, with thick eyelashes, a straight nose, and rare facial features. Zhou Zheng.

Xu He delivered things without delay: "There are people everywhere, so I went in."

Zhang Fangyuan nodded dully, watching Xu He's back disappear under the eaves.

Master Xu's skills are superb. Not only does he bandage the wound well, but the handkerchief with body temperature can also tie a knot in people's hearts. Zhang Fangyuan ran across the handkerchief with his fingertips, and carefully hid his hands together with the handkerchief in his pocket.

"You, how can you do such a cruel thing. Second child, are you all right, my son!"

When Zhang Fangyuan returned to the house, the couple of the Guang family had already arrived. One bowed his head with a sad face, and the other rushed in and hugged Guang Er who was on the ground like a zongzi, crying shamelessly.

The village chief also came over to uphold justice in a thick cloak.

"At the beginning, your husband and wife came to our Jijiu Village with your children and begged me to say that you would be down-to-earth and do things, and you would reclaim the wasteland on the border to make crops. The old man saw your sincerity and made a village entry for you. Deng, and went to the city to report to the government."

"Now that a few years have passed, the wasteland on the border has never been reclaimed by your family, but you have done such a shameful thing and sneaked onto the villagers. The old man asked you to stay because it is not to bring harm to the village! Now there are no witnesses. Now, there is nothing to say, go to the government at dawn tomorrow."

The villagers listened carefully to what the village chief said, since they wanted to send him to the government, everyone was quite satisfied with the result.

Guang's mother scratched her neck and yelled: "Why send my son to the government! Isn't the thing still in good condition!"

"It's all stolen and you're still quibbling, you're shameless!"

A woman couldn't help but cursed, today everyone in Zhang pretended to be pitiful, but in private they have two faces, which made Zhang Fangyuan very angry. Everyone in Zhang everyone who spoke for Guang's mother today felt very disgusted, especially Zhang Da and his wife, they really regretted that they had opened their mouths to lure wolves into the house.

The village chief saw that Guang's mother was also stubborn, and said: "Guang Er sent to the government, and our village will not keep people like you who don't repent, so you can go and keep it by yourself."

"People in your village have no conscience."

"Treat us like a family and outsiders from the beginning to the end!"

Guang's mother kept swearing, and no one cared about his crazy words. There was a disturbance for an hour or two in the second half of the night, and it was almost dawn, leaving a few people to watch Guang Er.

After dawn, Zhang Shixin and the villagers pressed Guang Er together, and the Guang family and his wife went to the city to sue the officials.

After Zhang Fangyuan went back, he changed his clothes, fell down on the bed, stared at his injured left hand for a while, couldn't help giggling for a while, and fell asleep with his head covered.

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