Xu He went up the mountain to cut some bamboo, and made bamboo curtains to shade the window at the other end of the tea shed. Before he went to the fourth uncle's house to call Zhang Shiyue, she brought her child to help. The crops in the field have not been harvested this month, and it has entered a short slack time for farming, so there is not much to do at the fourth uncle's house.

On the contrary, their house needs to build a tea shed, and they have to go to the field to grow some seasonal fruits and vegetables. Once the tea shed is opened, they don't have to go elsewhere to buy vegetables, and they can pick them in their own vegetable field. Naturally, in fact, it is very easy to buy vegetables near the village, and the price is much cheaper than that in the city, but Xu He has always saved as much as he can.

Zhang Shiyue came here as if she was not a guest. She was dressed in a gray linen jacket with a piece of apron tied around her waist. She brought Guan Xiao'e along and started to do the work by herself. Her hands and feet were so quick and quick. It was obvious that she was the only one at home when she was in other counties. Not only that, even the timid Guan Xiao'e knows everything. When she heard that she was going to weave mats, she immediately took a knife to help him open the bamboo strips, very skillful.

Xu He actually didn't intend to let such an older child work. Although twelve years old is not young in the village, but after all, seeing that the child is not old, he is always reluctant to let the little girl do it.

On the contrary, Guan Xiaoe said: "You have to eat when you are young, and if you want to eat, you have to work."

Xu He had nothing to say, since he felt that the little girl was sensible, but also felt that there was an accident at home when he wanted to come. Zhang Shiyue taught him a lot. Now that he came back to take refuge in his natal family, it was originally his own home, but as a woman, it was bitter to become a dependent. But it can only do more work to make people feel that it is worthwhile to take in their mother and daughter.

He thought that if he hadn't been so lucky to meet Zhang Fangyuan, his life at her husband's house might not have been like this. Looking at her second sister, she obviously thought that if she married someone, she would live a good life. Today, she is forced to do a lot of work, which is really embarrassing.

With help at home, Xu He's work became much easier. In fact, Zhang Fangyuan also told him not to do so much. Even if he couldn't finish it, no one blamed him, but he always wanted to finish it.

Zhang Shiyue came over to work. The grass in the yard was hoeed, the vegetable field was also pulled up, and he even helped to collect firewood and carry water. Xu He naturally left their mother and daughter to eat here, and also told her about Zhang Fangyuan's plan.

Zhang Shiyue was a little surprised. She was still being suspected everywhere by her eldest brother, but now the fourth and fifth children were still vying to let her stay, and she felt a great relief for a while.

"The fourth uncle's place is also good, but the one on the other side is a bit smaller. It all depends on the second aunt's opinion. If you come here, you will live in the same room as your father-in-law and mother-in-law." There is everything, there is no need to tidy up. This is what Ah Yuan told me."

Zhang Shiyue was a little moved, she knew that the fourth child took her in sincerely, and the younger siblings didn't show their faces, but the difficulty was that the other end was not big. Apparently, the separated parents gave the old house to the eldest brother's family, and I heard that the sixth son got a lot of land.

On the contrary, it was the children among them who were short of money, and she also knew that the fourth and fifth children were very honest when they were young.

"Just moving here may disturb your young couple's life."

"No, I have to go out to do business from time to time, so don't bother me, it's a good thing to have more people to help." Xu He said directly, and didn't say anything about the family, they have to work together when they are in trouble supported each other.

Even if the second aunt and father-in-law got close when they were alive, that was a matter of the previous generation. Zhang Fangyuan didn't get along with this aunt very much, and those mean words made people feel uneasy. Speaking clearly about the situation at home, on the contrary, makes people remember more.

Xu He was also a bit cautious, waiting for people to do some work before opening his mouth, and it was not his fault that he only kept people based on their abilities. If he met someone like his second sister, wouldn't it be unlucky to ask someone to go home to worship, and the elders are not good at opening their mouths to preach to others, and then they will be in trouble.

Zhang Shiyue said: "I also heard from my fourth brother that when the tea shed opens, Xiao'e and I will go over to help greet you, and then move over to bother you two."

Xu He nodded: "I'll tell him when Ah Yuan comes back, he must be happy."

Zhang Shiyue's mother and daughter moved to the house and the house was much more lively, but they didn't bother the couple.

Naturally, everyone should do work in the blue sky and daytime, but it is necessary to live a little married life at night, but the room where Zhang Shiyue lives is separated from theirs by a corridor, and the distance is far away, and I don’t feel uncomfortable at all. Habit.

Zhang Fangyuan sat at the table in the back room, drinking herbal tea.

"Are you coming to sleep or not?"

Xu He poked his head out from the mosquito net and looked at the person who refused to go to bed after sitting in the room for a long time.

"I won't come up unless you tell me where you hid things."

Xu He put down the mosquito net when he heard the words: "Then you like to sleep or not, and the tea shed will be repaired as soon as you see it. I'll just go over there tomorrow to clean and move the pots and pans over there instead of going to the city."

"I don't want to tell you how to carry things, let's see how you move those things."

"I can't do it with my back?"

Zhang Fangyuan stood up angrily, lifted the mosquito net, looked at Xu He with his eyes closed and pretended to be asleep, and couldn't help but leaned forward and stroked his chin: "I think you seem to have turned white a lot, And the face is more plump."

"Stop telling me these things are useless."

Zhang Fangyuan grabbed his arm and shook it: "That thing should be broken after a long time, isn't it just ruined."

If I had known that Xu He would have hidden the item because it was too expensive and would not be willing to use it, I would not have lied about the price at that time.

Xu He opened his eyes: "Then you told me to buy more at a lower price, and buy so much for stockpiling, isn't it the same now?"


Xu He pursed his lips and glanced over: "In the cabinet."

Zhang Fangyuan immediately kissed the man's face and jumped off the bed.

Xu He had no choice but to straighten the mosquito net again after Zhang Fangyuan came back. He really doesn't like doing those things in summer, it's not that he feels uncomfortable, it's really hot, and after a lot of tossing, he will definitely have to wash the sweat off his body again, isn't it just the second aunt who knows.

Although there is no one who does not do this between husband and wife, he is still very embarrassed after all.

Then let Zhang Fangyuan stop messing around, just come and do it.

Zhang Fangyuan asked: "How can it be considered simple?"

Xu He blushed: "Ask the question knowingly!"

"I really don't know, how would I know if you don't tell me clearly."

"It's just to tell you not to change back and forth."

Zhang Fangyuan originally thought that since they have been married for so long, there would be no problems like before. He thought that he would use the album he brought from An San'er first. After all, it took a lot of money. Money, and thinking that the picture in the album is indeed much better than his current pattern.

If you apply what you have learned, wouldn't you be able to take it to a higher level.

However, before he could open his mouth, he was blocked by Fu Lang. He wanted to plead for mercy on the basis of his birthday tomorrow, but thinking that Xu He was really afraid of the heat and had a thin skin, he had no choice but to agree.

"Don't be embarrassed, Second Aunt has children, so she doesn't know about us. Didn't you see that she never comes out at night?"


Xu He kicked Zhang Fangyuan: "Do you think anyone has a thick skin like you?"

"Okay, I have a thick skin."

The two didn't toss for a long time, but Zhang Fangyuan followed Xu He's wishes, but he was still covered in sweat. Xu He wanted to get out of bed to get a basin of water to scrub, but Zhang Fangyuan was a little bit unsatisfied. For scrubbing, he simply dragged people over for two more times before giving up.

The next day, Xu He changed into the newly made clothes and went to the city with Zhang Fangyuan to set up a stall.

He hasn't been to the city since he started to repair the tea shed, and he promised Zhang Fangyuan that he would go to a restaurant with him on his birthday this time.

Seeing that the young couple packed up today, Zhang Shiyue knew that there were other arrangements, so she smiled and said, "Can you come back for dinner tonight?"

Xu He was a little embarrassed: "Yes."

Zhang Shiyue nodded, pretending not to know anything else: "Fang Yuan's birthday is today, and I will make two better dishes that night."

"it is good."

The two set up a stall in the city, picked up the stall after being busy in the morning market, and after freshening up, Zhang Fangyuan took people to the restaurant.

Xu He didn't have much experience with restaurants in the city, so he thought that Zhang Fangyuan would take him to an ordinary restaurant, but he didn't expect to find the entrance, but found that it was a courtyard surrounded by walls.

Both sides of the entrance are surrounded by Chinese roses and peonies, and there is a lake further inside.

In midsummer, the lotus in the lake is in full bloom, and more than ten thatched huts have been built on the lake, with tables and stools inside, specially for people to eat.

At this time, there are three or two tables of people on the lake enjoying the flowers and tasting wine, which is very pleasant.

Zhang Fangyuan pulled people and said: "If you come early, you can sit in the grass pavilion on the lake. If you come late, you can only eat on the shore. In summer, you can enjoy flowers here. When the lotus root is ripe, the lotus root under the eastern fence is also unique. Flavor, sweets and pastries, stewed pork ribs in soup, fried lotus root... there are many dishes."

Xu He came to a restaurant for the first time, and it was still such a good place, so he couldn't help feeling a little cramped. After following Zhang Fangyuan to the side pavilion, he felt much more at ease. A pond of lotus.

The surprise is that there are still fish under the lotus leaf.

Zhang Fangyuan sat at one end and ordered a few dishes with the waiter, and went to watch the fish with Xu He.

"I used to raise koi carps, but later I threw herrings in. When they grew stronger, I grabbed them and cooked them directly, which saved me from looking for fishermen to buy fish."

The wind blowing on the lake is like water waves, which is refreshing.

Without further ado, the buddy came up with dishes and dishes, and set up a small table.

Xu He waited for the waiter to leave before sitting down and carefully watching the dishes.

A cold courgette with minced garlic, a whole roasted eggplant, scrambled eggs with bitter melon, and two crabs. The dishes are nothing special, it can even be said to be some simple home-cooked dishes, and the portions are small.

However, different from what they usually eat and use, the bowls and dishes serving the dishes are all made of porcelain, the inside is clean and flawless, and the outside is patterned with green leaves and lotus flowers. A table is obviously a set of dishes, as if they only eat exquisite dishes. , not like to fill the stomach.

When Xu He first went to the shop to buy dishes, he saw such beautiful bowls. The shop owner put the things on the high cabinets, and seeing ordinary people would not recommend them at all.

He asked Zhang Fangyuan in a low voice: "A meal here should be very expensive, right?"

Zhang Fangyuan pondered for a moment: "There are a few." He never said bluntly that he was afraid that Xu He would love money, and he was relatively frugal on weekdays. If he knew that this meal cost two or three hundred cash, wouldn't it be It's not a good time.

Unexpectedly, Xu He poured a cup of scented tea into the cup and pushed it in front of him. Instead of asking how much it was, he smiled and said, "Birthdays are only once a year, and it's good to come out to gain knowledge. Wait for us The tea shed at home has been opened, and we will also buy such white porcelain to make meal stacks after the family earns money."

Zhang Fangyuan nodded: "I also use Biye lotus."

The two had a very pleasant meal, and they went back to the meat market after a long time in the afternoon.

"I won't be here in the afternoon to guard the stall with you. I'll go back early to clean up the tea shed, and then settle the wages of my two cousins. I made dinner earlier, and the fourth uncle and the others will definitely come to eat at night. "

Zhang Fangyuan replied: "Then you go back and take a car at the gate of the city, and it will be faster."

Xu He used to be reluctant to part with this little money, but now he is willing to take a ride for two or three yuan, mainly because if he walks back, he will be delayed on the road.


Xu He took a car and went straight to the tea sheds. The tea sheds that started construction in early June were finally completed in early July. People from the surrounding villages come and go, knowing that a tea shed is going to be opened here, and villagers from nearby villages pass by from time to time to take a look at the excitement. Xu He didn't chase people away, and set up wooden benches outside the tea shed, and let people sit regardless of whether they came to drink tea or not.

The inside and outside of the tea shed were cleaned up by Zhang Shiyue. When the pots, pans and pans at home were transported and set up early in the morning, they tried to cook and smoke the house, and then they could open the door for business the next day.

Zhang Shiyue patted the ashes on her body. She really treats the affairs here as her own. Living here makes people look forward to it. She said with a smile: "The fourth brother has already looked through the almanac. It is said that the day after tomorrow will be a good day, and it is appropriate to open."

Although it was a little hasty, it was exactly what Xu He wanted. He wanted to open the business a long time ago. He hadn't been out of the stall for a while, and his palms were itchy.

"Then it will be at a later date."

"Xiao Langjun, eldest sister, do you want to buy some flowers and plants?"

The two were talking in the tea shed when suddenly an old man appeared in front of the curtained window.

"After the tea shed is built, it would be nice to plant two flowers around it for celebration, right? The old man has mountain orchids, mountain chrysanthemums, and excellent golden osmanthus. You should take a look."

Zhang Shiyue was about to drive people away, but Xu He walked out around the door. These flowers and plants can be found in the mountains and forests of the village, so there is no need to spend money to buy them. But when he saw the golden osmanthus plant that was as thick as a thumb but had already bloomed, Xu He picked it up by mistake.

"Xiao Langjun, listen to it, this golden osmanthus, if planted at the door of the tea shed, it will definitely attract wealth and fortune."

"How much?"

"That's all, how about thirty coins?"

Xu He laughed: "Old man, we are all from the village. I sincerely take care of your business, but you are not sincere in selling it. Twelve coins, if you want to sell it, I will buy it for auspicious luck."

The old man clicked his tongue, he was really a businessman, and the one with a poisonous tongue would get nothing if he made more money.

"Come on, congratulations to Mrs. Xiaolang for a prosperous business!"

Xu He gave the old man money, and said a few more polite words to ask him to have tea and rest here when he went to sell mountain flowers in the city. After watching the people walk away, Zhang Shiyue said, "Planted at the door?"

"Take it home and plant it in the yard. I saw that many households in the village have either jujube or peach and plum trees in their yards, but our yard is bare."

Zhang Shiyue said with a smile: "That boy Ayuan doesn't seem to be able to take care of these things alone, the yard is just empty chattering. This golden osmanthus plant lacks water and some leaves have fallen, so take it back and plant it, and water it before the sun comes out." Water it, and it will surely flourish.”

The two chatted and laughed for a while, took Jingui with them, and went home to cook dinner.

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