Rebirth: My Boss Is Too Humble

Chapter 123 Fuck? ! Stupid Little Pony! (6Th Update!)

On the day when qq was officially launched, Ye Yihui and Li Wenjun did not stay in Shencheng.

Because on the same day, the first final exam of their college career also began.

Therefore, on the afternoon of January 25th, Ye Yihui and Li Wenjun returned to Shanghai to prepare for the next day's exam.

At 9:00 am on January 26th, when Ye Yihui entered the examination room and started the first university final exam in this new life, qq officially logged into the major download sites on the Internet, and the download was open to the public!

At the same time, Goose Factory's own official website is also online, allowing users to download qq!

Almost at the same time, the second advertisement appeared on the Brilliant Game Forum since the website opened—"If you miss me, just q me! In the wind and rain, I will wait for you on QQ! Quickly click here to download

This advertisement appeared at the top of the homepage of the forum and the top of the major secondary pages, displayed in the form of a banner.

Next to this line of text is a cute little penguin.

This little penguin was drawn by Ye Yihui to Qin Keqing. Naturally, the original historical QQ penguin image was used.

No one knew that besides being an investment queen back then, Qin Keqing was also a two-dimensional girl who liked comics and cartoons and had very superb drawing skills.

Only relying on Ye Yihui's dictation, Qin Keqing perfectly restored this little penguin!

Soon, all the netizens in the forum found this advertisement.

"Hey? QQ what?"

"If you miss me, just q me? Why q?"

"Yes! What is this? Is it a game?"

"This little penguin is so cute! I really want to hold it in my arms!"

Many netizens tried to click on the banner, and then jumped to the download official website interface of qq.

Seeing the description on the official website, the friends of the forum realized that it turned out to be an instant messaging software!

"It turned out to be a communication software similar to picq!"

"What's the use of this thing? I already have a picq account`*!"

"Fuck? It can save friends and chat data forever?! This is better than picq!"

"Wow! After reaching the third level, you can even create a chat group by yourself, and you can invite your friends to join the chat group chat? Isn't this the same as the chat room for Internet suppression? And the group owner also has the authority to kick members! This Awesome!"

"This software is interesting! Let me see how big it is. I haven't had time to download it yet. It's time to get off the machine soon... Fuck! It's only over 200 kb! Download it first and then talk!"

So, many netizens tried to download it.

Because the software is very small, even a computer with a download speed of only 16kb only took about 20 seconds to complete the download!

Then there is the installation!

After the installation is complete, netizens open the software and complete the security registration under the guidance of the software system.

Then, they began to explore.

The first version of QQ didn't have many functions, just a few.

"Hmm... this group building function has not been activated yet, it seems to be available at level 3... this is a system message, it is useless for the time being... this is to add friends, you have to enter the other party Account can only be added...Huh? What is this? Nearby friends?"

Soon, netizens discovered a novelty "nearby friends" on this interface!

In Imperial City, a young man who was surfing the Internet in an Internet cafe suddenly let out a low voice of surprise: "I'll go! This can actually search for nearby friends who also play this software?! Awesome! I'll try it!"

As the young man clicked on "Nearby Friends", five or six accounts immediately appeared on the interface, all of which indicated that they were online!

The young man immediately clicked on an account called "Zhao Linger's Tears",

Why click on this account? Because the nickname of this account looks like a girl!

Then two options "add friend" and "ignore" popped up, and the young man naturally chose to add friend without hesitation!

After clicking Add, the young man sent out a friend request, and then his heart couldn't help beating.

Will the other party see this message? Will she agree with her friend? Is the other party... pretty?

At that moment, he thought of a lot!

A few seconds seemed like a long time to this young man!

Suddenly, on the client interface, a beating avatar suddenly appeared!

"Ah! She added me!!" The young man jumped up from his seat excitedly, and then immediately sat back with a smile under the eyes of a group of glaring and doubtful eyes.

"Hello~ I'm the Lonely Swordsman~" The young man suppressed his eyes on the envelope and sent a message to the other party.

Soon, the other party replied with a message: "Hi~ I'm Zhao Linger's tears, nice to meet you.

"Are you a girl?" the young man asked immediately.

【Zhao Linger's Tears】: "Yes, what about you?"

Young man: "I'm a boy, I'm twenty-two years old, and I'm studying in the Imperial Capital now.

【Zhao Linger's Tears】: ".~Me too, which school are you in~"

So, these two young men and women who had never met before started the first online chat in their lives on this QQ!

At the same time, Shencheng, thousands of miles away.

After the qq was launched, Xiao Ma and others stood in front of a computer, watching the flow direction display in the background of the qq software, with nervous expressions on their faces!

"How many registered users do you think there are today?" Zhang Zhidong asked with a look of excitement mixed with a bit of apprehension.

"Two hundred? It should be two hundred!" Xu Chenye said expectantly.

"How is it possible? If there are two hundred in one day, there will be several thousand in a month! How is this possible?" Chen Yidan shook his head and said, "According to our previous estimate, there will be a thousand in the first year. It's already good!"

"That's right!" Zeng Liqing said, "The pcicq developed by Feihua has been launched last year, and Guangdong Telecom advertises this product on the homepage of the information port every day. In this way, there are only a thousand users in the past six months. Woolen cloth!"

Chen Yidan said with a smile: "Can they compare with ours? The performance is so poor, the installation package is so large, the download is so slow, and the connection is often dropped! In the words of the boss, the user experience is so horrible! It can only be good. Strange!"

Zhang Zhidong turned to look at Brother Ma: "Old Ma, how many users do you think we can have today?"

"50!" Brother Xiao Ma thought for a while and said, "I heard from the boss that he will advertise for us. I guess he will mobilize his classmates to download it!"

"But the boss is just a college student after all, so he probably doesn't have much appeal, and I heard that they have a final exam today... What the fuck?!!"

Before Xiao Ma could finish speaking, he saw the number of online users on the background of QQ suddenly jump a few times!

Jumped directly from 0 patter to 60!

This sudden change instantly confused everyone!

This... what the hell is going on?!.

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