Rebirth: My Boss Is Too Humble

Chapter 139 Shocked! Dean, He Actually Played...? ! ! (6)

According to official statistics, in December 1998, the number of Internet users in China was 2.1 million. By June 1999, this number will become 4 million!

But in fact, this statistic is not accurate.

Because what they can count is only Internet users with ID cards, and there are a huge number of minors, they can't count!

In fact, by the beginning of 1999, the number of real Internet users in China had already exceeded 4 million!



Then why does qq have more than six million registered users?

Hehe..... These days, who wouldn't buy a few more vests!

Don't talk about others, let's talk about Hou Mingtao and the others. Except for the account given by Ye Yihui, each of them has applied for at least two or three QQ accounts, and then they play with girls online!

There are only two decent people like Ye Yihui!

One company's No. 1 account, and the other is 7777's social account.

Although it has long been expected that the number of registered users of qq will grow very fast, the actual growth rate still surprised Ye Yihui!

Ye Yihui reckoned that if it wasn't for the price of computers and the limitations of the Internet, the number of QQ users would have surpassed tens of millions!

Ye Yihui estimates that if the current growth rate continues, by the end of the year, 420 estimates that the total number of users of this QQ will exceed 10 million!

According to official statistics, by the end of 1999, the number of Internet users in China will double that of June, reaching 8.9 million. Including the number of minors, the real number may reach 12 million or even more. !

According to this development momentum, it is estimated that by the second half of this year, the money in the company's account will not be enough again!

Hmm... At that time, I may have to inject capital again!

Ye Yihui comforted Brother Xiao Ma, and chatted about the development of new functions of QQ.

During this process, Brother Xiao Ma suddenly asked whether it is possible to implement a membership fee system for QQ as in foreign countries.

For example, if you charge 10 yuan per month, then qq users can build several more groups and expand the number of group members. At the same time, the QQ upgrade speed will be twice as fast as that of ordinary users!

Hearing Brother Ma's words, Ye Yihui couldn't help laughing: "You noticed the strong demand of users for friend groups, so you think you can try charging, right?"

"That's right!" Brother Xiaoma said, "I think the response of this friend group is very good, and many users are dissatisfied with only one group! If this membership system is launched, allowing them to create several groups, then They should be willing to pay the bill!"

"Then, have you ever thought about how many people will be willing to pay for this?" Ye Yihui asked with a smile, "Have you ever thought that if we introduce this fee system, and then suddenly there will be a person in the market who doesn't need it?" You can set up many groups of instant messaging software for a fee, so what will these users do?"

"Uh..." Brother Ma couldn't help being stunned when he heard this!

What else can I do? Naturally, I will abandon QQ and go away!

"Brother Ma, you have to remember that users always vote with their feet!" Ye Yihui said, "Whoever makes him feel comfortable will go to that side. If we choose to open the charging model now, then it will definitely be Cause dissatisfaction among users!"

"Although we are now the only one, we have not completely gained a firm foothold. Top portal websites like Wangye, Xinlang and Souhu have no shortage of users and technology. Once they develop instant messaging software, then It will definitely attract a group of users in a short period of time!"

"At that time, what do you think we will have to compete with them?"

"Of course, another very important point is that you have conducted a survey, what is the user group that uses our qq now? How many people are using credit cards? How many people will use online banking? If there are no credit cards and online banking, You need to remit money through the post office to send the membership fee, are you sure there will be so many people who will go to the post office to remit money for a member?"

In fact, in the original history, QQ started to use the charging model in 2000. At that time, QQ already had hundreds of millions of registered users. As a result, after half a year of hard promotion, only more than 3,000 people finally recharged and became members. only people!

Moreover, in order to make a profit as soon as possible, they even launched the business of "QQ Line's Beautiful Number Zone", selling the right to use special QQ numbers with five-digit and six-digit numbers (bebd)

Such charging strategy directly led to "leading wolves into the house", and attracted the encirclement and suppression of similar products of many Internet companies including Wangye, Xinlang, Souhu, Yahoo, etc.!

If Brother Ma hadn't repented in time and returned to the free road, I'm afraid there would be no Penguin Empire later!

Of course, in this life, with Ye Yihui around, he will never let Brother Ma make the same mistake!

After listening to Ye Yihui's words, Brother Xiao Ma suddenly came to his senses as if he had been enlightened!

"I understand! Boss, I'm too impatient!" Brother Xiao Ma said with self-blame, "I was too busy thinking about making a profit, and I didn't think so much!"

"It is a good thing to make a profit, but before that, we must completely occupy this market!" Ye Yihui said lightly, "When will our qq account for more than 90% of the domestic instant messaging software market? , we can launch this membership fee model!"

"However, the content of membership services must not be as simple as what you said now! If you regard QQ as a market and users are customers, then you must ensure that there are enough valuable commodities in this market for customers Willingly come to pay the bill!"

"You don't have to rush to chase profits now, but you can think about what kind of things users can willingly spend money on!"

Brother Xiao Ma on the other end of the phone nodded: "Okay, I understand! Boss, I will discuss it with them!"

Afterwards, Ye Yihui comforted Xiao Ma a few more words, and then ended the call with him.

In the following week, Ye Yihui went to school, learned to get a driver's license, visited Internet cafes and companies, and was extremely busy.

On the last day of this week, ten PHS prototypes have also been assembled and delivered.

Ye Yihui immediately took the prototype and knocked on the office of the boss of Shanghai Telecom: "Brother, I'm sending you a phone call!"

"It's pretty fast!" Seeing Ye Yihui coming in, the senior brother of Modu Telecom greeted Ye Yihui gently, then asked him to sit down, and poured him a cup of tea himself.

Ye Yihui laughed and said, "That's necessary! Senior brother's business, of course, junior brother must hurry up and do it!"

Seeing Ye Yihui's upright flattering posture, the senior brother burst out laughing: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, and quickly try your PHS! If it doesn't work, I won't accept the first batch of goods!"

"That's impossible! It must be done!" Ye Yihui smiled, and immediately took out a prototype, installed a pim phone card for PHS, and then dialed the number of Dean Lin's office.

After a while, the signal was connected, and after two beeps, the phone was connected.

"Hello? Who is it?" A crisp voice came from the landline in Dean Lin's office.


what's going on?

Why is it a woman?

In Dean Lin's office... there is actually a girl?

Tsk! Yes! My Dean, you are having fun!

"Well, I'm sorry, you can continue with the dean, I hang up!"

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