Rebirth: My Boss Is Too Humble

Chapter 152 Believe Me, You Really Missed It! (3Rd Update!)

After having the idea of ​​wanting to invest in Wangye, Ye Yihui immediately asked Brother Ma about the current situation of Wangye.

In the previous life, countless people paid attention to Xiao Ma, pawn shop horse, Dong Ge and Papa Wang who had nothing. Few people paid attention to that low-key student Xiao Ding.

Most people don't know that Xiao Ding once controlled more than 50% of the shares of Wangye, and even twenty years later, he still holds more than 45% of the shares!

Yes, you are not mistaken!

Ding Sanshi, he owns nearly half of the shares in NetEase!

This is extremely rare among all Internet listed companies!

Don't you see, the pawnshop horse in the previous life held 7% of the shares in Ari Baba, and after several times of cashing out, Xiao Ma only held 8.63% of the shares in the goose factory. Both are a bit higher, accounting for 15.5%!

In terms of shareholding ratios in their respective companies, Xiao Ding’s shareholding is more than six times that of Pawnshop Ma, five times that of Xiao Ma, and 14 times that of Dong Ge!

From this point, it can be seen that Brother Ding has his own shrewdness and abacus. He hopes that he can absolutely control the company, and at the same time, he also hopes that as the founder of the company, he can enjoy the greatest share of the fruits of victory!

Of course, to a certain extent, Brother Xiao Ding's career structure is far inferior to that of Brother Xiao Ma and the pawnshop horse. This is because the market value of the last three companies is far higher than that of the network, and even higher than that of the best. It can be seen a dozen times!

It's a bit far away, back to the topic.

In his previous life, Brother Xiao Ding should have been the first Internet entrepreneur to become the richest man in China with an Internet company. As for Brother Qiao who reached the top with "Legend", he was more than a year later than him!

However, whether it was before becoming the richest man or after becoming the richest man, Xiao Ding has always been very low-key in front of the media, so that it is difficult for you to find some real-time news events about him on the Internet media. I don’t like money, I’ve never touched money”, “I’m face-blind”, “First set a small goal of earning 100 million” and so on.

Because of this, in the previous life, Ye Yihui's understanding of Xiao Dingge and Wangyi Company was far less than that of Goose Factory and Ali Baba!

His impression of Wangye Company is that the games of this company are very good, and the taste of black pork is not bad! emmm~~

Who would have thought that this Internet tycoon would go off to raise pigs later?

Maybe this boss thinks that dealing with pigs is easier than dealing with people!

Facing Ye Yihui's inquiry, Brother Xiao Ma immediately told him all about Ding Sanshi and the network suppressor that Lei Jun had just told him on the phone.

Well, this Mr. Lei is the brother Xiaomi who shouted the famous "airyouok" in later generations!

In Xiao Ma's narration, Ye Yihui learned about the current situation of Wang Ye!

Since Wangye transformed into a comprehensive portal website in September last year, its popularity has soared, and in just half a year, it was selected as the first place in the top ten Chinese websites by authoritative departments twice!

The huge popularity and fame have further opened the pace of Wangye's progress, but at the same time, the influx of a large number of popularity has also increased the operating pressure of Wangye, and even slowly exhausted the company's remaining funds!

In order to solve the funding problem, Xiao Ding turned his attention to the venture capital market, hoping to get enough financing to support the company's development.

However, at that time in China, financing was still a new business. Basically, no domestic capital knew about financing. Moreover, domestic capital at that time was completely ignorant of the emerging thing of the Internet. They even suspected that the so-called Internet was a scam. ———You don’t even have fixed assets, just relying on a few broken computers to tell me that you can make a lot of money? What the hell are you not a liar?

Therefore, Brother Ding can only set his sights overseas!

However, the overseas capital market is very concerned about the academic qualifications of entrepreneurs, and they only prefer CEOs with degrees from prestigious universities in the United States!

And a CEO like Brother Xiao Ding who has never stayed abroad or worked in a well-known company is not favored!

After bumping into walls one after another, the once high-spirited little brother Ding is now almost to the point of doubting his life!

At the end, Brother Xiao Ma sighed and said: "I heard from Lei Jun that Xiao Ding invited him to drink today, and then got drunk by himself, and finally Lei Jun sent him home. To be honest, Hearing this news, I really feel very sad!"

At this time, Zhang Zhidong and the others who were sitting on the side were also silent.

They silently made a comparison with Brother Ding, and found that the situation of the two sides is actually very similar. If there is no sudden access from the boss, they are likely to embark on the same path as Brother Ding!

Fundraising everywhere, and then bumping into walls everywhere, being ridiculed by others!

Oh no!

Maybe, I couldn't reach the step of financing at all, because I didn't have funds and fell on the road!

After all, the gold-eating ability of this little penguin I raised is too terrifying!

After such a comparison, they suddenly discovered that they were really much luckier than Little Ding!

At least, they don't need to worry about money, and they don't have to go around begging grandpa and grandma for money!

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Ye Yihui with gratitude!

As for Ye Yihui, he is not as sentimental as Zhang Zhidong and others!

After listening to Wangye and Ding Sanshi's recent situation, Ye Yihui made a decision——invest in Wangye!

So, the next day, when Ye Yihui saw Wangda 690 in a hotel restaurant who was drowsy from a night of hangover, the first thing he said was: "The first goal of our investment company has been determined. up.

"What?" Hearing Ye Yihui's words, Wang Da, whose head was still a little swollen, was shocked, and his condition immediately recovered, "Which one?"

"Net suppression!" Ye Yihui said with a smile.

"Wang Yi???" Hearing this, Wang Dawei couldn't help showing a strange expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" Looking at Wang Dawei's appearance, Ye Yihui couldn't help asking curiously, "Looking at your seem to have something to say?"

"That...boss, to tell you the truth, before I came to see you, I just met Mr. Ding from Wangshen in the imperial capital." Wang Dawei said very frankly, "They hope that we can invest in shares, But I rejected it."

"Huh? Why?" Ye Yihui asked with a look of surprise.

"Because there are Swishhu and Xin Lang!" Wang Dawei spread his hands and said, "As far as I know, Swishhu will get the third round of financing soon, and Xin Lang is about to complete the integration of domestic and foreign resources! I The mih behind it is optimistic about these two portals with international investment bank background, as for the Internet’s really not enough!”

Hearing Wang Dawei's words, Ye Yihui smiled, patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said: "Believe me, mih really missed his mark this time!".

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