Rebirth: My Boss Is Too Humble

Chapter 162 Collective Tremor! Our Boss Is So... (Part 1!)

Ye Yihui and what they said about the new situation of Internet cafes and professional gamer teams are naturally referring to Internet cafes and e-sports teams!

In fact, in two years, with the explosion of Cs in China, the first batch of professional players will be born, and the birthplace of the first e-sports team is in Internet cafes!

Later, with the popularity of e-sports games, more and more players gradually formed a huge player group, and gradually appeared the trend of industrialization of e-sports.

With the advent of the industrialization of e-sports, countless professional e-sports players have emerged, which eventually led to the birth of a complete e-sports industry.

Afterwards, various professional teams will emerge one after another to be responsible for the management and operation of the professional player team!

In this process, Internet cafes will gradually be replaced by Internet cafes with more comfortable environment and better service.

And many professional e-sports teams will have their own Internet cafes, and they will use their own e-sports teams to attract players who like e-sports to come to participate in activities, interact with e-sports teams, and increase the popularity of e-sports players At the same time, by the way, the popularity and performance of Internet Cafe 14 will be improved.

With the current momentum and influence of Brilliant Internet Cafe in Shanghai, when Brilliant Internet Cafe is upgraded to an Internet cafe, it will definitely not be left out in the cold!

More importantly, Brilliant Internet Cafe will also form a few professional e-sports teams, and then operate a few idol professional players, so why worry about no business?

What Ye Yihui has to do is to plan for the future Internet cafes and professional e-sports teams five years in advance, and encourage the store managers and administrators of these Internet cafes to upgrade and transform the management of Internet cafes and e-sports teams in the future!

Ye Yihui has always attached great importance to affection. If possible, he hopes that the first batch of employees who follow him will have a bright future!

In the future, whether it is as the manager of an Internet cafe or as an e-sports management team, it is not a problem to at least reach the level of a well-off family, not to mention the rich!

After the wave of cheers was over, Ye Yihui set his sights on the last group of employees including five roommates including Hou Mingtao.

Among all the companies under Ye Yihui's name, this group of employees is also the group with the highest education and technical ability except the goose factory.

The Internet cafe management software, website navigation, and Brilliant Game Forum are all managed by these employees. Because the management of the Internet cafe management software is not complicated at present, they are basically maintained by a few employees along the way.

Of course, if you do more work, your income will naturally not be less!

Nowadays, the basic monthly salary of these employees starts at 2,000 yuan, and the year-end bonus is calculated separately.

In addition, every time Ye Yihui receives an advertisement from a merchant such as website navigation and Brilliant Game Forum, he will take out tens of thousands of yuan as a performance reward, and distribute it to employees that month

Therefore, at this stage, this group of employees is actually living a more nourishing life than the employees of the goose factory!

"Old Li, are you still used to being in the company during this time?" After scanning around, Ye Yihui set his sights on Li Yanqing.

Li Yanqing nodded: "Yes! I am already familiar with everyone. In addition, I am also familiar with the contents of the company's internal sections and the operating procedures."

During the month of joining the company, Ye Yihui did not directly let Li Yanqing get started with any department, but allowed him to freely communicate in each department, observe the work of each department, and familiarize himself with the operation and workflow of the entire company.

After a month, Li Yanqing basically knew everything about this company like the back of his hand!

"That's good!" Ye Yihui nodded and said, "Next, I hope to build a game team with you as the core, specializing in game development and operation! Do you have the confidence to do well?"

"Huh?" Hearing Ye Yihui's words, Li Yanqing couldn't help being dumbfounded!

Originally, he always thought that Ye Yihui recruited him into the company to make him the director of Brilliant Game Forum, but he didn't expect that Ye Yihui would directly ask him to set up a new game department and make him the director of the game department!

"What's wrong? Don't you have confidence?" Ye Yihui looked at Li Yanqing with a smile.

"Yes!" Li Yanqing stood up excitedly, clenched his fists and said, "Boss, don't worry! I promise to complete the formation of the game team in the shortest possible time!"

"Okay!" Ye Yihui nodded, "I will give you 10 million when the time comes, and we will discuss the specific game content later!"

Ten million?!

Hearing this number, everyone present couldn't help but widen their eyes, and some female employees stuck out their tongues!

Ten million!

Oh my god!

If it were me, how many years would I have to work to earn? Fifty years? One hundred years? Or two hundred years?

However, the boss directly threw 10 million to a game department that has not yet been established, without even blinking an eye!

The boss rich!

Some good-looking female employees are a little bit sad, hey...... Why doesn't my boss set a hidden rule for himself like other rumored bosses?

After talking to Li Yanqing, Ye Yihui turned his attention to other employees: "If you feel that you are technically competent for game development, you can ask Lao Li to apply to join his team after the meeting, and of course you can continue Choose to stay in the same department."

"Next, our Brilliant Game Forum will be upgraded from a game forum to a professional game portal! During this process, the company 883 will evaluate you, and those who are outstanding in the evaluation will be solely responsible for one of the forums or even As the head of one of the departments!"

"In addition, other types of platforms will be derived from game forums. These platforms will also need to be responsible and managers. The company will give priority to selecting from within!"

Ye Yihui paused, and said with a smile: "As your boss, I hope that each of you will have a good future, so the company and I will try our best to create various promotion conditions for you. It depends on your own efforts!"

Hearing what the boss said, all the employees present, including other companies, were all trembling in their hearts!

These days, the bosses of other companies and enterprises only think about how to exploit their employees, make them work more overtime, and make more money for themselves. Who would be like their own boss, who would think of their employees in every way, and even prepare for their employees in the future? alright!

If you don’t follow such a boss, what kind of boss can you go to?!

At this moment, all the employees present firmly established a belief in their hearts, that is - they will be with the boss for the rest of their lives!

Don't leave even if you are killed!

After encouraging the employees of the game forum, Ye Yihui finally set his sights on his five roommates!.

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