Rebirth: My Boss Is Too Humble

Chapter 25 Daily Income Of 150,000! (Guaranteed Fifth Update Completed!)

Seeing the excited or complaining faces of his roommates, Ye Yihui couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, I was wrong! Let's not talk about this matter!"

After talking and joking for a while, the brothers joined hands together and collected another 1,200 sets of military training uniforms one after another, bringing the total number of military training uniforms purchased to more than 4,700 sets!

According to Zhang Haiyang's estimation, almost 2,700 sets of military training uniforms were purchased from Magic Dan University, and this year there are about 3,000 freshmen in Magic Dan University.

Calculated in this way, the acquisition rate has reached 90%, and the acquisition at Modan University is basically considered a complete success!

In addition, students from Modu University of Finance and Economics and Tongji University also contributed 2,000 sets!

Of course, these two universities have nearly 5,000 new students this year, and they can continue to buy them tomorrow!

Before leaving Magic Dan University, Ye Yihui told his classmates from Finance and Economics University and Tongji University to let them inform others who didn’t come but want to sell military training uniforms. They will go directly to their school to buy them tomorrow morning, so that they can purchase Inform other students, and you can also inform students in several surrounding colleges and universities.

After dealing with everything, Ye Yihui and the others rushed to the Modu Foreign Languages ​​Institute without stopping.

Of course, Ye Yihui didn't forget to settle the commissions of those who helped Modan's Sports Department officers, a total of 2,700 yuan.

As for Zhang Haiyang's junior minister, although he didn't personally participate in the acquisition, it was because of his relationship that today's acquisition could be completed so smoothly.

Therefore, Ye Yihui decided to give the other party 600 yuan, which is almost equivalent to a month's income of ordinary working-class people, but I can send that one to the happy one!

Of course, Fa Xiao naturally wouldn't know how much profit these two thousand and seven hundred sets of military training uniforms would bring to Ye Yihui and the others!

If you know, I guess my mentality will explode.

Modu University of Foreign Languages ​​is about four or five kilometers away from Modan University. The distance is not far. Several people simply squeezed together and came together in a truck.

When Ye Yihui and others found Hua Xiaoyue, Qin Keqing, Liu Haojie and others, they were busy in an orderly manner.

Ye Yihui saw that besides Hua Xiaoyue and the other four, there were also several unfamiliar faces helping, two of them were classmates of Liu Haojie and Qin Keqing, and the others were college classmates of these two classmates.

Similar to the situation at Modan University, when it was heard that someone was buying military training uniforms at the University of Foreign Studies, freshmen from several nearby universities also came over with military training uniforms.

Although the number of people is not more than that of Modan University, but the number is also quite a lot!

With the addition of Ye Yihui and others, the work pressure of Hua Xiaoyue and others has been reduced a lot, and they also have time to chat with Ye Yihui about some twists and turns in the acquisition.

The biggest setback was when a student from the University of Foreign Languages ​​discovered that the ten yuan they gave was a counterfeit bill!

At that time, there were at least two to three hundred students who came to sell military training uniforms around. I heard that these people who came to buy military training uniforms actually used counterfeit banknotes, and the scene immediately exploded!

"What's going on?! You still use counterfeit money?!"

"Aren't you lying!"

"Call the police! Let the police catch them!"


Wherever Hua Xiaoyue, Liu Haojie and others encountered such a situation, they immediately panicked.

At the critical moment, Qin Keqing stood up and said that these people were just work-study college students, and they would never intentionally use counterfeit banknotes, and they were also deceived by those who used counterfeit banknotes.

Of course, no matter what, it is also true that they gave the counterfeit banknotes to the other party unintentionally, so they sincerely hoped to be forgiven by the other party, and made a decision to triple the compensation.

Seeing such a beautiful girl apologize to him so sincerely, and also gave him 30 yuan in compensation, the other party naturally accepted it with satisfaction!

"Good job," Ye Yihui sincerely praised Qin Keqing after listening to Hua Xiaoyue's narration, "Keqing, thanks to you, we saved our team's reputation crisis!"

These ten yuan counterfeit banknotes are not much to say, but in this case, once they make a big fuss, it will inevitably lead to the bankruptcy of their reputation in front of the student group. At that time, no one will be willing to sell them military training uniforms!

It can be said that Qin Keqing's approach perfectly solved the crisis!

She really deserves to be the future venture capital queen! Sure enough, he has the demeanor of a general!

"It's not as exaggerated as you said." Facing Ye Yihui's praise, Qin Keqing couldn't help but blushed, waved her hands quickly, and then blamed herself, "But this way, I spent an extra thirty yuan. money……"

"It's okay! This is a necessary public relations expenditure, even if it is included in the overall expenditure!" Ye Yihui waved his hand, and at the same time told them that he gave some students two yuan per person as compensation at Magic Dan University. Xiaoyue and others also agreed.

While chatting, everyone was not idle, counting statistics, distributing money, sorting out.

In this way, after another hour of busy work, there were basically not many students who came to sell military training uniforms.

Ye Yihui looked at the time, it was past six o'clock, and immediately announced the closure of the stall!

Looking at the statistical table, a total of more than 4,200 sets of military training uniforms have been purchased here, including those purchased at Modan University, a total of over 9,000 sets!

Same as what he did at Modan University, Ye Yihui settled the commission to those foreign language students who helped out, and at the same time gave Liu Haojie and Qin Keqing's classmates an additional 300 yuan for their hard work.

When this wave of work was over, Ye Yihui and the others didn't have time to finish their meals, so they bought some bread and milk at the nearby supermarket of the University of Foreign Studies, and then got into the car and went straight to the construction site.

As for the five girls, they were taken by local snake Liu Haojie to a nearby place for dinner, and then sent back to school.

After going through the congested road for about ten minutes, Ye Yihui and others finally arrived at the construction site before eight o'clock.

Some construction workers who didn't buy military training uniforms in the afternoon really stood there waiting for them! Not only them, some construction workers from nearby construction sites rushed over after hearing that there were cheap camouflage uniforms for sale here.

Naturally, Ye Yihui didn't say anything else, he yelled after getting out of the car!

Naturally, there was a panic buying frenzy!

"I want two sets!"

"Give me three sets!"

"I want to bring back two sets for my five brothers! Give me twelve sets!"


About 9,000 sets of military training uniforms were quickly cut in half in less than two hours, and more than 4,500 sets were sold!

After another half an hour, another 1,500 sets were sold!

So far, the consumption capacity of this construction site has basically been sucked out!

According to rough statistics, the 6,000 sets of military training uniforms sold together created a gross profit of 120,000 for Ye Yihui!

Counting the 63,000 earned in the afternoon, and after deducting the cost of purchasing military training uniforms, the total profit was nearly 150,000!

Before that, who would have thought that by buying and selling military training uniforms, they could earn 150,000 a day!

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