Rebirth: My Boss Is Too Humble

Chapter 28 Manly Man, Don't Haggle Over Every Detail (Guaranteed 5 Updates! 3Rd Update!)

"In addition," Mr. Wang paused, and said, "I purchased so much at one time, you can't give me a wholesale price? Or sell me at the original price, isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

"Mr. Wang! In good conscience, thirty yuan is really the lowest price!" Hearing Mr. Wang's words, Ye Yihui knew that the other party wanted to bargain, and immediately said, "I'll tell you the truth. You said, if I buy a set of camouflage uniforms, all labor costs, transportation costs, etc. add up to more than 20 yuan. Classmates share it together, and it's really not much!"

"The leader of such a big company as you are, you don't want to compete with our group of work-study students for a few dollars!"

Mr. Wang was a little embarrassed by Ye Yihui's selling and flattering.

However, as a veteran Jianghu, he quickly realized, and immediately laughed and scolded: "Little brother, you are dishonest, you are selling me badly!"

Ye Yihui called out to Qu with sincerity: "I'm not selling misery, it's really miserable!"

However, Mr. Wang, who is an old Jianghu, obviously didn't believe Ye Yihui's words, he waved his hands and said, "Okay, let's two big men, don't be so fussy, just twenty-five yuan a set, how about it?"

"I really can't do this," Ye Yihui shook his head and refused without thinking, "At most twenty-nine and a half dollars! If you give you fifty cents, I'm already cutting flesh!"

"Just give me 50 cents cheaper?!" Boss Wang's eyes widened suddenly, "I don't even pick an iron cock like you!"

"I can't help it! Brother! I'm forced by life! If I can become the manager of a real estate company at such a young age as you, Mr. Wang, let alone twenty-five, even if I don't earn a dime, I don't even blink!"

President Wang: "..."

He figured it out, this kid was mocking himself for being too preoccupied!

Of course, don't worry about it!

Mr. Wang originally planned to use this price difference to earn a rebate for himself. The bigger the price difference, the more he will earn, so the price must be cut!

"Just fifty cents cheaper is really unreasonable! I want such a large amount from you all at once, so it must be cheaper!" Mr. Wang said, "Well, twenty-seven yuan a set! I'll take a step back , you also take a step back and treat it as making friends, how about it?"

"Since you've covered this point, then... that's fine!" Ye Yihui nodded with a pained expression on his face, "To be honest, Mr. Wang, this batch of camouflage uniforms, I don't care about them." I really didn't make you much money!"

"Hahaha! Don't worry, I'll introduce you to some leaders of construction companies later on, and I'm sure you'll get your money back!" Seeing that Ye Yihui finally agreed, Mr. Wang was in a good mood immediately!

"However, I will still give you the money in sets of 30 yuan, and then you can transfer the difference in cash to me, is that okay?"

"No problem!" Ye Yihui suddenly understood, and he finally understood why this Mr. Wang was arguing with him for such a price difference of a few dollars!

However, getting kickbacks is very common, Ye Yihui is not surprised.

According to Mr. Wang, he will buy camouflage uniforms from Ye Yihui at a price of 30 yuan a set in the name of the company. In fact, the price Ye Yihui gave was 27 yuan a set. Come on, there will be a price difference of 48,000 for 16,000 sets of camouflage uniforms, and this price difference is a rebate for Mr. Wang!

Before 1998, the development of the real estate industry was relatively sluggish. Even a department manager of a well-known real estate company only had an annual salary of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan throughout the year-although in this era, the annual salary of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan was considered a high income level.

And the kickback of 48,000 can cover his salary for a year!

"Hahaha, that's good! Oh that's right!" After the matter was settled, Mr. Wang suddenly felt happy, and he suddenly remembered, "After chatting for so long, I haven't even introduced myself yet!"

While talking, Mr. Wang took out a business card of his own from his pocket and handed it over: "This is my business card, little brother, what do you call it?"

"Thank you, but I don't have a business card for you yet." Ye Yihui took the business card with both hands, glanced at it, and it said "Department Manager of Modu Wanke Real Estate Co., Ltd., Wang Wanjun".

While seeing the other party's information, Ye Yihui did not forget to introduce himself: "My name is Ye Yihui, and I am a student of Jiaotong University."

Is he still a top student at Jiaotong University?

Wang Wanjun looked at Ye Yihui in surprise, and he paid more attention to it. After all, college students these days are relatively expensive, and college students at the level of Shanghai Jiaotong University, even in the second class where college students are flooded Ten years later, that's pretty good too.

"I'm much older than you, so it's okay to call you Xiaohui, right?" Wang Wanjun said with a smile.

If he was just a student of Jiaotong University, Wang Wanjun would not care much about it. More importantly, because of Ye Yihui's sophistication and calmness in the conversation, Wang Wanjun is very optimistic about his future development and is also willing to Forge a good relationship with each other.

Ye Yihui smiled: "Of course it's no problem, as long as Mr. Wang is happy."

"Hey? Why do you still call me 'Where's Mr. Wang? Did you see someone else?'" Wang Wanjun waved his hands boldly and said, "Since we are friends, don't call me Mr. Wang anymore. If you don't mind, call me Mr. Wang." Let me say, Brother Wang, it's all right!"

After a few polite words, the relationship between the two became much closer with the different names.

During the exchange, Wang Wanjun also explained the reason why he wanted to uniformly purchase camouflage uniforms for the workers of the group.

The reason for this is naturally not just to make a difference.

According to the news that Wang Wanjun got from the group's senior management, next week there will be national leaders coming to Shanghai, and they will choose a few project sites to visit and guide. There is a high possibility that they will come to the construction sites contracted by their group!

Therefore, in order to ensure that there will be no problems at the construction site, Wang Wanjun, as the department manager, went to various construction sites under the group's name a week in advance to check and fill in the gaps. Ye Yihui in military training uniform.

It wasn't until then that Wang Wanjun realized that the construction workers on his construction site still didn't have uniform uniforms.

Of course, this is not a problem with their construction site. In fact, all construction sites have such problems to a greater or lesser extent.

Because it is impossible for a construction company to undertake only one project, let alone recruit tens of thousands of people into the company at once.

Many times, after they contract a construction site, they will divide the construction site into blocks of different sizes and subcontract them, and then call other large and small construction companies to contract the construction of the corresponding areas.

Because of this, there may be workers from a dozen or even 20 or 30 construction companies on this construction site. It is naturally impossible for the uniforms to be unified, not to mention that some construction companies are just grassroots teams without work uniforms at all!

And it is impossible for the construction company as the contractor to spend money to equip these construction workers who may leave at any time with work clothes.

After all, the market price of this set of work clothes is about one hundred yuan. If a construction site with thousands of people is equipped with uniform work clothes, it will cost hundreds of thousands more!

Normally, this is obviously an expense that can be saved, but now that this national boss is coming, such an expense seems very necessary!

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