Rebirth: My Boss Is Too Humble

Chapter 78 The Richest College Student! A Sensation In The Whole Country! (2Nd Update!)

This post by Ye Yihui was quickly reposted, and spread all over the bbs forums of major universities in the entire magic city.

All of a sudden, the students from all the colleges and universities in Shanghai were sensational!

"Damn it?! Is it so profitable to buy this military training uniform? I would have bought it if I knew it!"

"I remembered! Someone from our school came to buy military training uniforms last month, so it was he who did it!"

"Me too! Ten yuan for a set! I even treated my girlfriend to a bottle of Coca-Cola!"

"Hahaha! Upstairs, we are all the same! Me too! At that time, I felt like I made ten yuan a day!"

"Hehe! Some people buy their girlfriends a bottle of Coke by selling military training uniforms, while others become millionaires by selling military training uniforms! This is the difference!"

"Brother, I'm so heartbroken!"

Once, there was an opportunity to become a millionaire in front of me. I didn't cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it! If God gives me another chance, I will definitely buy it! Buy! Military! Training! Service! !!"

With the disclosure of Ye Yihui's story of becoming rich, the remarks about questioning their family's financial problems naturally disappeared in an instant.

Now on the bbs in the school, no one questioned where Ye Yihui's money came from, instead they all praised and admired him!

Of course, there are also a few eccentric voices among them, saying that Ye Yihui earned his money by cheating his classmates, buying low and selling high, and his despicable behavior is not worth encouraging at all.

But be fair!

As soon as such words came out, the other students were immediately dissatisfied!

"What do you mean cheating classmates? Has Ye Yihui cheated anyone? Tell me!"

"That's right! When Ye Yihui came to us to buy, the price was clearly marked, ten yuan a set! Sell it or not, it's up to you, there is no deception!"

"Brother, do you think you are still living in the 1970s? Which businessman doesn't buy low and sell high now? Don't you expect the factory to sell you products according to the production cost? Are you stupid?"

"He's not stupid, he's just bad! He's just jealous that Ye Yihui has made money, so he said that on purpose to discredit him!"

"That's right! This kind of person is a typical person who can't see the good of others, and has a dark mind!"

"This seems to be a new account, and it's intentionally used to disgust people! Please ignore him!"

"That's right! Just treat it like a piece of shit, everyone, just stay away!"

"That's right! I remember someone said that if Ye Yihui wasn't a rich second generation, he would have swallowed the keyboard! Is that brother still alive?"

Soon, some local news media in Shanghai also discovered this post on the bbs of major universities in Shanghai!

They checked the post carefully, and then contacted the person in charge of the post through their own channels, and finally learned the source of the person in the post.

In the afternoon of the same day, the group of news media reporters rushed to Jiaotong University, found the school's publicity office, and after some interviews, they contacted Ye Yihui through the school's publicity office.

That night, a piece of news titled "How long does it take to become a millionaire, Jiaotong University students tell you, it only takes one month" appeared on the evening news of Modu TV!

In the news, the host first briefly described the post that went viral on the bbs of major colleges and universities in Shanghai this afternoon, and raised doubts about the fact that he made two million dollars by buying and selling military training uniforms.

Then the reporter in the program went to the school leader with such doubts, and found the person involved, Ye Yihui through the leader, and restored the whole process of making money through Ye Yihui's dictation.

Once this news was released, it immediately attracted the attention of the whole society!

"I'll go! A college student earned a million dollars in a month?!"

"Do you know how to read the news? It's not one million, it's more than four million!"

"As expected of a college student from our high school in Shanghai! You really have a mind to make money! Our ancestors are right, knowledge is power!"

A dozen or so netizens on several local life websites in Shanghai jokingly called Ye Shihui the richest college student!

And such a title has been agreed by other netizens!

Soon, this kind of address spread from the local life online in Shanghai to the bbs of universities in Shanghai. A group of college students thought it was fun, and started calling Ye Hui as the richest man in college students!

Soon, other major TV stations and comforting media also noticed these remarks that appeared on the Internet, and then traced the source to find the BBS forums of major universities in Shanghai, and naturally found this news broadcast by Shanghai TV.

A freshman in freshman earned more than 4 million yuan by reselling freshmen's military training uniforms, a small business that no one cared about before?!

Such news is definitely a gimmick!

What's more, some reporters who have some understanding of the current social situation immediately found a positive opportunity from this matter, and then reported their thoughts to their superiors!

The higher authorities took a look, this news is okay!

As a result, with one order, TV stations and newspapers and magazines all over the country rushed to reprint and report this news!

All of a sudden, people all over the country knew that a college student in Shanghai made millions by selling military training uniforms and became a millionaire!

.~Can you earn so much by reselling military training uniforms? Is it true or not?"

"The news is broadcast, so it's still false? This student is amazing, and he will be promising in the future!"

"Sure enough, business opportunities are everywhere! A kid who just entered college can earn so much, I don't believe I can't do it!"

Under the background of the layoff wave, many workers across the country are also unemployed at home, and the sudden loss of the iron rice bowl on which they depend for survival makes these workers full of bewilderment and despair about life.

Under such circumstances, the broadcast of this news suddenly lit up a lamp in their hearts!

A college student can become a (with good money) millionaire by relying on such a humble small business, there is no reason why they can't do it!

For a while, the laid-off workers who were at a loss suddenly had a glimmer of hope!

Of course, the ones that were shaken the most were the universities and colleges!

Inspired by this, colleges and universities all over the country set off a vigorous upsurge of purchasing military training uniforms.

It’s just that the more people buy, the more competition there will be, and the cost of acquisition will naturally be higher, so it’s impossible to achieve Ye Yihui’s profit.

And when the whole country was talking about Ye Yihui, the richest college student, in the family building next to Jiaotong University, in a bedroom full of girly atmosphere, Lin Youlin was gnashing her teeth and typing something in front of the computer.

"How dare you spread rumors about me behind your back! He also said that I was in love with the student union! He also said that I lived with him outside the school!"

"See if I don't find you out! Cut you into pieces!"

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