Rebirth: My Boss Is Too Humble

Chapter 82 Hot Scene! (6Th Update!)

Saturday, November 21, at 8:00 am.

For any Internet cafe, weekends are a time of explosion in passenger traffic.

However, on this day, to the surprise of all Internet cafe owners, the Internet cafe, which was supposed to be full early in the morning, only had 30% to 40% of the usual customer flow!

What's the situation? Where did those players go?

I asked a few players who were playing the game, and the answer I got was that they all went to a place called Brilliant Internet Cafe to participate in the first Shanghai College Student Game Competition!

Internet cafe owners have already heard about this game competition. After all, there are several colleges and universities around them, and they have heard college students mention this game competition, but they don't pay much attention to it.

In their view, this is just a gimmick for a newly opened Internet cafe to attract customers.

In the end, they never expected that such an event would drive away 60 to 70% of their guests!

Looking at the empty space in the Internet cafe at this time, some Internet cafe owners couldn't sit still, and went out one after another. They followed the address on the competition flyer they saw online, and looked for it! 14

At this time, the location of Brilliant Internet Cafe was already overcrowded!

Thousands of college students and players are waiting in a small square outside the entrance of Brilliant Internet Cafe, watching the excitement, or waiting for their numbers to enter the venue——after successful registration, each of them will receive a number, and each of them will receive a number. A number is set up, and a group is a number of several people.

"Huizi, there are too many people here! Will something happen?" Seeing so many people at the scene, several roommates were both excited and worried, afraid that something would happen!

In fact, speaking of it, Ye Yihui and the others have considered it very comprehensively.

In order to disperse the traffic, they arranged them in different time slots according to the types of games and the number of contestants.

For example, those who participate in the Red Police and Empire Tournament are placed on Saturday morning, then those who participate in fifa98, nba98 and Need for Speed ​​are placed in the afternoon, and the Delta Force, StarCraft and Warcraft are placed on Sunday.

In this way, the number of contestants participating in the same time period will not be too many.

However, Ye Yihui thought carefully, the only thing they didn't expect was the enthusiasm of these college students for this game competition!

Because, this is the first time that someone in China has held such a large-scale game competition since the birth of computer games in China, and there are such generous prizes!

Therefore, even if there is no competition of their own during this time period, many contestants have come to the scene one after another, wanting to watch the excitement, and even many contestants have applied for more than one event!

So this is what happened now!

Facing the lively scene in front of him, Ye Yihui also smiled helplessly, and said: "Didn't we already report to the authorities in advance? There are already many official uncles at the scene to maintain order, plus there are ten of us A brother from the Yang family, you should never tire of asking questions!"

At nine o'clock in the morning, amidst the blaring music, Ye Yihui appeared with a microphone on a small high platform built in advance at the entrance of the Internet cafe, and loudly announced that the first Shanghai College Students Computer Game Competition had officially started!

"This competition, there are a total of eight game competitions, namely Red Police, Empire, fifa98, nba98, Need for Speed, Delta Special Forces, StarCraft and Warcraft! Each game competition only has a champion, and there is no runner-up or third place ! Winner and loser, only the final winner can get the championship bonus of 10,000 yuan!

When Ye Yihui's words came out, thousands of contestants immediately cheered enthusiastically, and many contestants were even more excited by Ye Yihui's words!

"Winner and loser? I like it!"

"That's right! If you want to win, win the championship! Take the runner-up and third place, meaning!"

"That's right!"

Amidst the cheers of the contestants, Ye Yihui announced some details about the competition, and also reminded the contestants on the scene and the citizens who came to watch the competition to pay attention to personal safety and the safety of their own property!

"Finally, in order to ensure the openness, fairness and fairness of this competition! Our Brilliant Internet Café specially invited several notaries from the notary office of Magic City to notarize the whole process for this competition!"

"Whether it is the notary staff, everyone on the scene, or the contestants, as long as they find cheating or other behaviors that violate the regulations of this competition, they can report it enthusiastically! Anyone who reports is true can get a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 100 yuan. A cash reward of 5,000 yuan!"

"Wow~~!" As soon as Ye Yihui's words came out, the whole scene immediately exploded!

You even get paid for reporting? What the hell! What kind of competition do I participate in? I’m just staring at these players!

If anyone dares to cheat, I will report him!

And some players who originally planned to use codes to cheat in the game changed their faces greatly, and then secretly rejoiced that it was fortunate that the game hadn't started yet, and they had time to cheat, otherwise, once they were caught, it would be a disaster!

In the midst of bursting cheers, Ye Yihui announced the official start of the game!

As a result, the contestants who participated in the Red Police and the Empire took the lead, and entered the Internet cafe in turn according to the numbers they had obtained in advance.

Those who play Red Police go directly to the Brilliant Internet Cafe, while those who play Empire go to the second shop of the Brilliant Internet Cafe, which is 100 meters away.

The two Internet cafes have a total of 600 computers, which can accommodate 600 contestants at one time.

Whether it is the Empire or the Red Police, you can choose the multiplayer battle mode. However, in order to prevent some players from secretly forming alliances during the game and destroying the fairness of the game, Ye Yihui chose the two-two battle mode. One map only has Two players ensure the fairness of the game to the greatest extent.

With the departure of these 600 contestants, the square suddenly became much more empty.

In a few minutes, the game officially begins!

For a while, the civil war between the two Internet cafes was raging, very lively!

And in order to prevent the people waiting outside the venue from being too bored, Ye Yihui also passed through Shencheng a day in advance, bought a few electronic screens from the SEG Electronics Market, and erected them on the open space at the entrance of the Internet cafe. The technology projected the game screens on some players' computers onto these electronic screens in real time, and also thoughtfully equipped several speakers next to them!

Therefore, as the players in the arena fought fiercely, there was also the roar of artillery fire and the sound of horns outside the Internet cafe!

Such a scene has naturally left the audience outside the arena completely stunned - they have seen such a scene before!

And as time passed, more and more passers-by were attracted by these large electronic screens that roared with artillery fire, and stopped to watch them one after another.

When they heard that there were two players playing a game, and the winner would get a prize of 10,000 yuan, these passers-by were immediately shocked!

Can you actually make money by playing a computer game?!!.

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