Rebirth: My Family Is 100 Million Points Strong!

Chapter 160: Xiao Xuan Rises From The Back Wave, And Xiao Xuan Wins The Battle!

end of May.

Taihu New City.

White Cloud University.

In the Physics Academic Lecture Hall.

The students of Xiaguo C10 Alliance are holding an academic exchange meeting.

The C10 Alliance is a university alliance composed of the top universities in Xiaguo.

Every student participating in the academic conference is a super-scholar.

At the academic exchange meeting.

Physicists from various schools came to the stage one after another.

The lecture hall, which accommodates thousands of people, burst into applause again and again.

The attention of the audience.

Xiao Xuan, the god of learning, stepped onto the high platform.

Xiao Xuan was the 2016 Jiangsu Provincial College Entrance Examination's top scorer in science, and was also the first student in the history of Zhongguo to achieve a grand slam in five disciplines.

After high school.

Xiao Xuan did not choose Huaqing Yanda, but went to White Cloud University to study.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, he was already a junior at White Cloud University.

Xiao Xuan's father is Xiao Lingquan, the lord of Su Cheng; his mother, Wang Zhiqiu, is the founder of White Cloud Law Firm; his grandfather is Xiao Congren, the lord of Modu;

Such a prominent family background, and outstanding talent.

This made Xiao Xuan extremely well-known in Xia Guo's college circles!

All the students present wanted to know.

Xiao Xuan, who was famous all over the country in high school, is he still as dazzling as before?

on the podium.

Xiao Xuan looked around at everyone, and said calmly: "I have prepared a paper, which was originally intended to be submitted to the "White Cloud Journal of Physics".

Take advantage of the academic exchange meeting of the C10 Alliance today.

I'm making a fool of myself..."

hear this.

The students immediately became interested.

After the rise of White Cloud magazine.

Its academic journals have gained popularity in the global academic circle.

"White Cloud Journal of Physics", the latest impact factor is 42.581.

It surpasses many journals such as Physical Review Letters, Applied Physics Letters, and Physics Reports, and becomes the top journal in the international physics community.

Since Xiao Xuan is sure to submit a paper to the "White Cloud Journal of Physics", the standard of this paper must be extremely high.

All under the watchful eye.

Xiao Xuan put the USB flash drive in his hand into the USB port.

The title of the thesis -- "Detailed Calculation of Turbulent Structure!" appeared on the multimedia screen at the scene.

See thesis titles.

There was a sudden commotion in the academic lecture hall.

In real life, turbulence can be seen everywhere.

The flying of chaotic clouds in the atmosphere, the rapids of rapids in rivers, the billowing smoke over thermal power plants, and the blood flowing in human arteries are all turbulent phenomena.

In physics terms.

Fluid media such as water, air, and plasma have two states of motion, laminar flow and turbulent flow.

Laminar flow means that the molecules of the medium are moving randomly, but the fluid mass is moving regularly, and a clear streamline image can be seen.

Turbulent flow refers to the molecules and fluid groups of the medium, all of which are moving randomly, and their traces will be entangled into a mess.

in the field of physics.

Scientists have studied turbulence for more than 200 years.

Up to now, turbulent flow is still an unsolved problem in classical physical fluid mechanics.

Countless young talents plunged into the deep pit of turbulence and never climbed out again.


Xiao Xuan's thesis turned out to be the calculation of turbulent flow structure!

Is this too exaggerated?

Could it be that Xiao Xuan really made a major breakthrough in the field of turbulence?

At that time, Horace Rambo, a hydrodynamicist in Eagle Country, once said: "I am very old. When I go to heaven to see God, I will ask him two questions, one is about quantum mechanics, and the other is about Turbulent. I guess there is an answer to the first question."

It can be seen from this.

If you want to figure out the structure of turbulent flow and the physical mechanism that produces it, I am afraid that even God does not know.

Since the birth of science, no physicist has been able to truly study through turbulence.

Can Xiao Xuan really do it?

On the high platform.

Xiao Xuan slowly opened his mouth while manipulating the PPT: "Turbulent flow is an irregular, chaotic and organized fluid movement that changes with time and space.

Similar to tumbling clouds, howling hurricanes, rushing rivers, rushing water from faucets, vortices generated by planes taking off and landing, the entire atmosphere of the earth, those gas vortices on the surface of Jupiter, etc., are all turbulence.

Turbulence can enhance fuel mixing, improve fuel efficiency, and have important effects on atmospheric circulation, ocean climate, weather forecast, etc.

Therefore, the study of turbulent flow has very deep theoretical significance and application value.

In today's paper, I start from the physical mechanism of turbulent flow, turbulent flow from smooth to turbulent, when and which molecule's movement disturbs the entire motion order, what determines a certain molecule suddenly becomes unstable at a certain moment, and the structural calculation of turbulent flow Equal angles, and the Navier-Stokes equation describing fluid motion [Tell me about turbulent flow in detail...

hear this.

All the students and professors present sat upright.

They listened intently to Xiao Xuan's dissertation.

If the structure of turbulent flow can really be calculated.

The entire physical world will usher in earth-shaking changes.

Xiao Xuan talked eloquently on stage: "The energy gradient theory in physics is used to study flow stability and turbulent transition.

It was found that in the transition flow, the mechanical energy gradient along the normal direction of the streamline in the flow field has an unstabilizing effect on the flow, while the mechanical energy gradient along the streamline direction has a stabilizing effect on the flow, and the stability of the flow depends on this The ratio of two quantities, this ratio is a dimensionless variable, is defined as an energy gradient function, and its physical meaning is ten local Founeau numbers.

Whether the turbulent transition occurs or not depends on the size of the energy gradient function in the flow field and the dimensionless amplitude of the disturbance.

Under the action of unsteady disturbance, when the vector direction of the total mechanical energy gradient at a certain position in the flow field is perpendicular to the velocity vector, the value of the local energy gradient function becomes infinite, and this point becomes the singularity of the Naver-Stokes equation.

At this singular point, the velocity of the flow direction suddenly becomes zero, the velocity peaks, and the pressure peaks.

In fact, this is where turbulence begins.

Everyone please look at the big screen.

The theoretical prediction of the flow field change is consistent with the experimental results, which is the 'burst' scene of the turbulent flow found in the experiment.

The Poisson equation analysis method is used to prove again that the point where the mechanical energy gradient and the velocity vector are perpendicular to each other is a singular point in the flow field.

Through rigorous mathematical proof, the necessary and sufficient condition for turbulent flow is the embarrassment point of Navier-Stokes equation in the flow field.

Turbulent flow is caused by the nonlinear instability caused by the singularity caused by the velocity discontinuity in the flow field.

Whether turbulence occurs or not depends entirely on the magnitude and direction of the mechanical energy gradient in the flow field.

The change of Renault number Re in Newtonian flow and the change of Deborah number De in non-Newtonian flow only affect the change of mechanical energy gradient.

The theoretical analysis results are consistent with a large number of experimental results and the direct numerical simulation results of the Navier-Stokes equation. "

Speaking of which.

Xiao Xuan continued: "My definition of turbulent flow is that turbulent flow is the most stable dynamic state of fluid under the dominance of the gradient of mechanical energy.

The maintenance of the turbulent flow state is achieved through the continuous non-linear instability of a large number of singular points in the flow field.

……ask for flowers…

if under certain conditions.

For example, if the Renault number is reduced, the nonlinear instability caused by the singularity of the Navier-Stokes equation in the flow field will gradually disappear, and the turbulent flow will become a laminar flow state..."

In the academic lecture hall.

Everyone was mesmerized.

Xiao Xuan explained the mystery of turbulent flow in detail in a simple way.

His theory subverts the original turbulence theory, is a brand-new turbulence theory system, and is the original innovative work of "from 0 to 1".


Xiao Xuan continued to explain turbulence.

He started from how turbulence changes from smooth to turbulent, the molecular motion of turbulent flow at a certain moment, certain molecules of turbulent flow suddenly become unstable at a certain moment, the irregular trajectory of turbulent flow, the internal results of turbulent flow, the calculation of turbulent flow structure...

All the secrets of turbulence.

At this moment, it is displayed in detail in front of everyone.

Following Xiao Xuan's narration.

The formulas displayed on the large screen are as many as hundreds of pages, contain thousands of formulas, and involve nearly a hundred references to previous literature.

The physics teachers present, while listening carefully, frantically verified in their notebooks.

However, it takes a lot of time to demonstrate this thesis.

They could only temporarily give up the argument and choose to match Xiao Xuan's explanation speed.

They didn't understand many places in the paper.

But overall.

There are no logical errors in this thesis.

Time passed slowly.

On the big screen, formulas and lemmas emerged one by one.

Xiao Xuan said loudly: "From the above differential equations and various formulas, the internal structure of turbulent flow can be thoroughly calculated!"

The voice fell.

The scene was silent at first.

Immediately afterwards, cheers erupted like a tsunami.

All the teachers and students in the lecture hall stood up, and the applause continued for a long time.

The turbulence problem is solved.

Xiao Xuan's first battle to become a god "is destined to scare the entire physics world!

In the academic lecture hall.

The students of the C10 Alliance all have fanaticism in their eyes at this moment.

Two hundred years.

Turbulence has always been the "cancer" of physics.

It has successively attracted many Excellent physicists, including many Nobel Prize winners.

The physics community always believes that the turbulent flow has not been solved in the past, and there is no hope of solving the turbulent flow now, and it is estimated that the turbulent flow will never be solved.

never thought...

Xiao Xuan, a young third-year student, actually solved the turbulence problem completely!

How incredible is this?

This moment.

The professors from White Cloud University and the C10 Alliance were all amazed.

The turbulence problem is solved, and at a minimum, it can better serve the industry.

For example, in the nuclear engineering industry, reduce the safety margin of thermal hydraulic design, improve the economy and safety of core design, and make better use of nuclear energy resources.

For example, in the field of ship design, better shape design can be obtained to make the ship sail faster and have a longer life.

Aviation, aerospace, shipbuilding, power, water conservancy, chemical engineering, marine engineering, meteorology, marine science, astronomy and other fields will usher in a new leap and step into a new round of industrial revolution.

The problem of turbulence is solved, and to a larger extent, it can unify physics.

From how dark matter and dark energy work, to the macroscopic operation process of the universe, to all the details of the quantum microscopic entanglement process, it can be simulated without any omission.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

Xiao Xuan can easily win the Nobel Prize in Physics just by solving the turbulence problem!

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