Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 601 This is love~

Looking at Leng Yuan, whose cheeks were bulging from sucking, Li Mo silently glanced at the milk tea in his hand. To be honest, he didn't like drinking sweet things, especially those with a greasy and sweet taste like taro.

He likes it lighter, and the original flavor is just right.

Leng Yuan narrowed her beautiful peach blossom eyes with satisfaction, feeling relieved and relaxed all over her body.

Leng Yuan has been addicted to sweet things since she was a child, especially milk tea. Every time she drinks milk tea, she will order taro flavor. She doesn't like the sweet taste with a little milk and a little fragrance.

She opened her half-lidded eyes and glanced at Li Mo. She saw Li Mo frowning slightly and taking a sip of milk tea. It didn't seem to be to his liking, and his frown deepened.

He just felt that the taste was too sweet and cloying.

"Don't like the taste?" Leng Yuan couldn't help but asked.

Li Mo put one hand in his pocket and glanced at the milk tea in Leng Yuan's hand. To his surprise, he had already finished half of the milk tea, which was completely different from the one who had just taken a sip.

"It's okay!" Li Mo withdrew his gaze and replied calmly.

He was a little confused about his current situation, why he helped the guy in front of him again and again, and lied to her mother on his behalf.

【This is love~~~】

Li Mo: "..."

"What's wrong?"

Li Mo: "It's nothing." He said concisely and comprehensively.

"Oh!" Leng Yuan obviously didn't believe it. She could see that Li Mo didn't seem to like drinking sweet things, so why did he choose the same flavor of milk tea as hers? Couldn't he just choose the original flavor? .

[This is love~~~] Xiaoji’s roar like a ghost crying or a wolf howling sounded again.

Li Mo subconsciously held the milk tea in his hand, and pursed his thin lips tightly.

Crazy again? He mocked the system in his mind.

[Host, I found that you have been very abnormal recently, very abnormal, extremely abnormal. 】Xiaoji said in a serious tone.

Li Mo: "..."

It's really not normal. I haven't called you a dog for a long time.


Li Mo quietly took another sip of milk tea, and instantly, the sweet fragrance rippled on his lips and tongue.

How could this guy drink something so sweet?

"Pfft hahahaha!" Leng Yuan finally couldn't help but laugh out loud. Her smile was bright and her hand holding the milk tea cup was trembling.

She could never imagine that a grown man could drink milk tea like this.

So damn cute!

The serious look of drinking milk tea is so cute!

【This is love~~】

Li Mo: "..." Shut up!

He looked at Leng Yuan, who was smiling wildly, and almost crushed the milk tea cup with his fingers. He was slightly annoyed. He had performed so many tasks. What kind of person had he not seen before? Why did he only appear in front of this guy every time? embarass.

Looking at Li Mo, who had no expression on his face and was exuding air-conditioning, Leng Yuan finally realized that something was not going well.

She immediately suppressed her laughter and calmed down her emotions, "Sorry, I just thought of something fun. I was definitely not laughing at you."

Li Mo looked at her with eyes that seemed to say, do you think I'm stupid?

Leng Yuan: "..."

All right! She just thinks this guy is so funny.

I can't laugh anymore, but I can't make this guy angry.

"Help! Help!"

"Someone robbed!"

Leng Yuan was stunned for a moment. She quickly raised her eyes and saw a woman standing on the street shouting for help.

However, there were not many people on this street. If there were any, they would just stand there and watch the excitement, with no intention of going up to help.

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