Rebirth: Noble Woman, Poisonous Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 63: Dong Mingzhong

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn noble lady concubine!

Qingle was very relieved, his eyes flashed with tears, his eyes glanced at him, and suddenly he saw a figure standing at the door, and the tears couldn't stop.

In just a few months, Qin Yu has become a lot older, exhausted all over her body, suddenly lost her child, and blame herself for worry. She dared not blink for a few months, fearing that she would hear bad news.

This will see Qingle safe and sound, Qin Yu completely relieved.

Seeing the reunion of his parents, Qin Beixuan was relieved and gave the time to the two. He couldn't wait to rush to one place.

"Miss, the second son Qin is here." Bi Chen's voice couldn't help but jump a little, and turned to look at Xiao Shaojiu in the room.

Xiao Shaojie shook his hands and felt a little excited, but soon recovered his calmness, looked down at the writing on the table, and Juan Xiu's small print was neat.

Qin Beichen stepped towards the door step by step, Bi marks stepped down with interest, Qin Beizhen stepped across the room, his eyes fixed on the shadow of Qian Qian near the table.

It's been almost a year since Xiao Shao came out more watery, with a touch of charming charm hidden between his eyebrows, his face looks stunning, and his eyes are flowing with heart-warming colors.

"Xiao Shaoyu?" Qin Beichen called softly.

Xiao Shaojiu listened to his ears numb, set aside the pen tip, raised his eyes and looked at Qin Beichen. The man in front of him looked more and more expensive and domineering, his eyes staring hotly at himself.

Xiao Shao's throat tightened, "You are back."

Qin Beixuan strode to the table and looked down at the handwriting on the table. From the graceful show at the beginning to the tension later, the performance was vivid.

Xiao Shaojiu flushed, and immediately put away the paper on the table, but Qin Beixi was almost one step closer to her arm, crossed her body, and forced her into her arms. The nose still had the familiar aroma.

Xiao Shao shuddered, and his body was still in his arms, his nose was sore.

"It will be fine in the future, and no one will dare to bully you. In the future, you can still be arrogant and bully, and bully whoever you want.

Qin Beichen lowered his voice and whispered in Xiao Shaojiao's ear, Xiao Shaojiao raised his eyes, his eyes were astonishingly bright.

"Wasn't I a street mouse, everyone shouted?"

Qin Beixuan's eyes smiled slightly, and he reached out and touched Xiao Shao's eyes. The pair of apricots with watery eyes and bright eyes were all good. It was his favorite place.

Qin Beichen lowered her head and kissed her eyes, Xiao Shaoxi closed her eyes subconsciously, only to feel that the eye sockets were cool, and the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted.

"So what, you are you, I don't even protect my wife."

Qin Beixuan embraced Xiao Shaoxi's waist with one hand, and lowered his head to play with her hair.

The smile on Xiao Shaojiao's face closed, and he suddenly looked at Qin Beichen. "Now that you have the final say, can you agree with me?"

"It is a fact that King Dingbei's rebellion is a crime, and his family should be plagiarized, but it ’s reasonable to say that his family members did not know about it and did not participate in it. I will not investigate this matter."

Qin Beiyu knew what she was going to say, and then said, "Jiang Jinyu was a valiant when he served as a guard with a knife. He saved the emperor once. The emperor gave the King of the Kings a place to appease the king, so rest assured.

The matter of Dingbei Palace was indeed worried by Xiao Shaoyu, but he was also afraid of Qin Beihua's embarrassment, and now he has no scruples.

"Thank you very much." Xiao Shaozhen leaned his head gently in the arms of Qin Beichen, listening to the strong heartbeat near his ear.

"Father-in-law said that you will be officially filial next month." Qin Beichen suddenly said, "Are you ready?"

The person in his arms nodded, and Qin Beichen's smile grew stronger.

After leaving Xiangfu, the smile on Qin Beizhen's face converged by three points, became cold, and walked step by step toward Qin Guogong.

The next person met Qin Beixun and immediately rejoiced and approached him. Today, Qin Beixun's identity is not ordinary. Tomorrow will be Qin Beixun's ascension ceremony.

Qin Beizhen carried a long sword and approached the Indus Hospital step by step. He had to settle the account himself.

Under the corridor, Qin Yao was accompanying Zhen Qin and Madam Qin to talk, and her mood became more and more irritable, and suddenly the door was knocked open with a kick.

Mrs. Qin immediately raised her eyes, and when she saw it was Qin Beichen, her face sank. "Why are you still so ignorant of the rules, no matter how big or small, what do you do?"

In these days, Mrs. Qin and Zhen Qin have been banned from footing, and have been isolated from outside news, so what happened is not known.

Qin Beichen lifted his eyes and glanced at Mrs. Qin, hooking her lips, "I am here to avenge my brother."

Qin Yao heard that his face was a little embarrassed, and he could not escape it.

Mrs. Qin snorted, "What nonsense, Qin Dongsun's life and death have anything to do with us, when is it time to take your Qin Dongsun to talk about things, stir things up, it's been disturbed since childhood."

Madam Qin, relying on her being an elder, coupled with a lot of frustration these days, met Qin Beiyu at this moment, and could not help but erupt.

"What kind of parenting and what kind of son is up to you is just as abominable as your annoying mother. You can do all sorts of things off the table all day ..."

Qin Yao dragged Mrs. Qin, "Grandma ..."

Qin Bei chuckled and glanced at Qin Yao. "If you admit that you're wrong with my elder brother's tablet, I'll spare your son's life, what?"

Qin Yao paused, pursed his lips and stared at Qin Beixuan, the next moment a guard appeared holding Qin Dongxuan's tablet.

"You're crazy!" Madam Qin was still saying something, glaring at Qin Beixuan, but seeing Qin Yao bending, he directly fell on his knees.

"The emperor said, Wei Chen dare not obey."

Mrs. Qin froze. She couldn't believe her ears and turned her head to look at Qin Yao. "Emperor? Where is the emperor here? Yaoer, what are you talking about?"

"Grandmother, tomorrow is the day of the third brother's ascension. The death knell three days ago, the emperor has died, and the seventh emperor will place the throne in the third brother, and the third brother will be the new emperor from now on."

Qin Yao's brief words made Madam Qin startled, and she took a few steps back and looked at Qin Beichen in disbelief.

"This ... How is this possible, how could he be emperor?"

Qin Yao slammed his head three times against the tablet, and soon his forehead became red and swollen.

"Yao'er!" Zhen Qin looked back, watching Qin Yao scratch his head at the tablet, very dissatisfied, and turned to look at Qin Beichen.

"We are all your elders, aren't you afraid of being condemned by doing this?"

Saying that Qin Beixuan took a step closer with his sword, Zhen Qin was stunned by his grief, and Shu shut up.

"Qin Yao, if you decide by yourself, how about I let them go?"

Qin Beixuan threw the sword to the ground, Qin Yao took a hold, looked up at Qin Beixuan, "Do you really want to do such a great job?"

Qin Beixun nodded.

"Yaoer, no." Madam Qin bustled Qin Yao and kneeled down on the ground to give Qin Bei a hoe. "It's my fault. It's all my idea. Kill me if you want to kill. It has nothing to do with Yaoer."

Qin Beixuan stooped, "If there is no result in a cup of tea, I will decide for you."

Mrs. Qin has never seen such a savage Qin Beizhen, and was shocked and angry, hoping that someone could come to their rescue, but unfortunately, there were no human figures appearing outside the door.

Qin Yao held his sword tightly in his hands, and looked at Qin Beichen coldly.

"Yaoer!" Zhen Qin shook her head. "No, no, Qin Beizhen, you let Yaoer, I'll get my life."

Qin Yao is the only son of Zhen Qin. For Qin Yao, she lost her husband, raised Qin Yao alone, taught him to be a man, and taught him to fight. Qin Yao was not allowed to be a little bit worse than the two children in the second room. In order to let Qin Junting see clearly, she won Qingle.

Qin Yao took a deep breath and glanced at Qin Beichen, "I hope you can do it."

After speaking, Qin Yao shoved away the two of them. The two were caught off guard. Qin Yao leaned his sword against his neck. Quickly dyed clothes.

Qin Yao shook his body, supported his sword with his hand, and stared at Qin Beichen.

When Qin Beizhen turned his head and walked away, the tall back gradually moved away.

"Yaoer!" The two shouted sternly, Qin Beixuan could not hear.

Qin Guogong was standing not far from the door. Qin Guogong was ten years old in an instant and lost two grandsons in just one year.

"Nothing, this account is clear today, and your heart should be gone."

Qin Bei's jaw head, "Grandfather rest assured, grandson knows well. When it's dark, it's better to arrange for them to leave Kyoto. As long as they don't pick things, grandson will never do anything."

Qin Guogong froze, then nodded, looking at his little grandson getting better and better, the means were like an emperor.

In a blink of an eye, the white of Kyoto was replaced with a festive red, and today is the wedding of the empress

Xiao Shaojie was called up early in the morning. The mother-in-law's wife was busy, and everyone had a happy smile on her face.

Rong Huan commanded, happy and reluctant, his eyes reddish, and he helped Xiao Shaoyan comb his hair.

Xiao Shaojiu was still a little confused. He looked at himself in the mirror quietly. He wore a red wedding dress and a full twelve floors. On it was a huge phoenix embroidered with gold threads. Fluttering to fly, soaring in the sky.

"The queen maiden is the most beautiful bride the old slave has ever seen." A lady smiled and praised. Xiao Shaojiu is now wearing a phoenix crown, a noble person who is noble and beautiful.

Everyone in the room looked very stunning. The daughters of Xiangfu were very expensive, and all of them had good fortune. The two daughters of a family are the mothers of a country, which is rare.

Xiao Shaojiao slowly stood up, opened his hands, and the golden phoenix on his body became more and more dazzling, making everyone respect.

Everyone kneeled, "Congratulations to the Queen's wife for her wedding, Chitose Chitose Chitose."

Xiao Shaoxu raised his hand across the air, "Get up."

As soon as the crowd got up, someone outside shouted, "Jishi is here, get on the sedan!"

Xiao Jing came in, bending down and lowering himself in front of Xiao Shaojiao, Xiao Shaojiao held back his tears and lay on Xiao Jing's back.

"Little ten, be happy."

Xiao Shaojiao nodded, "Brother, rest assured, Xiaoshi understands, brother must be happy."

Xiao Jing walked very steadily, and put Xiao Shaoyu into the sedan chair carried by sixteen people. Rong Huai was already crying. He saw Xiao Shaohua being carried away by everyone.

The distance from Xiangfu to the imperial palace is not too far away. The team of Huajiao is too long. The head has entered the palace, but the tail has just left Xiangfu.

Ten miles of red makeup envied others, and the people stood side by side watching, and couldn't help talking about it, mostly praise.


The plaque of Dingbei Palace has been taken away, and now the bare one looks a bit abrupt.

A carriage stopped at the door and a man came down.

Jiang Jinyu sat in the gazebo listening to the sound of the horns in his ears. It is not necessary to know that the outside must be a lively and prosperous wedding. There are three or four bottles of wine on the table.

"On such a good day, but you are drinking alone, you might as well bring me one."

Lian Xuan sat opposite Jiang Jinyu, held up his drink, and drank it.

Jiang Jinyu froze, "see?"

Lian Xuan nodded, "I saw it, Shili red makeup, it can be seen that the emperor has laid down the capital, this is the first time in such a large scene, and seeing her get married is also a matter of thought."

Today Lian Xuan came to say goodbye. It's time to return to the land, but he just came over to say goodbye to his old friend.

Jiang Jinyu smiled when he heard the words, "I thought that after waiting for so many years, I would decide between you and me. Who can think of the impermanence of the world and actually came up with a Qin Beiyu, it is really a mess."

Lian Xuan pours his hands and shakes his head with a smile. "Recalling that when we grew up together, we were carefree. How can there be so many annoying things, now we grow up and go our separate ways. I don't know when I can meet in the future. "

Jiang Jinyu sneered and drank several glasses of wine in a row, and even Lian Xuan tasted it. Before he left, he suddenly said, "Jiang Jinyu, Luoyang scolded her that night, she became ill for a few days and dreamed all day. It was Mrs. Xiao while taking advantage of The Buddha ’s birthday brought her a touch of buddha. In fact, she did n’t know anything. I even missed my birthday. It was a congratulatory gift later. ”

Jiang Jinyu frowned, suddenly remembering the situation that day.

Lian Xuan sighed. "Also, in fact, the person she chose at first was you, but it was unfortunate."

Jiang Jinyu raised her eyes and stared at Lian Xuan. Lian Xuan said, "I was married that night, and she cried by hiding by the pool alone. All her words were in your mouth. Later I figured it out, I wanted to block the imperial edict, but I didn't want to. There was something wrong with the old lady of the Prime Minister. "

The rest of the words Jiang Jinyu could no longer listen. He held the wine bottle and looked at Lian Xuan's figure further and further.

Jiang Jinyu suddenly smiled bitterly, and her heart seemed to be torn by people, and she felt a salty taste in her mouth, a bit bitter.

In fact, he has always blamed Xiao Shaozhen, and has long regarded Xiao Shaohuan as his own, and does not want her to be in contact with anyone.

Because of the presence of Qin Beiyu, Jiang Jinyu was confused, passive, and misunderstood Xiao Shaoyu. He knew she was stubborn and never explained anything, but hurt her again and again.

Mrs. Xiao died of illness, and Dingbei's royal palace avoided her. For fear of bad contamination, she was anxious to write it down. Xiao Shaoyu at that time must be very sad.

Actually, he pushed away the most beloved one with his own hands. How Jiang Jinyu accepted this fact, the crystals flowing out of his eyes were full of regrets, and he should stay with her regardless of everything.

It's too late to say anything now, Jiang Jinyu only hates her cowardice.

Not far outside the gazebo, Yingji listened to the words just before, her cheeks were full of tears, her hands gently stroking her lower abdomen, and her heartache was like angling.

She knew that Xu could not get Jiang Jinyu's heart in this life.

It was getting dark, and Xiao Shaojiao was wearing a heavy phoenix crown, and his neck was sore. The training urn in his ears persuaded him from time to time, but Xiao Shaojiao had no choice but to continue to stand.

After a while, a red figure appeared, and Xiao Shaoqi pouted his lips and pointed at the phoenix crown on his finger.

Qin Beixuan smiled, and personally approached his fingers to loosen Xiao Shaozhen's hair bun, took off the phoenix crown, and a black hair suddenly spread out like a waterfall.

Suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed back again, all untied, and said what's the use of the other side.

Qin Beizhen rubbed his neck for Xiao Shaozhen. Xiao Shaohuan could not stand under such a large crowd. He shrank and looked at Qin Beihua with shame.

"Let's go down." Qin Beixi waved his hands, and everyone quickly retreated.

Xiao Shaojie was relieved. "Oh, finally I can speak. I spoke the rules in my ear one night, and I heard cocoons in my ear. You are all right, there is no burden on you."

Qin Beizhen listened to her complaining, held her in her arms, and massaged gently. Xiao Shaozhen did not refuse, and snorted comfortably.

"There is a bath over there, a bubble bath can alleviate it." Qin Beixuan turned Xiao Shaozhen and turned to the next door. Sure enough, he saw a large pool with steam in it.

Xiao Shaojiu did not wait for the response, the layers of the wedding dress had been taken off, and Qin Beiji took her into the pool.

The warm water soaked in the body was really comfortable, Xiao Shaojiu was lying in the pool and humming comfortably.

At first I was afraid of her shyness, so I left a red blouse. After entering the water, the clothes were close to her body, and her bumpy figure was exposed, but she didn't know it.

Qin Beizhen gathered together, hugged her from behind, handed a glass of wine to her lips, Xiao Shaoyu subconsciously resisted.

"This is a glass of wine and you have to drink it."

Xiao Shaojie heard this, then he opened his mouth obediently, drank half of his body, and suddenly he was caught. The sound of water slammed, his jaw was pinched, and he covered it with a cool touch.

After a while, Qin Beixuan picked up Xiao Shaozhen and walked towards the bed step by step. Xiao Shaozhen looked down at Qin Beizhen with anxiety.

"Will it hurt?"

Qin Bei pursed his lips, his voice hoarse, "I'll be careful, just a moment."

Xiao Shaojiu blushed slightly, and his head was a little stubborn. The glass of liquor was hard liquor, and after a while alcohol was on his mind, but he forgot to be afraid.

Seeing her eyes blurred and conscious, Qin Beichen pinched her jaw with one hand, "Xiao Shaojiu, who am I?"

Xiao Shaojiu opened his eyes slightly, smiled brightly at Qin Beiqi, and revealed a hint of slyness, "You ... you are a husband."

—————————— Off topic ——————————

I've seen the suggestions of my friends. Nono will accept it humbly. This book is flawed. We will continue to improve it next time. Thank you for your support and supervision. Yes, it wo n’t change tomorrow. I want to see Xiao Jiu Xiao Baozi. Sorry, (write it if you have the chance). Nuo Nuo is in Xinwen, (the black-bellied grandfather adjusts Xiao Jiaofei) (author name: Yinuo Qianjin) is waiting for you ...

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