Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 1010: Ghost Pill

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, his eyes full of inquiry when he looked at Zhan Yihan. The other party is just a peak cultivator in the late stage of Nascent Soul, how can he dare to offend Man Domineering, and dare to use such an attitude towards himself.

"Aren't you afraid that you can't get out of this Demon Sea City?" the middle-aged man threatened coldly.

"Then try it." Zhan Yi smiled coldly.

The middle-aged man suddenly laughed, looking at Zhan Yihan's eyes full of appreciation, "Have the courage!" He hadn't seen such a courageous young man for a long time, and the other party didn't feel mad for him. It's self-confidence, self-confidence that he can retreat.

At this time, a subordinate walked in, walked to the middle-aged man and handed him a piece of paper.

The middle-aged man took the paper and glanced at it, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, and looked at the three of Zhan Yihan, "You have defeated Man Batian?" He received a message from Man's family, saying that Sanguoyan was killed. Now, those people who killed Sanlangyan will most likely come to his auction and let him control them.

He felt something strange. Man Batian was Man Batian's son. Man Batian had been killed. Man Batian must have come to Mohai City a long time ago. It is impossible for him to help control those people. So he sent someone to check what happened. He didn't expect that Man Batian had already been to Mohai City, and he had already fought against these three people. What made him most unbelievable was that Man Batian had lost. .

Zhan Yihan nodded. There is nothing to hide from this kind of thing.

Seeing Zhan Yihan admit that the middle-aged man and the young man beside him, as well as the monks who had bid with Zhan Yihan before, all showed incredible expressions.

Especially the monk who bid with Zhan Yihan and the others before, his legs were frightened. If it weren't for a table to support him, he would have been sitting on the ground at this time. Was his mind flooded before? How can you bid with such a powerful person. The powerhouse like Man Batian suffered a loss in their hands, let alone him.

Secretly glanced at Su Jinyue's trio, and saw that their attention was not on them, and they tiptoedly moved towards the door. He has to leave here quickly, otherwise there may be no chance to leave.

"You hide your cultivation base? Who are you?" The middle-aged man looked at Zhan Yihan carefully, and kept thinking about similar characters in his mind. Man Batian is a cultivator during the Tribulation Period, and the opponent's ability to defeat Man Batian's cultivation base is certainly not weaker than Man Batian. How could such a monk be anonymous.

"Is the transaction complete?" Zhan Yihan asked Tian Fengxun, who looked aside. He didn't want to answer the other party's question.

Tian Fengxun nodded.

"Let's go." Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand to hold Su Jinyue's hand and walked outside.

Tian Fengxun suffocated a smile, and followed Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue. It can be seen from the manner of this middle-aged man that he is not an ordinary person, and I am afraid that no one dares to treat him like this yet.

Seeing Su Jinyue and the three leaving behind, the middle-aged man's eyes were thoughtful. Who are they?

Su Jinyue and the three returned to the small courtyard of the Ye family brothers and sisters, and the Ye family brothers and sisters were still practicing.

Tian Fengxun took out the jade box and handed it to Su Jinyue, "Master Su, please!"

Su Jinyue nodded, took the jade box and put it in her storage ring, "I promise you will see a healthy and healthy North City Lord in three days."

"Good." Tian Fengxun nodded happily, his eyes full of expectation.

Man Batian sat on the main seat with a gloomy expression in the Man's house in Haiman City. This time he not only lost his son and was seriously injured, but also embarrassed. He couldn't swallow this breath anyway.

"Patriarch! How about I take the third elder and the seventh elder to Demon Sea City again." The elder said. Except for the Patriarch, their strength is the highest in the Man Family. This time the Patriarch underestimated the enemy too much. Now that they knew the details of the other party, it was impossible to follow the other party's way again.

Man Batian pondered for a moment, "In addition to the three of you, I will bring another twenty spirits.

English disciples, I want them to be ashamed and ashes. "If he hadn't recovered from his injury, he would definitely lead the team personally.

"Yes!" the elder replied. He was going to meet those three people to see what roles they were.

Su Jinyue put the refined ghost pill into the jade bottle, and stepped to the front of the formation. With a flick of his finger, a ghost pill entered the North City Lord's mouth accurately.

Following the entrance of the pill, the North City Lord began to emit black air in a short time.

The expression on the North City Lord's face changed to a hideous look, and a painful color appeared in his sullen eyes. As the overflowing black air grew more and more, the North City Lord finally couldn't help screaming.

As time passed, the black energy on the North City Master changed from less to more, and then from more to less, until the last trace of black energy overflowed, and the North City Master fell weakly towards the ground and passed out.

With a move of Zhan Yihan's mind, the North City Lord moved out of his own small world. This is his secret. If one less person knows it, one less person knows it.

When the sky lit up again, the North City Lord on the bed opened his eyes. He looked around, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. He remembered that he and Tian Fengxun went to the Demon Realm, and in order to save the monks, he accidentally inhaled the black energy in the Demon Realm.

Then he was tortured by the black energy in his body until he could no longer support it. When he wanted to explode, he found that he could not explode at all. He should be dead, or he would have become a puppet a long time ago, but why does this feel so clear?

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and then Tian Fengxun was seen walking in.

"North City Lord, how are you feeling now?" Tian Fengxun walked to the side of Bei City Lord and looked at him with concern.

"Am I not dead?" North City Lord asked uncertainly. He heard that after inhaling the black energy of the Demon Realm, unless he can find the Cold Spirit Ghost Flower and refining it into a ghost pill, he will become a puppet and wander in the Demon Realm forever. What is the difference between a puppet without a soul and dead?

Tian Fengxun smiled and shook his head, "The devilish energy in your body has been removed. It is the help of Sect Master Su and Zhan Sect Master. We are now in the Demon Heaven Continent."

"Motian Continent?" The North City Lord opened his eyes in disbelief.

Tian Fengxun nodded and smiled: "Now you are fine, we will return to the Tianyue Continent after we go to deal with some things." He was really happy to see his friend recover.

"What are you going to deal with?" North City Lord asked. He now feels that his whole person is dumbfounded, but he is very lucky that he has not become a puppet.

Tian Fengxun briefly said what happened in these days, "This is how it is, we will leave for Haiman City after you cultivate for two days."

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